Alward Action
Friday September 29, 2023
A Message from Mrs. Mucha......
Happy Hudsonville Homecoming! It has been a wonderful whirlwind of a week :) It was so much fun dressing up each day for our spirit days! We ended our week with an outdoor pep rally with high school superfans, marching band, cheerleaders and football players. We even had a race between a football player and Mr. Custer, ask your kids who won!
As we move into October next week, teachers will be reaching out with additional details for our fall parties. Any party volunteers must complete a background check. Please complete this at least a week in advance, background checks need to be completed each year. Alward will have an outdoor costume parade, weather permitting, on Tuesday, 10/31 at 1:30pm. Families are welcome to attend but must remain outside for the parade. In regards to costumes, please remember: no fake gore/blood, no weapons of any kind, must be able to use the bathroom in costume or remove their costume independently.
Our PTC Under the Sea walk-a-thon is in full swing! We have 20 more days before Walk-A-Thon on October 19th and we have already raised $12,195.00! We are so thankful for the generosity of our community! This money goes directly to supporting Alward students and PTC events throughout the year. More details for the Walk-A-Thon event to come soon!
Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff, we are so grateful for the Alward community.
Take care and S.O.A.R. on!
Heidi Mucha
PE News
Students are off to a great start to the school year! We've been working on Teamwork skills and then 2nd-4th graders have moved on to Fitness Testing.Even though we call them fitness tests, students know it's just a way to measure their fitness levels. All emphasis is based on doing their personal best, setting goals for next time, and making improvements. Improement=Success! Students have completed the Mile Run, Sit-ups and the Pacer Run so far.
3rd and 4th grade students have also started using the Heart Rate Monitors in PE. They LOVE the challenge of getting their heart rate "In the Zone"!
Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st graders have been playing games and doing stations that focus on locomotor skills, tossing and catching (overhead catch, underhand catch and basket catch).
Coming up in October is Bowling!
Like and Follow the Alward PE Facebook page for even more info and pictures!
PE Apparel Sale is open!
Orders will be accepted at
through October 17 and will be sent home with your student the week of November 6. Check out the flyer for more details!
Our goal this year is to have our students participate in a fun activity that they have enjoyed for many years. This event for our students will not only raise money but will help us come together as a school community and have a fun day!
This event will go to helping fund our programs like One School/One Book, Literacy Month, Family Events, Popcorn Days and playground improvements. This is the school's main fundraiser and allows us to plan all the fun events throughout the year for the students, as well as support staff needs. Please support our school by registering and sharing your child's page!
Picture Retake Day Weds October 18
PTC News............
Meet our 2023/2024 Alward PTC Board!
They can always be reached with any questions via email at
Co-President: Audra Kotman
Co-President: Stacey VanderBent
Co-Vice President: Allie Gonzalez
Co-Vice President: Ali Westhuis
Treasurer: Marissa Zylstra
Assistant Treasurer: Tom Holmes
Secretary: Heather Kleinjans
Teacher Representative: Rachel VanKoevering, 1st Grade
Please join us for the first Alward PTC meeting of the school year! Monday, Oct 2, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Alward Elementary Library.
Meeting Agenda:
Meet the new PTC board
Volunteer Opportunities
Walk-a-thon Update
Upcoming Fall/Holiday events + more!
Volunteers Needed for the Book Fair
Senior Golden Age Pass
Birthday Treats
Due to the number of food allergies in the school, we ask that you please bring in non food items for birthday treats. Please see examples below.
bouncy balls, fidgets, putty
crayons, markers, pencils
bubbles, slime, balloons
Breakfast will be served starting at 8:35.
Breakfast consists of cereal, milk, juice, fresh fruit, and a cookie/cracker bar.
Students that eat breakfast at school will eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Once students are done eating, they will be sent back to class.
If your child will be eating breakfast at school, please contact your classroom teacher so that we know to send them down to the cafeteria the first week of school.
2023-24 School Year: Michigan Public School Students Prek-12 will receive Breakfast and Lunch at NO CHARGE.
Michigan approved Healthy School Meals for All. The budget will fund FREE school meals for all public K-12 students in Michigan for the 2023-24 School Year.
**** Districts MUST still collect Free/Reduced Meal Applications. We still need to verify eligibility levels for proper accounting of meals. ****
New! Family Portal:
- Apply for Free and Reduced Price Meal benefits! Free and Reduced Meal Benefits are based on household size, income amount (gross), and income frequency. GOOD NEWS: any family that qualifies for Reduced Price Meal benefits will receive breakfast and lunch at NO COST.
- You will need to register a new account to monitor accounts or deposit online; Send Money to School accounts no longer exist. You will need your students ID to create an account. You will receive your students ID on their student profile sheet at the open house. Please make a note of it!
- Regardless of benefits status, Milk-only purchases remain at $0.50 per carton. Milk is included as part of the whole MEAL benefit. If your child(ren) qualify for free or reduced price meals and all they want is a carton of milk, their account will be charged 50 cents.
Our website is loaded with information. Please click on any of these links for more information:
- Digital Menus by Nutrislice (look for updates in August to Nutrislice)
- How Meal Service Works and Depositing Money
- Meal Charge Policy
- Follow us on Social Media!!
Contact us:
Phone: (616) 457-2400
October Food Menu
Please check out our website for important information on Health Services.
Alward Elementary Attendance
Please send us an email if your child will be late or absent
You are still welcome to call our office 616-669-6700 option 1 if you would like to speak with one of our Administrative Assistance or have any questions.
NEW email address to report your student absent or late.
If your student will not be attending school due to illness or other reasons, please call or email the office before 9:15 am. Students who are not called in by a parent/guardian will be marked with an unexcused absence.
If your student will be late, arriving after 8:50 am, please call or email the office in the morning. Any students arriving after 8:50 am must be signed in by a parent/guardian.
If your student will be late and needs a hot lunch, please let us know when you call. Hot lunch needs to be ordered by 10 am.
Planned absences of more than 3 days require a vacation request form to be filled out. Forms can be picked up in the office or emailed to you. Please turn in vacation request forms at least 5 days prior to the planned absence.
Change in Transportation Home At the End of the School Day
If your child is going to have a change in transportation home at the end of the school day, please contact the main office to let them know of the change prior to 3:00 p.m. We want to ensure that the classroom teachers are notified in a timely fashion prior to end of day dismissal procedures.
Student drop-off and pick-up are very busy times during a normal school year in the school driveway and hallways. If you are dropping your child off in the carline, please remain in your vehicle and follow the procedures below.
Car Line Drop-off Procedures:
1. Please place the placard sign, pictured below, in your passenger side window of your car with your child/ren's names and teacher's name listed. You will receive two car signs at open house. Additional signs can be picked up in the office if needed. If you can, please put a name tag on your child along with his/her classroom teacher's name to help us get students to their correct classroom.
2. Use the car loop on the west side (office side) of the building.
3. Stay in the right lane and drop off your child in the drop-off zone. Zone will be marked with cones. Please pull all the way to either the stop sign for the unloading zone or to the car in front of you.
4. Students will exit the cars on the passenger side of the car in the unloading zone. (Do not allow students to exit the car on the driver’s side for safety reasons!) Staff will help child/children get out of the car and direct them to the door that they will go in.
5. Parents remain in their vehicles.
6. Do not pass cars in the car line. Stay in a single file line until the cars move in front of you.
7. If you want to walk your PK/K child to their line up spot, you must park in the parking lot and cross at the crosswalk. Parents will need to say their goodbyes at the line up spot.
To Keep Our Line Moving Tips:
Follow the procedures noted above.
Say your goodbyes and give kisses prior to dropping off in the car line. :)
Have backpacks/supplies ready to exit car with students.
Parents need to remain in their vehicles.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding with our system and procedures. Safety is our number one concern for our students and their families.
Car Line Pick-up Procedures
PK-4th Grade Students
3:45 p.m.
1. Please put the placard sign, pictured below in your passenger side window of your car with your child/ren's names and teacher's names listed. You will receive two car signs at open house. Additional signs can be picked up in the office if needed.
2. Use the car loop on the west-side (office side) of the building.
3. Stay in the right lane and pull up to the orange cone on the far west side of the parking lot or behind the cars in front of you.
4. Students will be walked out in groups to the car line and must enter cars on the passenger side of the vehicle.
5. If you need to help your child buckle his/her car seat, please pull forward with the flow of traffic, park in a parking spot, and help your child buckle his/her car seat.
To Keep Our Line Moving Tips:
Follow the procedures noted above.
Parents need to remain in their vehicles.
Please be patient with this system for the first few weeks of school. Once students, staff, and families get used to the process, the line moves efficiently and is safe for all of our students!
Based on last year’s car line data, the car line takes 4-5 minutes to load 60 cars!
At Open House, you will receive a car tag for the arrival and dismissal car line. Please write your child’s/children’s names and classroom teacher's names as well.
If you need additional car tags, you can get them from our office staff.
All volunteers and visitors are required to have a background check on file. Background Checks must be completed every school year. Please complete the background check now so you are all set for the school year!
- Visit Our Website: Our school website will be updated on a regular basis as it will be the main source of information for our parents and community members. Past newsletters will be linked under NEWS.
School Messenger: Regular communication from school messenger will be sent out via email, phone calls, or text messages to keep you in the loop on what is taking place at Alward!
Social Media: Follow our story by liking us Facebook
Google Classrooms: Teacher google sites are linked under staff members. Teachers will be updating their Google Classroom Sites on a weekly basis.
Location: 3811 Port Sheldon Street, Hudsonville, MI, USA
Phone: 616-669-6700
Community Education
I'm excited to share some great news with you - registration for some of our most popular programs is now open! You can sign up for the boys' basketball league, our wrestling clinic, and lots of other fantastic programs. I appreciate your ongoing support of Hudsonville Community Education! Check Out Hudsonville Community Education's Fall Offerings
Rebecca Fabiano
Director of Community Education
Bible Club is BACK at Alward Elementary on THURSDAYS
Protect Young Eyes Event @ Fairhaven 10/16 6:30-8:00 PM
How to Create a Tech-Ready Home: Embracing the Tension between Careful,
Countercultural, and Confident (Parents and Caring Adults, 14+)
Although it’s not possible to create an internet-safe home, it is possible to create one that is internet SAFER. After well over a thousand presentations to parents, grandparents, and caregivers just like you and countless conversations, we’ve observed what it takes to have kids learn to use technology well. And we call it the PYE Core Values. This presentation breaks down these 5 foundational ideas.
Do you know what’s better than any parental control? Do you know why your router is the most
important digital device in your home? Do you understand the toxic trio? Do you know why TikTok is so intoxicating to young brains? Get ready for a ton of practical tips, solutions, and ideas you can implement.
Our desired outcomes include:
- A deep understanding of why multiple layers of protection are necessary and how they work together.
- Awareness of the hardware and software tools that support your digital goals.
- How to use practical solutions so that your family is prepared, balanced, and protected online.
Join Us
Monday, October 16
6:30-8:00 PM
2900 Baldwin St
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Cost: Free
Free registration is required at:
Miles of Smiles
Heritage Christian School Spring Children's Clothing and Toy Sale
The Heritage Christian School Spring Children's Clothing and Toy Sale for the Fall Season will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 12:00. Items for sale include a large selection of gently used infant to teen fall and winter clothes, athletic wear, coats and snow pants, hats and gloves, shoes, boots, sports equipment, toys, books, games, puzzles, baby equipment, maternity clothes, delicious baked goods and more. Located in the large gym at Heritage Christian at 6340 Autumn Dr., Hudsonville. Hope to see you there!