Principal Presler's Points...
Let's focus on day 1!
Pick Up and Drop Off @ GMS
All drop off students need to use the 120th entrance to the middle school. Please drive up to the front entrance drop off QUICKLY and exit (please do not drop off in the parking lot) through the parking lot back onto 120th. We need the Elder drive for our bus drivers from 7:30-8:00.
All pick-up students you may use our parking lot to wait for your middle school student. Please be very cautious of students and staff leaving. Again, please use 120th exit.
The first week of school we will be dismissing around 2:40 to allow adequate time for our busses to get to all the buildings and through the route
Bus Plan @ GMS
Before school:
Our buses will be parking in the south lot. Our students will exit the bus at 7:40 to the sidewalk that will lead them to grade level doors. Students that eat breakfast at school will enter the building at 7:45.
After school:
Our bussed students at the end of the day will be lined up in the same place (south lot) for students to get on the bus. This order will be the same every day! Students will be dismissed around 2:40 the first week or so of school to help get the process moving and kids home in a timely fashion.