Rocket Weekly for Staff
May 11th - May 15th
Dear RES Staff,
Simply put... Each and everyone of you is amazing!
We're heading into Week 5 and now we know that this is what the remainder of the school year will entail.
I know that there are many questions regarding next steps, end of year tasks, SLOs, evaluations, and many other topics. Over the course of the next couple of weeks these topics will be addressed. In advance, I thank all of you for your patience as information is slowly shared and implications discussed.
We're allowed to not feel ok!
Just as we tell our kiddos next, use your strategies... take a moment... ask for help...
Don't forget that each of you are human too and reach out if you need something!
We will get through this together and in the end, we will be a stronger school family!
Week at a glance
Below are links to regularly scheduled Meetings and Central Office Resources
- RES Zoom Meeting Schedule
- SMCPS Online Learning Playbook Site
- SMCPS Ongoing Imagine Learning Professional Development
- Ongoing Support from Imagine Learning - Office Hours for Carissa Martin
- Remote Learning Teacher PD Plan (All staff)
- Remote DSE Weekly Staff Plan (Special Education Staff)
PLEASE NOTE: Supervisors will be scheduling meetings as needed. Please be sure to check for calendar invites and the Online Learning Playbook Site for scheduled meetings.
All PLC and Meeting Agendas will be posted by 8am on the day of the meeting.
Monday, May 11th
*** Some changes in meetings were made due to Mrs. Batelka needing to attend the "Final Presentation" of the SMCM Students. In advance, thank you for your understanding!
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:00am - 9:30pm School-Wide Staff Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:30pm - 10:00am Para Team Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
1:00pm - 2:00pm Carissa Martin's Office Hours
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
3:45pm - 4:15pm MTSS Tier 1 Team Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
Tuesday, May 12th
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:00am - 10:00am Carissa Martin's Office Hours
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
9:00am - 9:30am 1st Grade PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:30am - 10:00am 2nd Grade PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
10:15am - 10:45 OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: ILL Understanding Reports
- Learn how to view reports and use the data to communicate progress or areas of need to parents.
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
10:00am - 10:30am Specialists PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
1:00pm - 1:30pm OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: IM 3rd - 5th Using Data
Learn how to use the Overview and key reports to monitor progress.
Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
1:30pm Special Education Para ZOOM
- Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
- ID: 989 3950 6584
- Password: 46W378
1:30pm 1:45pm - 2:15pm OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: IM K - 2nd Using Data
Learn how to use the Overview and key reports to monitor progress.
Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
1:15pm - 2:00pm IMT Meeting
- Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
2:00pm - 2:30pm Office Admin Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
2:30pm 3:15pm - 3:15pm 5th Grade EOY Planning Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:15pm - 4:15pm Special Education PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
5:30pm - 6:30pm Friends of Ridge (FOR) the Kids
- Click here to join the the ZOOM Meeting
Wednesday, May 13th
8:30am - 9:00am Office/Admin Zoom Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:00am - 10:00am Carissa Martin's Office Hours
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
9:00am - 9:30am IMT Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:30am - 10:00am School-Wide Staff Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
10:00am - 10:30am Kindergarten PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
10:15am 0 10:45am OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: Reviewing Portfolios
Learn how to review and give feedback on student recordings and written responses
Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
2:00pm - 2:30pm Office Admin Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
2:30pm - 3:15pm Pre-K PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:15pm - 3:45pm 3rd Grade PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:45pm - 4:15pm 4th Grade PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
Thursday, May 14th
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:00am - 10:00am Carissa Martin's Office Hours
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
10:00am - 10:30am Special Education PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
10:15am - 10:45am OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: The Playlist
- Creating Playlists to support scope and sequence learning
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
1:00pm - 1:30 OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: IM 3rd - 5th Offline Resources
Printable lessons and activities
Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
1:00pm Special Education Para ZOOM (OPTIONAL)
- Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
- ID: 882 8805 9509
- Password: KXi3N9
2:00pm - 2:30pm Office Admin Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
2:30pm - 3:15pm IMT Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:15pm - 3:45pm 5th Grade PLC Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:45pm - 4:15pm Collaborative Planning (Optional) - Teacher Directed
- Contact Mrs. Batelka if you would like her to set up a Zoom Break-Out Session to include multiple staff members
Friday, May 15th
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
9:00am - 10:00am MTSS Tier 2 Team Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
10:00am Special Education Para ZOOM
- Click here to join the Zoom Meeting
- ID: 913 3061 5568
- Password: yYQ5Nv
10:15am - 10:45am OPTIONAL PD with Carissa Martin: Action Areas Tools & Engaging Parents
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
1:00pm - 2:00pm Carissa Martin's Office Hours
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
2:00pm - 2:30pm Office/Admin Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
2:30pm - 3:14pm Para Team Meeting
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
3:15pm - 4:15pm School-Wide Staff Meeting and Break-Out Team Meetings
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
- Click here for the agenda
5:30pm Staff Zoom Gathering (Optional)
- Click here to join the ZOOM Meeting
upcoming events for next week
Click here for an overview of all Links to Visit Daily.
Monday, May 11th
Send Weekly Usage and Progress Email to individual families.
- Click here for RES Guidance Documents
- Click here for RES Staff shared resources
Sign up to be the ClassDojo Staff Member of the Day! Click here - Our kiddos love seeing you!
Update "Out of Office" Response: Per Dr. Smith, please use the following wording for your out of office response.
- All St. Mary's County Public Schools and Offices are closed in accordance with the announcement made by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and State Superintendent Dr. Karen Salmon, that all Maryland public schools are closed for the 2019-2020 school year.
- Click here for the template
MSDE is applying for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant, which funds the Striving Readers Grant. This grant has done great things for our county, teachers and students. MSDE has developed a brief Literacy Survey to act as a needs assessment, which is a requirement of the grant application. Click here to complete the survey if you teach ELA, are a special education teacher, or the IRT.
Elementary Writing Survey, Grades K-5: During the 2020-2021 SY the Elementary ELA team would like to facilitate a renewed focus on writing instruction. In order to get a sense of the current practices, areas to improve upon, and potential professional development needs, please complete the Elementary Writing Survey. This survey opens the week of May 11th.
Assign Math Custom Pathways (Grades 3rd - 5th) as needed. Exception: Special Education students unless suggestions have been provided by Mrs. Vanderwest.
Assign ILL Custom Playlists (Grades 3rd - 5th) for the week of May 11th if this has not been completed for students in 3rd - 5th.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Learning Language & Literacy.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Math.
Follow-up with families if a student did not reach the minimum usage for last week to see if assistance is needed. Click here for our RES Plan to Engage all Students and Families.
- Primary ILL minimum usage - approximately 70 minutes over the course of one week
- Primary IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
- Intermediate ILL & IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
Submit names of students if there has been no response from a family over a two week period with multiple contacts attempted (email, phone, ClassDojo).
- Click here to access the Staff Reporting Google Sheet
- Verify Parent Contact Log has been updated
Update Parent Contact Log as needed (classroom teachers).
Update Special Education Contact Log as needed.
Special Education Staff: Continue to think about 4th Quarter Progress Reports
- 4th quarter progress on essential goal areas during the closure will be reported before we close out the school year. For areas not addressed the department will provide a general statement to include in the progress updates. For those areas that you have targeted on your CLPs:
- Begin to develop ways to collect data on the identification of essential goal areas; this could be anecdotal and or performance-based.
- There are training scheduled for this week on how to run reports in the imagine platforms.
Special Education Staff: Review the Action Items for the Week of May 11th. Items include:
- 4th Quarter Progress reports
- Suggested questions to ask for print packet students
- Informational Items regarding related services, student participation/Grading Information
- Students assignment considerations
DIBELS 8th ed. Training Modules (Optional, Grades K - 5)
- Beginning in SY 2020-2021 SMCPS will be transitioning to DIBELS 8th edition as our universal screener for students in grades K-5.
- Step 1: Login to to your DIBELS Data System Account
Step 2: Once you have logged in, clicked on the “Go to My Courses” button
Step 3: When you get to the CTL Course Catalogue, scroll down and select “DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Training
Step 4: Work through the training modules at your own pace. Reach out to Cortney Dvorak or Kellie Hall if you have any questions.
Imagine Reading (Optional, Grades 3 - 5)
- Due to the extended school closure, students in grade 3-5 will be enrolled in Imagine Reading once they have completed all content in Imagine Language and Literacy.
- Teachers can view the following webinars and modules in Imagine University in order to become familiar with the Imagine Reading platform.
- Getting Started (IR) Webinar
- Instructional Design (IR)
- Review the Imagine Reading Quick Guide - Click here
OPTIONAL NGSS 101: Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Click here to access the Site
- NGSS 101 is a self-paced, optional opportunity to learn more about the NGSS
Tuesday, May 12th
Sign up to be the ClassDojo Staff Member of the Day! Click here - Our kiddos love seeing you!
Submit names of students if parents request print resources
Confirm receipt for any print packets that have not been confirmed. Click here to review the spreadsheet.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Learning Language & Literacy.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Math.
Follow-up with families if a student did not reach the minimum usage for last week to see if assistance is needed. Click here for our RES Plan to Engage all Students and Families.
- Primary ILL minimum usage - approximately 70 minutes over the course of one week
- Primary IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
- Intermediate ILL & IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
Submit names of students if there has been no response from a family over a two week period with multiple contacts attempted (email, phone, ClassDojo).
- Click here to access the Staff Reporting Google Sheet
- Verify Parent Contact Log has been updated
Update Parent Contact Log as needed (classroom teachers).
Update Special Education Contact Log as needed.
DIBELS 8th ed. Training Modules (Optional, Grades K - 5)
- Beginning in SY 2020-2021 SMCPS will be transitioning to DIBELS 8th edition as our universal screener for students in grades K-5.
- Step 1: Login to to your DIBELS Data System Account
- Step 2: Once you have logged in, clicked on the “Go to My Courses” button
- Step 3: When you get to the CTL Course Catalogue, scroll down and select “DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Training
- Step 4: Work through the training modules at your own pace. Reach out to Cortney Dvorak or Kellie Hall if you have any questions.
Imagine Reading (Optional, Grades 3 - 5)
- Due to the extended school closure, students in grade 3-5 will be enrolled in Imagine Reading once they have completed all content in Imagine Language and Literacy.
- Teachers can view the following webinars and modules in Imagine University in order to become familiar with the Imagine Reading platform.
- Getting Started (IR) Webinar
- Instructional Design (IR)
- Review the Imagine Reading Quick Guide - Click here
OPTIONAL NGSS 101: Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Click here to access the Site
- NGSS 101 is a self-paced, optional opportunity to learn more about the NGSS
Wednesday, May 13th
Sign up to be the ClassDojo Staff Member of the Day! Click here - Our kiddos love seeing you!
Submit names of students if parents request print resources
Confirm receipt for any print packets that have not been confirmed. Click here to review the spreadsheet.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Learning Language & Literacy.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Math.
Follow-up with families if a student did not reach the minimum usage for last week to see if assistance is needed. Click here for our RES Plan to Engage all Students and Families.
- Primary ILL minimum usage - approximately 70 minutes over the course of one week
- Primary IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
- Intermediate ILL & IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
Submit names of students if there has been no response from a family over a two week period with multiple contacts attempted (email, phone, ClassDojo).
- Click here to access the Staff Reporting Google Sheet
- Verify Parent Contact Log has been updated
Update Parent Contact Log as needed (classroom teachers).
Update Special Education Contact Log as needed.
DIBELS 8th ed. Training Modules (Optional, Grades K - 5)
- Beginning in SY 2020-2021 SMCPS will be transitioning to DIBELS 8th edition as our universal screener for students in grades K-5.
- Step 1: Login to to your DIBELS Data System Account
- Step 2: Once you have logged in, clicked on the “Go to My Courses” button
- Step 3: When you get to the CTL Course Catalogue, scroll down and select “DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Training
- Step 4: Work through the training modules at your own pace. Reach out to Cortney Dvorak or Kellie Hall if you have any questions.
Imagine Reading (Optional, Grades 3 - 5)
- Due to the extended school closure, students in grade 3-5 will be enrolled in Imagine Reading once they have completed all content in Imagine Language and Literacy.
- Teachers can view the following webinars and modules in Imagine University in order to become familiar with the Imagine Reading platform.
- Getting Started (IR) Webinar
- Instructional Design (IR)
- Review the Imagine Reading Quick Guide - Click here
OPTIONAL NGSS 101: Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Click here to access the Site
- NGSS 101 is a self-paced, optional opportunity to learn more about the NGSS
Thursday, May 14th
Sign up to be the ClassDojo Staff Member of the Day! Click here - Our kiddos love seeing you!
Complete FOR Survey regarding permission to share personal address.
- FOR Members would like to shower our staff with some joy to let us know they are thinking of us and appreciative all of our efforts.
- Addresses would need to be given to FOR Members, including parents.
- If staff are uncomfortable sharing their personal address, a FOR Member, who is also a RES Staff Member, will deliver the "Sprinkles of Joy!"
Review the Elementary Online LearningOur Continued Plan After May 15th 2020 and the Ideas for Elementary Enrichment document embedded in the Elementary Supervisors' Newsletter.
- Document will be reviewed in the Staff Meeting on Friday.
- Staff will discuss specifics during the Break-Out Sessions
MSDE is applying for the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant, which funds the Striving Readers Grant. This grant has done great things for our county, teachers and students. MSDE has developed a brief Literacy Survey to act as a needs assessment, which is a requirement of the grant application. Click here to complete the survey if you teach ELA, are a special education teacher, or the IRT. Please complete this survey if you did not do so on Monday.
Elementary Writing Survey, Grades K-5: During the 2020-2021 SY the Elementary ELA team would like to facilitate a renewed focus on writing instruction. In order to get a sense of the current practices, areas to improve upon, and potential professional development needs, please complete the Elementary Writing Survey. This survey opens the week of May 11th. Please complete this survey if you did not do so on Monday.
Submit names of students if parents request print resources.
Confirm receipt for any print packets that have not been confirmed. Click here to review the spreadsheet.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Learning Language & Literacy.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Math.
Follow-up with families if a student did not reach the minimum usage for last week to see if assistance is needed. Click here for our RES Plan to Engage all Students and Families.
- Primary ILL minimum usage - approximately 70 minutes over the course of one week
- Primary IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
- Intermediate ILL & IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
Submit names of students if there has been no response from a family over a two week period with multiple contacts attempted (email, phone, ClassDojo).
- Click here to access the Staff Reporting Google Sheet
- Verify Parent Contact Log has been updated
Update Parent Contact Log as needed (classroom teachers).
Update Special Education Contact Log as needed.
DIBELS 8th ed. Training Modules (Optional, Grades K - 5)
- Beginning in SY 2020-2021 SMCPS will be transitioning to DIBELS 8th edition as our universal screener for students in grades K-5.
- Step 1: Login to to your DIBELS Data System Account
- Step 2: Once you have logged in, clicked on the “Go to My Courses” button
- Step 3: When you get to the CTL Course Catalogue, scroll down and select “DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Training
- Step 4: Work through the training modules at your own pace. Reach out to Cortney Dvorak or Kellie Hall if you have any questions.
Imagine Reading (Optional, Grades 3 - 5)
- Due to the extended school closure, students in grade 3-5 will be enrolled in Imagine Reading once they have completed all content in Imagine Language and Literacy.
- Teachers can view the following webinars and modules in Imagine University in order to become familiar with the Imagine Reading platform.
- Getting Started (IR) Webinar
- Instructional Design (IR)
- Review the Imagine Reading Quick Guide - Click here
OPTIONAL NGSS 101: Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Click here to access the Site
- NGSS 101 is a self-paced, optional opportunity to learn more about the NGSS
Friday, May 15th
Complete FOR Survey regarding permission to share personal address.
- FOR Members would like to shower our staff with some joy to let us know they are thinking of us and appreciative all of our efforts.
- Addresses would need to be given to FOR Members, including parents.
- If staff are uncomfortable sharing their personal address, a FOR Member, who is also a RES Staff Member, will deliver the "Sprinkles of Joy!"
Sign up to be the ClassDojo Staff Member of the Day! Click here - Our kiddos love seeing you!
Submit names of students if parents request print resources.
Confirm receipt for any print packets that have not been confirmed. Click here to review the spreadsheet.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Learning Language & Literacy.
Monitor Access and Progress in Imagine Math.
Follow-up with families if a student did not reach the minimum usage for last week to see if assistance is needed. Click here for our RES Plan to Engage all Students and Families.
- Primary ILL minimum usage - approximately 70 minutes over the course of one week
- Primary IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
- Intermediate ILL & IM minimum usage - approximately 105 minutes over the course of one week
Submit names of students if there has been no response from a family over a two week period with multiple contacts attempted (email, phone, ClassDojo).
- Click here to access the Staff Reporting Google Sheet
- Verify Parent Contact Log has been updated
Update Parent Contact Log as needed (classroom teachers).
Update Special Education Contact Log as needed.
DIBELS 8th ed. Training Modules (Optional, Grades K - 5)
- Beginning in SY 2020-2021 SMCPS will be transitioning to DIBELS 8th edition as our universal screener for students in grades K-5.
- Step 1: Login to to your DIBELS Data System Account
- Step 2: Once you have logged in, clicked on the “Go to My Courses” button
- Step 3: When you get to the CTL Course Catalogue, scroll down and select “DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Training
- Step 4: Work through the training modules at your own pace. Reach out to Cortney Dvorak or Kellie Hall if you have any questions.
Imagine Reading (Optional, Grades 3 - 5)
- Due to the extended school closure, students in grade 3-5 will be enrolled in Imagine Reading once they have completed all content in Imagine Language and Literacy.
- Teachers can view the following webinars and modules in Imagine University in order to become familiar with the Imagine Reading platform.
- Getting Started (IR) Webinar
- Instructional Design (IR)
- Review the Imagine Reading Quick Guide - Click here
OPTIONAL NGSS 101: Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
- Click here to access the Site
- NGSS 101 is a self-paced, optional opportunity to learn more about the NGSS
On-Line Instruction & Teleworking Documents/Resources
- This folder houses all RES internal documents as well as some documents from Central Office.
- Click here to access the Folder.
- Click here to share resources with your peers! This folder is housed in the "On-Line Instruction and Teleworking" Folder located within our RES Staff Folder SY 2019-2020.
Central Location for Questions/Concerns
In an effort to have one location for questions and issues that will undoubtedly arise, we will be using “Padlet” to house all questions/issues.
As several different staff members have varied roles of support during this time of school closure, this will provide us with a means of tracking questions and issues.
Also, as many of you may have similar questions or issues, it will be an internal resource for all of us to support one another.
Please click here to access the RES Q&A and School Communication Process Document.
Click here to access our RES padlet.
Technology Supports
Topics covered are:
- Login or access issues to platforms in Clever - Please submit an individual ticket for each student and include the student's ID number when submitting an issue specific to Imagine Learning Language & Literacy and Imagine Math.
- Screencasting guidance
- Zoom guidance
- Google Calendar
- Google Hangouts/Meet
- Google Drive or other Google Apps
- Hardware issue with SMCPS issued laptop/device
- "Other" - will need to clarify
Click here for the Distance Learning Support Guidance Sheet - Troubleshooting Flowchart
Professional Development Supports
Topics covered are:
- Imagine Learning Math
- Imagine Language & Literacy
- Google Classroom
- Google Apps
- "Other" - will need to clarify
ILL or Imagine Reading PD Needed? Notify Mrs. Batelka and a session will be arranged with Mrs. Cotugno and Mrs. Dvorak.
IM PD Needed? Notify Mrs. Batelka and a session will be arranged with Mrs. Loker and Mrs. Pepper.
Counseling Supports
The counselors have resources along with knowledge of therapists/counselors who are making themselves available for our families and students.
Although counselors may not provide direct counseling services, it is very important for us to be aware and vigilant of services our families and students may need.
This is a tough time for all of us and some do not know where to turn.
Included in Clever, is a Distance Learning Counseling Lessons folder which includes lessons for all students. Lessons are arranged in folders. Each folder includes lessons arranged by ages and topics.
Mental Health (MH) and Family Support Services
Triangle for MH and Family Support Services
RES Mental Health Referral Form
District Mental Health Referral Form
Staff Schedules and Office Hours
Building Safety and Social Distancing Reminders
Mrs. Batelka will be on site this week on Thursday, May 14th. Please let her know if there are any materials or resources needed. She will work with staff to coordinate dropping off of materials following social distancing guidelines.
Ms. Jones and Mrs. Mills will be conducting periodic safety checks during this period of time.
Parent/Student Communication
RES Plan to Engage All Students/Families
Weekly Communication: Please consider adding the school, subject, and/or grade level to the subject line.
Staff may call parents using Google Hangout (general education) and Google Voice (special education)
- Click here to access the directions.
- Staff are to use their SMCPS issued device.
- This is for staff to speak directly with parents.
- If a parent does not answer, you can leave a message indicating that are calling from your computer, which is why there is no caller ID, and that you will try them again on XXX at XXX time.
- This document is housed in the Parent Communication Folder.
- Click here to access the folder
- Individual folders have been set up for all classroom staff with a Google Sheet to document parent contacts. All contacts regarding not accessing on-line instructional activities for ELA/Math need to be documented on this sheet.
- Individual folders for Specialists have been created and class-rosters will be available for them to record parent contacts, as needed, by 8am on Tuesday, April 14th.
All staff will be in regular communication with students/families via email.
- RES Staff will be available via email to answer and respond to any questions parents/guardians or students may have during office hours.
- Although Staff may be available outside of these times, depending upon their schedules, please be aware that responses to any communications received outside of these hours may be delayed.
Staff may also communicate directly with parents/guardians via ClassDo.
A ZOOM Meeting, scheduled by Mrs. Batelka, may occur if a parent conference is needed.
- Staff need to touch base with Mrs. Batelka if a staff member believes a ZOOM Parent Conference is needed.
- If approved by Mrs. Batelka, the staff member needs parental consent to participate in a ZOOM Parent Conference.
- If parent consent is received, Mrs. Batelka will schedule the ZOOM Parent Conference.
- For all ZOOM Parent Conferences, staff may want to consider adjusting their video to have one of the pre-set virtual backgrounds.
Staff may not "ZOOM" or "video-chat" with students.
Staff may post video "messages" on ClassDoJo that a parent/guardian may share with his/her child. Please remember, the "messages" are not opportunities for direct instruction."
Staff may create screencasts to explain a concept or skill that students are demonstrating difficulty with on the online platforms or in the print packets.
Students requiring print resources and monitoring work process
Click here to access the RES Process for Print Resources and Parent Communication.
If a parent reaches out to you, please document that student under the "Staff Reporting" Tab.
If parents reach out for a print packet, and their child has been accessing the online instructional platforms, please report this on "Staff Reporting" Tab.
- As we continue with our continuous learning opportunities, families are beginning to experience some frustration with monitoring their children's usage and progress.
- Staff are encouraged to set up a conference phone call in these cases prior to Mrs. Batelka or Mrs. Cox reaching out to the family.
- If a parent initially reaches out to Mrs. Batelka or Mrs. Cox, staff will be notified that the parent is being contacted.
On-going: Update spread spread sheet with contacts for students not accessing the on-line instructional programs
ridge elementary school relay for life team
This year's event has been cancelled.
All proceeds raised thus far will transfer to next year's event.
An October event is being planned to recognize the efforts of our Relay for Life Teams across the county.
Individuals are still able to join our team - Click here!
Stay tuned for upcoming news!
Central Office Updates and Informational Items
Online Learning Playbook
Latest updates (as of 5/4/2020) include:
- Special Education Guidance and Support tab
- Feedback and Grading guidance updated
Central Office Updates for Families and Community
Throughout this period of extended school closure, St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) is providing continuous opportunities for learning.
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 1 (April 9, 2020)
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 2 (April 16, 2020)
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 3 (April 22, 2020)
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 4 (April 30, 2020)
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 5 (May 7, 2020)
4th Marking Period
- Monitor the time students are spending in the course each week. If students are significantly behind, communicate this via a message in TAC/HAC and/or an email directly to the student/parent. This would include reaching out to the student directly to see what kind of support they need to get back on track.
- Monitor how students are doing on the assignments they complete each week. Provide support and interventions accordingly so that students are learning and mastering the content.
Teachers are monitoring progress in the online platforms and are aware of the students who have received paper packets.
5th Grade recording of a student’s “participation and progress” in HAC in the 4th quarter will be captured as follows:
Teachers will only use TAC/HAC as a recordation device for auditing purposes for each student’s “participation and progress.”
Students receive one of the following alpha marks each week during MP4 that schools are closed. They are as follows:
P – Participated,
NP – Not Participated,
PCC – Packet Check-In Completed, and
NPCC – No Packet Check-In Completed.
Teachers will do only one weekly capture of a student’s “participation and progress” in TAC;
Teachers will publish the weekly assignments;
Weekly Comment Pull Down Suggestions
Direct contact attempted; no response
Direct contact made
Supplementary resource(s) shared
Reteaching guidance provided
Teachers may add a comment for the work done that week as needed
If an NP or NPCC is recorded for the week for any student, the teacher must enter a “score comment”
- Click here for guiding documents with screenshots for further explanation.
4th Marking Period Report Cards
- Directions: Pre-K and Head Start students have a Standards Based Report Card aligned with Maryland’s early childhood curriculum standards. Students’ SBRC reflect their progress from March 13, 2020 which was the last day students were in school and could be assessed. Young children need to be assessed with skillful observation by their teacher.
- Narrative Template: During the school closure, Pre-K and Head Start parents have had the opportunity to use developmentally appropriate online resources with their children and received a hands on learning packet. Based on our e-mail communication during my office hours, you reported _________, __________, _______. Thank you for working with your child during this challenging time.
Grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade
The final Standards Based Report Card for Grades K-4 will reflect the marks the students received for quarters 1-3.
An asterisk “*” will be placed into each reporting box for the 4th quarter standards.
A key on the report card will indicate that the asterisk means:“Due to COVID 19 school closures, students worked on the on-line platform or on print resources. The 4th quarter narrative provides a summary of the student’s participation and progress during this time.”
5th Grade
- 4th Marking Period Grade will reflect Participation and progress (summary of weekly participation/progress grades in HAC during the period of school closure.
- Final Grade will be calculated by averaging the grades earned over the course of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Marking Periods.
- Final Grades may be "bumped up" based upon level of participation and progress by one letter grade.
Specialists (5th Grade Only)
- 4th Marking Period Grade will reflect Participation and progress (summary of weekly participation/progress grades in HAC during the period of school closure.
- Final Grade will be calculated by using the grades earned in the 2nd Marking Period.
- Final Grades may be "bumped up" based upon level of participation and progress by one letter grade.
Make-up Days and Last Day of School
- The State Board of Education has waived five of the ten missed days of school.
- The three built-in makeup days will be used, along with April 27th and April 28th now being school days.
- The last day of school will be June 18th.
Meals for Students
Human Resources and Finance Updates
Check out our Recruitment Calendar for updates on our online recruiting.
OPEN ENROLLMENT for health insurance began on May 1, 2020, and ends on May 31, 2020. If you did not receive an email, please call Human Resources.
Instructional Updates
Teacher Access Center (TAC) Helpful Documents: – Need assistance creating student lists with contact info or emailing students/guardians? See TAC Resources on the Department of Assessment and Accountability’s Google Site found here. There is also a link that can be accessed from your TAC account by going to the Tools dropdown on the upper right (see the News Item posted in TAC). Videos are also being created. Need other documents or videos created, please contact DAA.
IT Updates
If you're having trouble logging into any of the following applications/services, eSchool, TAC, Gmail, Moodle, or Destiny, ITS has developed a Password Recovery web application that will let you reset your password.
The Password Recovery app is also linked on the Staff page of the website under Technology Resources.
- The app requires you to enter your username, employee number, and birth date, and then you must click "Verify Identity."
- After verifying this information, the app will prompt you for a new password, which you must type in two separate boxes to verify they match.
- Finally, click the "Change Password" button to change/reset your password.
If successful, you will get an on-screen message, and an email indicating your password was changed, otherwise please use a more complex password and try again.
If you are using an SMCPS assigned laptop and using your account to log into it, please note that you will have to continue using the old password to log into the computer, and then the new password will be used for all of the above-listed services.
The only way to update your computer password is to take your laptop to an SMCPS location with WiFi, restart your laptop, and log into the computer with your new password.
Supporting Services Update
To remain vigilant at this time SMCPS recommends the following precautions:
- Avoid clicking links and attachments of unsolicited emails
- Do not provide personal or account information to unknown sources
- Be cautious of emails insisting on immediate actions
- Use trusted sites to remain up-to-date on COVID-19
Newsletters to Read and Share
A Message from your Math/ELA Supervisors
Please click here to access the full message for May 11thElementary Online Learning...Our Continued Plan
Ideas for Elementary Enrichment (updated)
ELA News:
- Complete the Elementary Writing Survey. The survey will not be collecting any identifying information and honesty is welcomed.
- TOTS (Turn on the Subtitles) is an advocacy group pushing for children’s TV and video programs to automatically display captions to boost literacy. Their research shows that children generally do read captions when they’re available. So, while children are currently stuck at home, please consider encouraging parents to turn the captions on. This would be a simple and painless way to reinforce reading.
- ILL Update: ILL usage time includes time spent on individualized pathways, playlists, and other aspects of the program such as the embedded predictive assessments and Imagine Museum. As a result, there is no need to worry if the daily activity totals do not match the overall daily usage time.
Imagine Reading Update: Students in grades 3-5 who have completed ALL Imagine Language and Literacy activities will continue their learning (participation and progress) in Imagine Reading. Once a student in grades 3-5 has completed Imagine Language and Literacy, fill out the Request for Imagine Reading Access Google Form.
Math News:
- Please do not assign Benchmark 2. If we decide to assign a benchmark, it will be at the end of the school year.
- IM 3+ : Helping Students Who are Struggling. As you monitor your students’ progress and note students who struggle, think of ways to support them. First, Check to see if they are taking their time on their lessons and if they are using the Math Helps in the program.
- Click on this document, Imagine Math, What to do When Students are Struggling, for more information about accessing Math Helps and additional ideas for supporting students.
There is also a shared folder on the Elementary Education Resources COVID 19 Resources Page with ideas shared by other teachers.
Please click here to access the message for April 19th
Most recent Kindergarten Memo
Most recent Math Memo
- March 2, 2020. This edition contains important information about MCAP Evidence Statements, Modeling, as well as a Modeling Checklist for Students.
Bridges Updates and Supports:
- Please click here to access the Bridges Issue
- Please click here to access help videos
Most recent English Language Arts Newsletter
- Please click here to access The Reading Corner (December 2, 2019 Edition). Please take the time to review the information as there is important information staff need to be aware of regarding upcoming standards and instructional notes for each grade level.
Most recent Health and Physical Education Update
Most recent Special Education Newsletter: The PIER
- Please click here for the Aril 17, 2020 Issue. This newsletter edition contains information about the Continuous Learning Opportunities for Special Education Students and Staff
Most recent Elementary Science Newsletter
Science Supports and Resources
- Click here to access RES' MISA Evidence Statement Analysis with links to STEM Gauge Items for Grades 3rd through 5th.
Most recent Gifted and Talented Newsletter
Most recent Library Media Newsletter
Most recent Fine Arts Newsletter
- Please click here for the October Edition
Most recent ESOL Newsletter
- Please click here for the February Edition
- Please click here to access the ELL Site
Most recent Educational Equity Newsletter
- Please click here for the April 2020 Newsletter
Department of Assessment and Accountability (DAA)
- Please click here to access the DAA Site
SMCPS Sites and Quick Links
As we enter another week of remote learning, we want to thank you all. We have all learned to work differently, but while we are doing so, your commitment to our students has not wavered. Thank you for your inspired and creative work. We know this will continue for as long as is needed - we also know that this will end and we will be back together - stronger than ever. Until then, know that we are all thinking of you, and missing you. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones - stay healthy and hopeful...
Ongoing Communication - Updates are posted online:
Ongoing Support:
- EAP Support is available. Additional information may be found here.
- Carefirst provides additional benefits for the Coronavirus. Additional information may be found here.
Additional Resources:
- Social Distancing - Wellness Tips Today! Health Coaching & Setting Yourself Up for Success At Home
- Social Distancing - Wellness Tips Today! Emotional Health & Well-Being
- Social Distancing - Wellness Tips Today: Financial Well-Being & Financial Tips/Resources
Updates for Families and Community:
- Throughout this period of extended school closure, St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) is providing continuous opportunities for learning. This is not our normal way of doing business, so there are many questions. The SMCPS will provide ongoing updates for these questions.
Click here for the SMCPS Update 1 (April 9, 2020)
- Click here for the SMCPS Update 3 (April 22, 2020)
Click here for the SMCPS Update 2 (April 16, 2020)
Staying Connected: While we are working at home, technology is helping to send personalized messages of caring and support. Check out the Signal to see some examples, to include our message to our RES Students and Families!
Professional Development & Continuing Education Opportunities
Continuing Education Opportunities
- McDaniel College is offering a 100% online cohort in our Equity & Excellence in Education certificate program. This unique, multi-county cohort is being made available to our county partners, with a $200 discount from the standard tuition rate for those who join the cohort (Official cohort code: HE5). This cohort begins in June 2020. (This is open enrollment, but a cohort in the sense that all students will be completing the program together and receiving the cohort tuition rate).
- Towson University--Graduate Program WebEx Information Sessions: Towson is holding two WebEx Sessions in April for anyone interested in learning more about the graduate programs offered in Southern Maryland. The sessions are on April 21, 4:00-6:00 and April 23, 4:00-6:00. These will be informal, open sessions for teachers to ask questions. You can join any time to learn more about the programs listed below and the reduced tuition agreement Towson has with your county. If you would like a WebEx invitation or for email information please contact Alyssa Zumpano
Registration is open for additional courses:
- Please log into the system for available courses
Register online:
UserName: beginning of SMCPS login (without
Password: normal SMCPS password
happy belated birthday wishes!!!!!
Jennifer Pierce
Susan McDaniel
Lynsey Rye
Staff Member of the Week!
We will announce the staff member on morning announcements and post information about that person in the hallway for all to see.
We also will be playing 2 truths and a myth. These will be posted on the display to give staff and students a chance to try and figure out what a staff member's myth may be. It will be revealed at the end of the week.
Connie Reynolds
Two Truths and a Myth:
My closet is a hot mess, total disaster and I love it.
I cannot touch cotton balls.
I was born in Tennessee
Myth: Stay tuned!!!
Marisa Steiger
Two Truths and a Myth:
My favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean.
I think olives are super gross!
If I could have one super power, it be the ability to teleport
Myth: I think olives are super gross!
Alison Sayers
Two Truths and a Myth:
I played tennis in high school.
My great great great grandfather is a character in a movie.
I have been to all 50 states.
Myth: I have been to all 50 states.
Jess Deeney
Week of April 20th
Two Truths and a Myth:
I was born in Montana.
I have been best friends with my best friend since PreK. I have been zip-lining before.Myth: I was born in Montana.
Stacey Fisher
Week of April 13th
Two Truths and a Myth:
I was a Little League umpire.
I am afraid of snakes.
Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.
Myth: Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.
Lynsey Rye
Week of March 30th
Two Truths and a Myth:
I love chocolate.
I have two jobs.
Reading and Writing is my favorite to teach.
Myth: I love chocolate.
Nathan Earley
Week of March 9th
Myth: I am a great athlete.
Brooke Vanderwest
Week of March 2nd
Myth: I drink coffee everyday.
Jennifer Pierce
Week of February 24th
Myth: I love seafood.
Andrea Robbins
Week of February 17th
Myth: I make my bed every morning.
Maggie Koutnik
Week of February 10th
Myth: I have lived in 6 different states.
Lisa Deputy-Randolph
Myth: I don't like ice cream
CJ Crosby
Week of January 27th
Myth: I have 3 cats
Lisa Anderson
Myth: I love running.
Amanda Erdman
Myth: I collect comic books.
Chris Meyer
Myth: I like bananas.
Susan McDaniel
Myth: I love horror movies.
Penny Dennis
Myth: I have jumped out of an airplane (with a parachute, of course).
Karen Simmons
Myth: I know how to knit
Lauren Shively
Myth: I think olives are super gross!
Jessie Sohn
Myth: I have tasted crocodile before!
Terri Cox
Myth: Two of my children were born in Virginia and two born in Maryland
Heath McCracken
Myth: I was born in Canada, and my parents moved to the U.S. in 1993.
Jane Miller
Myth: I have two kids