TVUSD Community Newsletter
Friday, February 5, 2021
Newsletter Topics
- A Message From Superintendent McClay
- Celebrating our Senior Athletes - National Winter Signing Day!
- Status of HUBS
- Status of Reopening Plans
- TK/Kindergarten Registration and New Student Enrollment for the 2021/22 School Year
- Home INstead INstruction Program
- Black History Month
- TVUSD 2021 Graduation and Promotion Planning
- Current Positive Case Numbers Reported to TVUSD Within Last 14 Days
- How to Report a Positive Test or Direct Exposure
A Message from Superintendent McClay
Dear Families,
As another virtual school week comes to an end, I am pleased to share that authorizing agencies appear to be making some strides towards public education reopening plans in California. Last week, CIF made decisions that allowed TVUSD’s cross country teams to begin competitions within the purple tier. The Governor’s new reopening plan continues to be discussed by the legislature. Statewide education advocacy groups are spearheading discussions regarding the challenges and obstacles of the plan. These discussions seem to be making some headway with the state. While Riverside County remains in the purple (most restrictive) tier, our case numbers are improving.
In TVUSD, we continue to negotiate with our employee organizations for a safe reopening. I have the greatest confidence in our employee representative teams that agreements are forthcoming. To be ready, we are submitting the COVID-19 Safety Plan as required under the Governor’s proposal. If the Governor’s plan is approved, we would be able to reopen our elementary schools within the purple tier when Riverside County reaches an adjusted case rate of 25 cases per 100,000. As of today, Riverside County is at an adjusted case rate of 62.3. Two weeks ago, we were in the high 90s, so we continue to be encouraged by the steadily declining case rates. The current trend is in our favor, and we want to see it continue for the benefit of our entire community. Please be mindful of health and safety recommendations and continue to limit participation in mass gatherings, adhere to social distancing, and wear a face covering. We want our students and staff back on campuses!
One of the conversations we have a lot is with regard to turning adversities into opportunities. In other words, what ‘good’ can we take from the past eleven months to create more opportunities for our students upon return? We are currently creating a home school program, called Home INstead, that will allow students TK-12 to remain in a virtual environment, with some on-campus activities if they choose. We are also working to build in more flexibility for our secondary students so they may opt to engage in school in a hybrid fashion, taking some courses on-campus and others virtually. We are excited about these new opportunities for students and look forward to sharing more as plans evolve.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Jodi McClay, Ed.D.
Let's Celebrate Our Senior Athletes! National Winter Signing Day!
Status of General Ed Support HUBS and Special Ed Learning Centers
- EL hubs reopened on Monday, January 25, 2021.
- All other general and special education HUBS will reopen on Tuesday, February 9, 2021. Scheduled HUBS depend on site identified needs, staffing per employee MOUs, and will operate based upon local case rates and indicators.
- Updated health and safety protocol guidelines have been developed and distributed to all HUB staff. The protocols will be sent in reminder emails/texts to all HUB employees daily.
- Additionally, all participating HUB families will receive a health and safety email/text daily reminder.
- All HUB sites will share on-site protocols with participating families and students.
Current Reopening Status
- TVUSD is not legally able to open. We remain in the deep purple tier.
- The current Riverside County adjusted case rate is 62.3. We are averaging a steady decline of 15 to 20 cases per week. Two weeks ago, we were above 99.
- Reopening is contingent on 1. The Governor's new plan and metrics which have not been approved by the legislature yet; 2. Advancing into the red tier.
- The Governor's new plan for reopening (if approved) requires that Riverside County has an adjusted case rate of 25 per 100,000 for five days.
- To be eligible for reopening under the Governor's new plan, TVUSD is submitting the required COVID-19 Safety Plan. Negotiations continue with TVEA and CSEA.
- When TVUSD receives approval of the new COVID-19 Safety Plan and Riverside County meets the required 25/100,000, we would reopen initially at the elementary levels, grades TK-5. We are still evaluating options for the secondary grades and will likely offer students/families a choice to return.
- Campuses, processes, and protocols are in place when we are granted the authority to re-open.
TK/Kindergarten New Student Enrollment and Registration for the 2021/22 School Year
Home INStead INstruction Program for the 2021/22 School Year
We are excited to share that TVUSD is developing virtual learning opportunities for TK-12 grade students, beginning in the 2021/22 school year. The goal is to offer families a variety of alternative learning opportunities that best meet students' needs in the 21st Century, Post-Pandemic Education. We are developing various virtual learning opportunities within the Home INstead INstruction initiative for TK-8 students as a new option. At the 9-12 level, we are looking to enhance our current virtual independent student options.
New enrolling families for the 2021/22 school year will have the option to select the HomeINstead Program during the current online pre-enrollment process.
We look forward to sharing more information with you in the coming weeks!
Black History Month
This month, we will observe Valentine's Day, National School Counseling Week, Groundhog Day, Presidents' birthdays, and more. One observance we are incredibly excited to celebrate is Black History Month!
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This week starts a month-long celebration of African American men and women who have made significant contributions to America and the rest of the world. It was founded in 1915 by historian Carter G. Woodson. Today, Black History Month continues the discussion and honoring of African Americans throughout history and today. Black History Month is a time to commemorate and celebrate the contributions, achievements, and impact African Americans have made in our nation. There is much to pay homage to from science, literature, entertainment, sports, technology, and more.
TVUSD 2021 Graduation and Promotion Planning
Current Positive Case Numbers Reported in TVUSD
How to Report A Positive Test or Direct Exposure for Your Student
- There is a process to report positive tests or direct exposures.
- A contact is defined as a person who is within 6 feet from a confirmed case for more than 15 minutes cumulative within 24 hours, regardless of face coverings.
- There are strict timelines associated with reporting and ensuring we respond, so your use of the systems in place will ensure we respond to your needs and meet our requirements.
Click on the button below and follow the process to connect with a confidential representative who will assist you and expedite the process on your behalf.
Temecula Valley Unified School District
Email: lboss@tvusd.us
Website: https://www.tvusd.k12.ca.us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TVUSD