South Spartan News
Est. 1932 The Spartan tradition continues

August 2024
South Parent(s) and Guardian(s),
I am pleased to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you all have had a restful summer break. I am extremely proud to serve as the Principal of South Middle School. South is an incredible school with a rich tradition, great families, students, and staff. I look forward to beginning a wonderful school year together on the first day of school, August 27th, 2024.
I am starting my 3rd year as Principal at South Middle School and 7th year overall as an administrator at GFPS. Previously, I taught 6th grade at South (proud Spartan) and 5th grade at Lake Agassiz Elementary School here in Grand Forks. The first eight years of my career were spent teaching 6th grade in Vancouver, WA at Thomas Jefferson Middle School.
My wife is also an educator for GFPS and we have four amazing boys that keep us busy. Spending time with family, running around to different activities, music, sports, and working in my yard are all things that I enjoy. I also get to see my oldest son off to college!
Please welcome these changes and the newest South Spartan staff members. We are excited to have this group join the Spartan family:
Carolyn Olson- Adaptive P.E.
Desi Gilmour- Kitchen Manager
Devon Tucker- Band Teacher
Jacinda Powers- Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Woodward-Sorensen- 6th-grade SpEd Rockets Team
Jenny Gustin- Administrative Assistant
Jessica Champion- 7th-grade Geography Challengers Team
Karly Von Rueden- Multilingual Teacher
Kasandra Gregoire- Full-Time Art Teacher
Lexi Jacobson- UAP
Pramod Polimari- 8th-grade SpEd Voyageurs Team
Tara Ulrich- SpEd Teacher
If throughout the school year you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. My door is always open to listen, and for conversation. Communication and teamwork are two important keys to making 2024-2025 a success.
Enjoy the remaining days of summer!
Spartan Pride
Travis Neil
Message from our PTO!
Welcome to South Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year! We are the South Middle School PTO and we are so excited for all the new faces coming to South this year! If you are interested in helping support your students and teacher through PTO, we have two options- you can pick up the information sheet in the main office, at registration or at open house, or you can fill out this quick form!
Please consider joining the South Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). We need parents to help build this organization at South. Here are some of the reasons to join:
Your child benefits. When parents get connected to the school, children do better. Research shows children whose parents are involved get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems at school.
PTO makes a difference and supports teachers in and out of the classroom. PTO provides the resources teachers need. PTO helps create learning opportunities for all students. PTO builds the kind of supportive, caring atmosphere that makes school fun.
Time constraints? People are often reluctant to participate because they’re afraid they’ll get pulled into a never-ending time commitment. An hour or two a month makes a difference. We meet once a month for about an hour.
To have fun!
Meet great people who share your interest in helping the school. Many friendships have developed over the years as a result of joining PTO.
There’s a lot to be done. These days, schools are asked to do more with less. Help is needed more than ever to fill the gaps. We need to get more parents involved!
We can match jobs to your interests and abilities. We want you to be able to work on tasks and jobs that match your skills and interests. Everybody has an area of interest and strength.
To be able to create a welcoming culture at South Middle School.
We are looking for parent involvement, not all fundraising. While fundraising is important, we are looking to get more families connected to South.
Joining PTO is very rewarding. You get to help students and teachers and stay connected to the school!
Check out how we supported South in the 2023-2024 school year-
- Student Activity Night Prizes.
- Multilingual student support for testing.
- Snacks and beverages for each student throughout NDSA testing week.
- The purchase of the Gimket platform for our teachers
- Teacher meals for conferences
- Teacher appreciation week
We cannot wait to support our students and teachers at South Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year!
South PTO
*** Team letters were mailed the week of July 29th, in which every parent was sent your child(ren)’s team assignment and supply list. Student class schedules will be available at registration.
2024-2025 Team Assignments: Teams for the 2024-2025 school year have been completed by teachers, specialists, counselors, and administration. I would like to ask that parents please refrain from making any requests to change teams as they often make it very difficult to create well-balanced classrooms. Our staff members know each student well and collectively consider his/her learning style, academic & social skills, and behavior when making a team placement. There is quite a bit of time and effort that goes into forming teams and our students' best interests are always the priority. In general, we will not be making any changes to the teams. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Additionally, Here is a list of the important information explained in greater detail in this newsletter:
Registration and Form Drop Off
7th and 8th Grade Block I Sports
6th Grade Intramurals
Chromebook Device Protection Plan
Open House
School Routines and Expectations
Child Nutrition Program
Band and Orchestra Program
School Pictures
Cell Phone Policy
Tardy/Detention Policy
Important Before and After School Traffic Safety and Routines
Registration To Do List:
7th/8th Grade- August 13th 9:00AM-3:00PM
6th Grade/ML- August 15th 9:00AM-3:00PM
- Make sure to go to myschoolbucks to purchase any chromebook insurance and activity passes (for High School games). Athletics fees can be paid through myschoolbucks as well. This should be done prior to showing up at registration.
- Chromebook cases may be purchased with cash or check for $20. (Limited supply)
- Go to the South website and print out the appropriate papers to hand in at the school during registration. Papers would be: concussion, and physical. (7th & 8th Grade ONLY)
- Drop off completed papers in the office.
- If you purchased athletic passes, please stop by the office to pick them up.
- Enjoy walking around the school with your student and help them find their classes and locker. We always recommend practicing the locker combination.
- The office will not have change available- Please have exact cash or checks made out to GFPS only!
Reminder from the Health Office!
Vaccinations needed for 7th grade:
All incoming 7th graders are required to have a Tdap and a Meningococcal Vaccination completed by October 1st , 2024 to avoid exclusion from school. This is in accordance with the State of North Dakota Immunization law. If your child is up to date and you have already provided this information to the school please disregard this message.
If you believe your child is up to date please provide this information to South Middle School’s main office. If you are unsure if your child is up to date please contact your healthcare provider to discuss. If you would like to set up an appointment for these vaccinations please call your local healthcare provider, Altru (701-780-5000), Sanford (701-757-8700), Spectra Health (701-757-2100), or Grand Forks Public Health (701-787-8100).
Thank you and have a great rest of your summer!
After School Programs
There will be no Middle School Encore Program this year!
Bussing Info
We are currently waiting on busing information from Valley Busing! Please wait for further communication related to busing for this school year! If you want the Valley Busing Website, click on the picture.
School Supplies Lists
School supplies lists are up! You can view the list for your student's team by clicking on the picture for the link.
Free and Reduced Lunch and Sports
Click on the picture for all free and reduced price meal information. Hard copies will also be provided in the front office.
Attendance Line: 701-746-2346
Please enter this number into your phone so you can inform us when your student is absent or needs to leave our building during the day for an appointment.
Please be courteous to our office staff and teachers and call well in advance to the time that you are needing to pick up your student. By not doing this could result in delayed dismissal of your student and interrupting a teacher in the middle of teaching a class.
8:40 - 3:30
School begins at 8:40 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. (Band and Orchestra start at 7:50 a.m.). We ask that students not enter the building before 8:30 a.m. and leave by 3:45 p.m. unless they prearrange meeting with a teacher or are involved with music, sports practice, or remain in assigned areas. Assigned areas include breakfast in the commons, 6th grade hallway, studying in the media center, or gym.
Office Hours
The office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, concerns, or good news, please stop in or call us at 701-746-2345
Day 1/Day 2 Schedule
Updated Sports Information
We are thrilled to announce some exciting changes to our athletic schedule for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. These updates are designed to enhance our sports programs, provide better opportunities for student-athletes, and foster a more vibrant and inclusive athletic community.
Starting with the 24/25 school year, 7th and 8th grade middle school sport seasons will align with the high school sport seasons. Football, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball will begin in August, while wrestling will start in November and Basketball in December. Softball, Girls Soccer, and Track and Field will take place in April. Below are the tentative dates for each sport.
Football, Boys Soccer, Volleyball: August 19th - October 12th
Wrestling: November 11th - January 18th
Boys and Girls Basketball: December 2nd - February 14th
Softball, Girls Soccer, Track & Field: April 1st - May 24th
Make sure to get your sports physical and concussion forms this summer to be ready for fall sports practice!
More information coming regarding sports and sign-ups!
Boys Soccer
Block One intramurals start on Tuesday, September 3rd. The participation fee is $12.50 per student.
6th graders do not need a physical from a doctor but they do need to sign a concussion form. They are available in the front office. Click this link to sign up!
School Picture Day
Picture Day is on September 20th- picture packets will be handed out to your student or available at the front office closer to picture day.
School Routines:
DOORS OPEN: The main entry door, Door #1, opens at 7:30 a.m. for band, orchestra, or early morning athletic/music practices. Students who arrive earlier than 7:30 a.m. will be expected to wait outside.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Students who arrive before 8:30 a.m. will have the following options:
- CAFETORIUM: The cafetorium opens at 7:30 a.m. Your child may choose to work on homework or eat breakfast in the cafetorium. Breakfast is served in the cafetorium every morning from 7:40-8:30 a.m.
- EARLY MORNING QUIET STUDY: The South Media Center is open every morning from 8:10 to 8:30 a.m. for quiet study. Students have the opportunity to work on assignments in a quieter area during this early morning study period. Students are expected to sign in.
- 6th Grade Hallway: 6th graders will have the option to sit in the 6th grade hallway before school starts.
AFTER SCHOOL PICK-UP: Please pick up your student no later than 3:45 p.m.
Tardy Procedures:
Students are expected to be on time and be prepared for school. If a student is late for the start of school at 8:40 a.m., then he/she must stop in the office for a tardy slip.
Detention Policy:
This policy covers but will not be limited to: arriving late to school in the morning, arriving late to class during the day, not checking in with teachers prior to attending meetings, lessons etc. Below we have outlined the detention policy that will be followed:
-Tardies include EVERY class period and not just PrimeTime, our goal is to make sure the students are getting the most out of their class period starting by arriving on time.
-Every 5 tardies is equal to 1 detention.
-After 10 tardies, a student will be unable to attend activities after school such as: sports practices, sporting games, activity nights, until the missed time has been made up. Students are expected to make up their missed time within one week of the notification being sent home.
-You will be notified from the school once your student has reached the mark 5 tardies resulting in a call/email/letter home from our social worker.
-Detention times are served either from 3:30-4:00pm or in the morning before school from 8:00-8:30am.
-Lunch detention will only be used in cases where your student is unable to sit before or afterschool.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices During School Hours
In an effort to decrease distraction and increase student learning and personal connectivity, all Grand Forks Public secondary schools will restrict student cell phone use. This includes add-on devices such as ear buds, smartwatches (notifications must be turned off), and other related devices.
Middle School students who choose to bring their cell phones to school will:
Leave their cell phones with their advisory teacher at the beginning of each school day.
Advisory teachers will secure student phones in locked storage containers until the end of the school day when students will be dismissed in time to retrieve their devices.
No cell phones will be allowed in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, or locker rooms.
Each school office will communicate a procedure for students who leave school early for appointments, competitions, family related events, etc.
Each 6-12 student will be issued a Chromebook which will provide educational access to the district’s online resources deeming cell phone access unnecessary.
Each school’s office staff will happily get a message to your student during the day if necessary. Students will also be allowed to use the office phone to make important calls during the day.
Middle School Consequences
First Offense: the phone is taken to the office and released to the student at the end of the day; parent / guardian notification. Expectations reinforced with the student.
Second Offense: the phone is taken to the office; parent / guardian picks it up in the office. Student serves detention.
Third Offense: the phone is taken to the office, parent/guardian picks it up. Student serves detention and their phone must be turned in to the office daily at the beginning of the day for the remainder of the semester.
Middle and high school students who do not comply or refuse to turn over their phone may be subject to additional consequences which may include but are not limited to detention, in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
Affordable Connectivity Program
MySchoolBucks Store
The MySchoolBucks (MSB) Store is open for families to use! Families can pay for athletic fees, add funds to lunch accounts and other items online or via the MySchoolBucks button on the Grand Forks Public Schools' smartphone app.
Outside Food Policy:
- NO outside foods/drinks (Starbucks, pop, breakfast foods from restaurants etc…) will be allowed into the building. A water bottle is fine.
- IF your child comes to school with a beverage, snack or food item they will need to eat it prior to coming inside of the building.
- Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:40 – 8:30 a.m. No food can be taken out of the cafeteria during breakfast.
- If you bring your child back from an appointment and you have purchased lunch for them, they will need to have eaten the food prior to coming back into the building. They can not bring their outside purchased food or drink into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Please plan accordingly so that they have time to eat the food you buy them prior to returning to school.
Spartan Media
Follow South Middle School on YouTube to see the latest updates from our 8th grade students and their production of Spartan Media!
Also follow us on our X account, @southms_gf