The WMS Connection
A West Family Newsletter: December Edition
Hello West Families,
I hope that this month's newsletter finds you well, that you were able to have a joyful break, and were able to slow down and enjoy some time with family. The cold hit us hard, but we still had students wanting to go outside for recess today!
This time of year always seems like a whirlwind. We only have three weeks of school before Winter Break. With all of the breaks from the routine of school, we often revisit school expectations around this time of the school year. Please read some of our school-wide expectations further into this newsletter so you know what your middle schooler is also hearing as reminders.
Thank you for your partnership! As always, reach out if you have any questions.
Be well,
Gwynne Chase- Principal
📅Dates to Know
- 12/5- 8th grade band concert, 7:00 at Shakopee High School
- 12/10- Choir concert, (6th graders at 6:00, 7th/8th graders at 7:00), WMS Auditorium
- 12/16- 8th grade choir concert, 7:00 at Shakopee High School
- 12/23-1/1- No School, Winter Break
- 1/10- Early Release Day, students dismissed at 12:25
- 1/20- No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- 1/23- Last day of Quarter 2/Semester 1
- 1/24- No School for Students (Teacher grading/planning day)
- 1/27- First day of Quarter 3/Semester 2
Winter Weather Guidlines
Because inclement weather could come at any time, below is a link to Shakopee Public School's Winter Weather Guidlines.
Educational Benefits Forms
If you received a letter in the mail regarding filling out an Educational Benefits Form, please do so. Qualifying applicants can receive scholarships for field trips, band instruments, technology repairs, etc. It also has a large impact on school funding. Applications are also available online here. Only one application is necessary per family. Forms can be dropped off in the main office or emailed to ctschaek@shakopee.k12.mn.us
Quarter 1 Honor Roll
We have so many students to celebrate after their hard work during the first quarter of the year. Click on the link below to take you to all of the West Middle School students who made the Honor Roll.
Survey re: Shakopee Gear at Valley Sports
Some CAPs students at the High School are looking for your help. Please take this guardian survey on Shakopee gear at Valley Sports. The results of this survey will be used to collect data on preferences for middle school students. It may result in different/additional merchandise available at Valley Sports in the future.
October Topics for Parents of Teens
Monday-Thursdays 4:30-6pm + Workshops
Free! Join Today
Funded in part by St. Paul Ramsey County - Public Health.
Thursday, Oct 3 6:30-7:30pm
A deeper dive with Katie Rstom, Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Clinical Counselor, & Restorative Family Mediator! You'll love her approach and how she sheds light to her own parenting and real life experiences. She's the real deal!
Tuesday, Oct 22 6:30-7:30pm
Scott Faust, dad of a teen, Nurse Practitioner, Bioethicist, Coach, and Restorative Family Mediator has oodles of medical experience working alongside parents and teens through discernment phases uncovering what's "really going on under the hood". Scott has a gracious attitude and reminds parents that "normal is only a setting on the dryer!
We're interested in hearing from 20 parents of teens while testing out The Parent Line. Our research is a program evaluation seeking to learn what is helpful during the season of parenting teens, managing conflict, and school issues. Please consider reading our Informed Consent Form and participating in this simple survey. You do not need to participate in research to enjoy the benefits of the Parent Line.
Reminder of West Middle School Student Expectations
Cell Phone Use/Electronics:
Students receive a district issued device for academic use. Personal electronic devices are prohibited for use in classrooms. Students may use their personal electronic devices during passing times and while at lunch only.
Independent texting, gaming, streaming services and participation in social media in class are strictly prohibited. Violations will be addressed.
Personal electronic device examples include, but are not limited to: iPad, Laptop, cell phones, eBooks, tablets, headphones, microphones, earbuds, air pods or smart watches.
Electronic devices are strictly prohibited in locker rooms and bathrooms at any time. If an electronic device becomes a distraction in any school environment, it may be confiscated and school policies will be enforced.
Your support is appreciated to remind your student(s) of this expectation. We value each minute for focused instruction and learning for the entire class period. If there is a need to get a hold of your student(s) immediately, feel free to call our office and we will get a message to your student or have them give you a call back.
Food and Drinks:
There is No food or drink (other than water) outside of the cafeteria during the school day.
If a student is seen walking around the halls with food/drink before school, they will be asked to go to the cafeteria to finish.
We understand that some students may be dropped off with drinks and food in the morning. There may be circumstances where they need to finish food or a drink as we begin the day. We will be tight on the process as ask for students to go to the main office to finish their items if necessary. If students are seen in the halls or classroom with food/drink during the school day, they will be asked to go to the office to finish or to place it in their locker.
If a student needs a snack during the day and it is outside of lunches, they can visit Student Services and ask a student support staff for a snack. They will remain in Student Services as they finish their snack.
Hallway Passes:
Students are required to have a pass with them whenever they are outside of their classroom during class time for any reason.
School Lunch Info.
Every student can get one free breakfast and one free lunch every school day. Below is some important information to know.
- Breakfast is served at West from 7:20-7:40 a.m.
- Students may either get their free lunch from the hot lunch line OR the salad bar. If a student takes from both lines, they are charged for one of the lunches.
- Students may purchase seconds or extras if they have money in their lunch account. Checks/cash can be turned in to one of the cashiers at lunch or guardians can put money into a child's account through Infinite Campus, https://shakopeemn.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/shakopee.jsp
Shakopee Saber Fan Expectations
- All K-8 students MUST enter with an adult. This is not football specific, it is for ALL events and will be enforced.
- Tickets need to be purchased online, in advance. There are no ticket sales at the door.
- Please remember good sportsmanship and positive cheering.
- Clean up around you and clear out of the venue within 10 minutes of the game ending.
When a student is feeling ill:
If your child reaches out to you during the school day to let you know that they are not feeling well, please instruct them to go to the Health Office. This streamlines the process and ensures that all necessary steps are met including accurate documentation in Infinite Campus regarding attendance.
🚌Arrival/Departure Info
Mornings at West
Dropping your student(s) off:
- Enter and exit off of Spencer.
- Please do not drop off on 10th Ave. This interferes with bus drop-off.
- Students will remain in the front vestibule until 6:30 when the front doors are unlocked.
- From 6:30-7:20, students may enter the building, but will be held in the commons area outside of the auditorium.
- At 7:20, we will open doors for all students to access the rest of the building.
*If a student has arranged to meet with a teacher before school, they just have to show a staff member a note or email on their iPad to be let through.
The school day begins at 7:45. If your student arrives late, they must check in at the Greeter's Desk at the front door.
Afternoon Pick-up
Students are dismissed for the school day at 2:25 pm.
Guardians who pick-up, must either do so from the main parking lot (just like drop-off in the morning) or on 10th Avenue, but after all of the busses have left (2:35 or later).
💻Stay Connected to Student Progress
Become an Observer of your Child in Canvas
Canvas is the official Learning Management System (LMS) for Shakopee Public Schools. Canvas is primarily used at grades 6-12. Teachers at the secondary level use Canvas for sharing information and resources with students, posting assignment, giving assessments, communicating with students through daily announcements.
As an observer in Canvas, parents can see course materials, grades, feedback students receive on their assignments, and view a calendar that shows due dates for all of their classes.
Go here to learn how to connect with your child's account as an observer. If you need help retrieving a pairing code (necessary to connect), email your child's advisor or email the technology help desk (parenthelp@shakopee.incidentiq.com) to retrieve a code.
📷School Pictures & Yearbook
👚West Saber Nation Station
If your child ever needs assistance with acquiring clothing, personal hygiene, or school supply items, they can visit our Saber Nation Station. All items are free. All district Saber Nation Station's are made possible through generous donations.
💡Helpful Links
- Call the attendance line: 952-496-5753 (this is a 24 hour line, leave a message at any time, it gets checked continuously throughout the day)
- Enter an absence online through Parent Portal. This is a helpful guide on how to do this below.
Scott County Virtual Library Card
The Virtual Student Library Card partnership ensures all K-12 students have access to digital and print resources from the Scott County Library.
Now Hiring Part-Time/Full-Time Paraprofessional Positions, Food Services and more
Training is provided, job share responsibilities and weekend/summer/school breaks off. Click here for a list of positions and to apply.