New Class, Tutoring, Summer School!
Sign up now for a new class, tutoring, and summer school!
Read below for three ways to catch up, get help, and Graduate!
Outdoor Lifestyle & Alaska Culture is a new course that starts Monday, April 12th!
This course takes the class room outside! Each week we’ll get outdoors on the Burchell Challenge Course and on various field trips to hike. While exploring local historical areas we will learn more about Alaska through a place based approach as we emphasize Alaska Indigenous history and culture. Depending on your credit needs, you could earn a half credit in outdoor rec and a half credit in either anthropology or AK history!
This class begins April 12th! It is only 5 weeks and will require excellent attendance in order for students to earn up to a full credit!
Times: Mon - Thurs, 2:20pm - 4:00pm
After-School Tutoring - Virtual and In-person
There are up to three staff members on duty to help tutor and assist students Mondays through Thursdays. We also have a teacher who can tutor students remotely, or allow them to take PFA's.
Sign up for Tutoring here!
Summer School
Burchell will be hosting three different summer school programs in-person this year. For students who need to graduate or catch up on credits, we have ABLE to meet their credit needs. All seniors who graduate during summer school will given a bell ringing ceremony! We also have Summit tutoring to allow any Summit students to turn any Incomplete grades into passing grades. Finally, we are offering Adventure Academy where students will be challenged on the ropes course, go for hikes on beautiful Alaskan trails, learn about the natural environment, and capture their learning through art.
- Classes start MAY 25TH and will end on JUNE 18TH.
- We will be meeting: TUESDAYS - FRIDAYS from 9:00AM- 2:30PM
- Breakfast: 8:45AM - 9:00AM
- Lunch: 11:30AM - 12:00PM
- Transportation provided!
Sign up here for Summer School!
The LEAD After-School program is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant and provides a meal and transportation home.
Outdoor Lifestyle & Alaska Culture
- Ropes course challenge
- Hiking
- Museum trips
- Art
- History
After-School Tutoring
Click the image to sign up!
Summer School 2021!
- A.B.L.E. (credit recovery)
- Summit Learning (finish Incompletes)
- Adventure Academy (earn up to 1.5 credits)