Estabrook Buzz
September 17, 2018
Don't Forget - NO SCHOOL - Wednesday, September 19 (Yom Kippur)
Principal's Corner
Getting To Know Students As Learners
We are 11 days into the school year. Teachers are actively engaged in getting to know their students as learners. Much of this comes from observing and interacting with students during class lessons and activities. Much can be gained by observing how students persevere through a challenge, explain their thinking, or interact with peers. And what is their stamina for reading and writing independently?
We also use some tools designed to get to know students. For example, in writing, students may be asked to complete an "on demand" writing task at the beginning a new unit on a particular genre of writing. In the coming weeks, students will participate in an on-line screening tool called AIMSWeb - designed to provide teachers in an efficient manner with information about students' knowledge and skills. Part of this screening also includes reading aloud with a teacher. You may hear your child talk about leaving the room to read with a different teacher (members of literacy, ELL and special education staff).
This year, Lexington has adopted a new reading assessment this year called the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). This assessment involves a teacher reading individually with a student - listening to the student read a leveled text and then engaging in a "comprehension conversation" about what they read. This 1:1 assessment provides teachers with invaluable insights into their students' reading. The BAS replaces the previously-used Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) and uses more authentic, engaging texts. In addition, the comprehension conversation feels more natural than being asked a series of scripted questions. I have worked with the BAS in another district and know that teachers found it to be a helpful tool. Teachers are currently being trained in the use of the BAs and will begin using it in October.
All of this work helps teachers plan instruction based on the needs of their students.
Estabrook Goes Green
Zero Trash Pizza Night, Textile Recycling, and Safe Routes to School. See below for information on how Estabrook doesn't just talk about going green. We are doing it.
Rick Rogers
Interim Principal
6:30-7:15 Specialists & Student Services in Library
7:00-7:45 . Gr. 3 -5 Classrooms
Thursday, Sep 27, 2018, 06:00 PM
Estabrook School
Scenes from Estabrook Pizza Night
Pizza Boxes At the Ready.
Big Crowds on a Beautiful September Evening.
Zero Waste - Estabrook "Bee" Green
Safe Routes To School (2nd Wednesday of Every Month)
Students Gather at Before School Information Table
Students sign a Healthy Habits Pledge
Thank you to Gr. 4 Teacher Lori Alberts and parent Sara Cuthbertson for organizing!
Textile Collection Box
Have you notice the Bay State Textiles White Collection Box located in our parking lot?
Why is the box placed?
The box is placed as a solution to the problem of unwanted textiles. In Massachusetts alone there are 520 MILLION pounds of unwanted textiles that end up in the waste stream of which 95% can be reused or recycled. The country as a whole is only recycling 15% of unwanted textiles.
What goes in the box?
Bay State Textiles accepts clothing, shoes, pocketbooks, household linens and stuffed animals in ANY condition as long as they are not wet or contaminated with hazardous material. Visit baystatetextiles.com for a list of acceptable items. For the safety of the drivers please bag your items and tie the bags!!!
What happens to the items in the box?
Bay State Textiles employs Massachusetts residents, contracts with local vendors for supplies and exports the material throughout the global market. As the material is shipped to graders, the useable items are resold creating jobs and economic benefit for those wanting to purchase inexpensive quality clothing. Additional jobs are created in the wiping cloth and fiber conversion industry.
How does our school benefit?
Bay State Textiles services the box weekly, weighing the items. Bay State Textiles sends a rebate check monthly based on the weight of donation.
Thank you for your support of our Textile Recycling/Reuse Program!