Security and Integrity Training
Linton-Stockton School Corporation 2019-2020
⚠ Attention All LSSC Employees! ⚠
Every year, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) requires corporation staff to review a variety of materials regarding test security and integrity. This includes teachers, paraprofessionals, food service employees, custodians, office staff, etc. The only group excluded from this requirement is bus drivers. As you scroll through this newsletter, please watch the training video and review the hyperlinked materials. In its entirety, this should take approximately 25 minutes to complete.
At the end of this newsletter is a Google Form that will capture an electronic signature indicating you have met all IDOE training requirements. The state requires 100% corporation employee completion no later than September 30, 2019. Again, the only exclusions are bus drivers!
...and for your enjoyment, I will randomly insert funny student assessment responses. :)
🎥 Please watch this entire video from IDOE (approximately 15 minutes)
🔍 Important Documents to Review
2019-2020 Code of Ethical Practices and Procedures
Go to to access the following documents:
- 2019-2020 Indiana Assessments Policy Manual
- 2019-2020 Test Security and Integrity
2019-2020 LSSC Local Test Security Policy
The Indiana Department of Education requires each school corporation to have a locally-developed Test Security Policy that is shared with staff and available for review upon request.
Test Security & Integrity
Each building principal or designee will communicate the purpose for the state-wide, corporation-wide, or school-wide assessment.
Each building principal or designee will ensure all staff (excluding bus drivers) reviews the Code of Ethical Practices and Procedures prior to standardized test administration at least once annually.
Each building principal or designee will ensure all staff (excluding bus drivers) receives Test Security & Integrity Training at least once annually.
Prior to test administration, all staff members (excluding bus drivers) will sign the Indiana Testing Security and Integrity Agreement to acknowledge they have read, understood, and agree to adhere to the Code of Ethical Practices and Procedures and have completed all required test security trainings. Training attendance rosters will also document participation.
Signed Indiana Testing Security and Integrity Agreements will be kept on file in the Administration Building for no fewer than three years.
Each school will create a testing schedule that ensures testing sessions have been thought through so as not to expose students to portions of the test they have not taken.
At no time should any part of the assessment be copied.
Staff may use the released practice items provided by the Indiana Department of Education to review with students. NWEA should be used to assist in preparation for the standardized assessments as well as other curricular resources adopted by the school corporation. Elaborate test prep resources should not replace the curriculum.
Staff and administration will review the results of the standardized assessments to determine strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the results will be used to help determine school improvement goals and student programming.
During test administration, the CTC, building principals, and/or designees will monitor testing rooms to ensure staff is administering assessments with fidelity in terms of test administration and test security protocols/procedures and that staff are appropriately providing students with accommodations included in their IEPs, ILPs, Section 504 Plans, CSEPs, or Service Plans. These visits will be documented.
Testing Material Storage
Testing materials will be stored in a designated, secure location. This will be referred to as each building’s “Testing HQ.” The middle school and high school will share a Testing HQ. The elementary school will have its own Testing HQ.
For security purposes, all materials (test tickets, scratch paper, etc.) must be signed in and signed out so there location is always known. Prior to testing, Test Administrators (TAs) should report to the appropriate Testing HQ to pick up and sign out materials. Upon completion of testing, TAs should return and sign in materials. If returning materials is difficult because of having a class immediately following testing, someone will come to classrooms for pick-up to ensure materials are secure at all times.
Secure test materials will not be delivered to buildings more than one week in advance of the test administration.
Teachers and other school staff members are not allowed access to secure materials more than four hours in advance of the test administration. Examiner’s Manuals, however, will be distributed prior to the testing window (with the exception of IREAD-3) in order to provide time for familiarity with testing expectations.
Testing Violations
All concerns about inappropriate practices should be referred to the Corporation Testing Coordinator (CTC). The CTC will fill out the necessary paperwork, notify the appropriate local and state personnel, and conduct an internal investigation if necessary.
The steps the CTC will follow include those stated in the Program Manual, which states the investigation will include, but will not be limited to the following:
A formal process by which all complaints are documented and can be traced to their resolution (file will be created for each incident)
An initial inquiry to determine whether there is credible evidence that such an event has occurred must be conducted within one school day of receipt of a verified complaint, allegation, or concern about inappropriate testing practices, or a report of testing irregularity.
If any evidence of an inappropriate testing practice or testing irregularity exists, a report to the Office of Student Assessment must be sent within the next seven calendar days.
Protection for the integrity of any ongoing assessments.
A final written report to the Office of Student Assessment within four weeks, unless a written request for a timeline extension has been granted.
The final report must clearly indicate any recommendations or finding that would impact the reliability or validity of student scores and specifically detail actions that the entity recommends the state to take.
LSSC 2019-2020 CTC and STCs
CTC (Corporation Testing Coordinator)
Maren Kula
Linton-Stockton Director of Curriculum
(812) 847-6020 x1006
STC (School Testing Coordinators)
Angela Colliver
Linton-Stockton Elementary School Counselor
(812) 847-6039 x2003
Brianna Wigington
Linton-Stockton Middle School/High School Guidance Counselor
(812) 847-6024 x4003