SHES Parent Newsletter
February, 2025
Important Dates/Events
PLC Days (Late Start):
- Wednesday, February 5th
- Wednesday, February 26th
Chiefs Super Bowl Spirit Week - Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 7th
6th Grade Enrollment Info Night - Monday, February 3rd at 6:00pm (Spring Hill Middle School)
2nd Grade Music Extravaganza - Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00pm (SHES cafeteria)
3rd Grade Music Extravaganza - Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30pm (SHES cafeteria)
Eureka! 4th Grade CKLA Fair - Friday, February 7th at 2:00pm
PTO Meeting - Monday, February 10th at 7:00pm (SHES library)
Valentine Parties - Tuesday, February 11th at 2:00pm
Early Dismissal - Wednesday, February 12th at 1:10pm
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
- Wednesday, February 12th from 3:40pm - 7:40pm
- Thursday, February 13th from 1:00pm - 7:40pm
No School for Students:
- Thursday, February 13th
- Friday, February 14th
- Monday, February 17th (President's Day)
Spring Pictures - Thursday, February 20th
Mismatch Shoes Spirit Day - Friday, February 21st
Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduler - January 31st - February 10th
The parent/teacher conference scheduler will open on Skyward Friday, January 31st at 8:00am and close on Monday, February 10th at 3:00pm. Be sure to sign up for a conference with your student's teacher!
6th Grade Enrollment Information Night
5th grade students and their families are invited to a 6th Grade Enrollment Information Night at Spring Hill Middle School on Monday, February 3rd at 6:00pm. An information session from the principals and counselor about required courses and elective options available to students will take place in the Auditorium. After the presentation, the building will be open for you and your student to explore and become familiar with the set up of our school.
Starting February 10th, you can start entering elective classes into Skyward. This final step will make course choices official requests.
QUESTIONS? If you cannot attend the family meeting and have read the information your student brings home, please email your student's middle school counselor, Haley Weidert, at weiderthal@usd230.org.
Webster Carline Drop-Off
Student safety during morning drop-off is a top priority. If a parent chooses to park their car rather than join the carline, they must walk with their student using the designated crosswalk to ensure student safety. Additionally, staff may approach your car to assist in letting students out even if you're not at the front of the line. This process helps maintain a smooth flow of traffic while keeping all students safe.
PTO News
The PTO is very excited for all of the events and fun planned for spring 2025! We hope you'll join us on Monday, February 10th at 7:00pm for our next PTO meeting to hear more. Make sure to follow us on Facebook for up-to-date happenings and reminders. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to email us at coltspto@gmail.com.
PTO Fundraisers
We have 3 fundraising opportunities taking place right now to ensure our students can go on field trips and participate in fun opportunities. Check them out!
- Spirit Wear - Spring Hill Elementary School and Spring Hill spirit wear items are available now through April. These purchases will ship directly to your home. Take a look here! * All sales are final with no exchanges or refunds. *
- Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - Thank you to all that ordered some delicious doughnuts! Remember, orders will be available for pick up on Monday, February 10th from 3:30pm - 6:30pm in the SHES Library. All orders must be picked up on the 10th. Any food orders not picked up will be donated to the teachers and staff.
- Box Tops for Education - Here's an easy way for the school to earn money on items you're already purchasing. Download the Box Tops for Education app, scan your receipts after you shop, and SHES will earn money. Please scan the QR code for more information and to start earning money for SHES. If you have questions or need help, please reach out!
PTO Events
- Valentine's Day Class Parties - Watch your email for information from the Room Parent that is organizing the party for the classroom. Parties will be held on Tuesday, February 11th. For questions, please reach out to us.
- Read-a-Thon - SHES PTO is working with Read For My School to hold a read-a-thon again this year! Watch for more information coming soon.
- Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House Charities - Let's help RMHC help more families in the Kansas City area! By collecting pop tabs and donating them to RMHC, you can be a part of serving families with sick children. Check out this graphic from RMHC. Do not bring any pop tabs (soda, energy drink, or pet food) into school yet. We will collect them March 24th - March 28th.
- Penny Wars - Start collecting coins for Penny Wars! Students will once again compete against other grades for the highest number of points. Pennies = +1 point, Nickels = -5 points, Dimes = -10 points, and quarters = -25 points. Please do not send any coins to the school yet - we'll let you know when!
2 Hour Early Dismissal: Wednesday, February 12th
Due to parent/teacher conferences, students will be released from school at 1:10pm on Wednesday, February 12th. Please make sure to contact the SHES office if you have transportation changes that day.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: February 12th - February 13th
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held at SHES on Wednesday, February 12th from 3:40pm - 7:40pm and on Thursday, February 13th from 1:00pm - 7:40pm. These will be student led conferences, so please make sure your student is in attendance so they can share with you all they have been learning. Reminder: the parent/teacher conference scheduler will close on Skyward on February 10th at 3:00pm.
Parent/teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity to share both concerns and celebrations with your child’s teacher. These discussions help foster a positive partnership focused on your child’s success. Please remember to reach out to the teacher directly with concerns you may have rather than posting on social media, as this allows for more productive and private conversations. Teachers truly appreciate parents who communicate openly, as it strengthens the connection between home and school.
No School: February 13th - February 17th
There will be no school for students on the following days:
- Thursday, February 13th
- Friday, February 14th
- Monday, February 17th (President's Day)
We look forward to welcoming students back into the building on Tuesday, February 18th!
Spring Pictures - Thursday, February 20th
Individual and class pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 20th. More information on how to order pictures will be sent home as we get closer to the date.
Staff Standing Ovation
We know you’ve experienced an employee going above and beyond for you, a student, a parent, a peer, or a community member! Please help us recognize that employee by completing the short 2024-25 Standing Ovation Nomination form.
About Us
Address: 300 S Webster St, Spring Hill, KS 66083
Phone: (913)592-7277
Email: SHES-info@usd230.org
Website: https://www.usd230.org/shes
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SHESColts
Twitter: https://x.com/SHESColts