November News
November 4th, 2024
A note from Mrs. Leonard....
November is here. It is a time for us to give thanks. I would like to thank all the professionals and staff here at Waverly for their excellence and commitment to our students. I would also like to thank our families for your commitment to education. We are so thankful for your children. We could not do what we do without your support. We here at Waverly wish all of our families a very happy, healthy holiday.
We had a great October and a fabulous Halloween Celebration. The kids had a great time!
Reporting Absences, Early Dismissals & Transportation Changes
Please use the email address above to report any absences, early dismissals and transportation changes. Please do not send these to teacher Class Dojos or only to the teacher. They are very busy attending to the children and often they do not see the message or they forget. Please notify the office at the email above so we can give the message and serve as a backup reminder.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Label Coats!!!
Please label your child's coat and water bottles. The lost and found is already growing and it is not even cold yet! Help us, help you!
Thank you!!!
Important November Dates
Dates to Remember:
11/6- Last Day of the First Quarter
11/8- Veteran's Day Celebration
11/11- Veteran's Day- No School
11/18- 2 Hour Delay
11/26- Grade 3 Field Trip
11/27- 11:55 Early dismissal NO PM Kindergarten
11/28- Happy Thanksgiving
11/29- No School Thanksgiving Break
12/2 & 3- No School Parent Teacher Conferences
Coloring Contest this Month
Each month we have a coloring contest here at Waverly. This month's contest was sent home on Monday. This month our students have the opportunity to win some fabulous prizes if they decide to enter. Kost Tire invited our school to participate in their coloring contest. Please check your chid's backpack for more information. Send a big thank you to the Kost Family.
PTA Corner
Art to Remember Fundraiser
Waverly PTA is participating in a creative fundraiser with Art to Remember that allows you to purchase keepsake products customized with your child's art. There are over 60 products and many are less than $20. These make great gifts and a percentage of every purchase goes right back to our school. Click on the link below and enter the online order code shown on your child's order form or to search for your child's artwork. Then, have fun shopping!
The due date for free shipping to the school is 11/19. Orders will be in before the holidays if ordered by this date!!
Food Drive
To kick-off the Holdiay season, the PTA will be partnering with Endless Roots Farm and Abington Angels to collect food donations for entire holiday meal as well as stock pantry items for everyday meals through the holiday break for 25 local Abington Height School District families.
Endless Farms will contribute fresh foods to the families by matching any donations through their store:
We will collect non-perishable foods, listed in this email and on the flyer, at the school. The food drive will run from November 3rd through December 10th. The grade that collects the MOST non-perishable food will win a surprise prize!
This year it is more important than ever to support as AHSD has a longer than usual winter break. Please consider sending in food or donating through Endless Root Farms.
Thank you in advance for supporting the community!