Falcon Flyer for Families!
Final Week! June 3-6, 2024
Falcon Families,
Thank you for an amazing school year! We have enjoyed each and every day with your children, and we cannot wait to see them again in August. We hope that you have an enjoyable and restful summer.
In the next few days, students will receive two books to take home over the summer so that they can continue reading. Suggested books will be posted on the Sullivan website, too, from the 2024-25 SC Book Award Nominee list. Continue reading, Falcons!
Next week, we will have Awards and Field Days for each grade level. See details below. If you are an approved volunteer, we would love to have you come out and help us with Field Days! See the Sign-Up Genius for specifics. For Award Days, students are allowed to "Dress Up" for the assembly. On "Field Day," students may dress down in shorts (no short shorts or bicycle shorts) and tshirts.
Summer hours for Rock Hill Schools will be Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm starting the week of June 10. We look forward to seeing you at the end of July!
Dr. Persinski
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Upcoming Events and Information
Monday, June 3--6th grade Awards 9-11; 7th grade Field Day
Tuesday, June 4-7th grade Awards 9-11; 8th grade Field Day
Wednesday, June 5--8th Awards 9-11; 6th grade Field Day--Final Spirit Night at Penn Station
Thursday, June 6--HALF DAY! School is out at 11:45~
School Verification!
Check your email for an email from Rock Hill Schools concerning School Verification for the 24-25 school year. Completing this now will save you time later!
National Great History Challenge
Congratulations to Kasey Knight (7th grade) who made it to the National Great History Challenge competition in Chicago!. She was one of 40,000 across the country to take the test, one of 2,000 to qualify for regional competition, and one of 360 in attendance at the national competition. Congratulations! We are very proud!
Summer Cheer
All library books are due to the Media Center at this time. Remember if your child has any library books still out, please make sure they return them to the Media Center. If your child has missing books, they will receive a notice. Please make sure your student has a clear account for next year.
If you have any questions or concerns about books, please contact Mrs. Heyward at kheyward@rhmail.org
Certified Wildlife Habitat
Sullivan is applying for our Memorial Garden Courtyard to be a Certified Wildlife Habitat thanks to Ms. Dreier! We are in need of a few items to complete our application. Can you help us? The next time you are at a garden center, think about donating one of the following:
- Suet feed
- Carolina Wren birdhouse
- 3 Hostas
- Columbine
- 2-3 Coral bells
- Hydrangea
- Butterfly weed
- 2 carolina jasmine plants
- Soil
- Zinnias
- Marigolds
End of Year/Next Year--Save the Dates!
Field Day Volunteers Requested!
Summer and 24-25 school year
SUMMER CAMP! We are working on a rising 6th grade summer camp for all of our new 6th graders! It will take place Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25 from 9-12. 6th graders will get their schedules at the end of camp. E-mail Ms. Wilmore to sign up: EWilmore@rhmail.org
Please make sure that you have verified your student for the 24-25 school year so that you are ready to begin.
7th grade Schedule Pick Up: 3-6 pm July 29
8th grade Schedule Pick Up: 3-6 pm July 30
VOLUNTEERS! Sullivan is looking for parent volunteers who would like to help monitor at lunch and during testing weeks. Please look for a sign up as we begin in August. Volunteers must be approved through the district process. https://rock-hill.jotform.com/223140705783150
PTO Meeting for 24-25
PTO Officers:
President: Erica Smith
Vice President: Ashley Lang
Secretary: Melissa Maynard
Treasurer: Amanda Winters
Coffee Cafe
Sullivan PTO provides a Coffee Cafe in the teachers' lounge throughout the year as a gesture of appreciation for our faculty and staff. Sign up to help us restock!
SIC Dates for 24-25-Save the Date!
July 18
Aug 20
Sept 17
Oct 15
Nov 19
Jan 21
Feb 18
Mar 18
Apr 15
Help support our Falcon Store. HERE is the wish list to help supply us!
Uniform Donations
Families, please consider donating new or gently used uniform items including pants, shirts, and crewneck sweatshirts for our students who may be in need! Ms. Bostic, in our front office, will collect and store the items.
School Store Link
Please see this link for the PTO School Store!
Sullivan Middle School
Email: jpersinski@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/Domain/29
Location: 1825 Eden Terrace, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1450
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/smsfalconsrh/
Twitter: @smfalcons
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sullivan.ib.middle.school/