Hembree Highlights
April 26, 2024
Message from Ms. Lahey
Greetings Hembree Families!
We had a great week filled with many activities. We welcomed our newest Hembree Hawks on Tuesday at our Kindergarten Sneak Peek. I loved meeting all the new members to our family. Our annual 4th and 5th grade chorus concert was performed on Thursday for the school and the parents. Our students did an amazing job and the theme was wonderful. We ended our week with the "Best of the Nest" celebration. It is always so rewarding to see our students receive this award for exhibiting the qualities of a good citizen.
Georgia Milestones Testing
We begin our Milestones testing on MONDAY April 29th. I can't believe we are at this point in the year. Your children have worked very hard and this is an opportunity for them to show what they know. Please help us make this successful by encouraging your child to go to bed early, eat a healthy breakfast, and to not be anxious. We know they are going to do well. Grades 3 and 5 begin testing on Monday. Please see the calendar above. 4th grade will begin on Thursday May 2nd.
I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your family this weekend. I will be spending my weekend buying all the things I need for my daughter's graduation party. My youngest baby will graduate from UGA on May 10th. It is bittersweet for sure!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Nancy Lahey
Hembree Springs ES
Important Dates
4/29-5/10 Georgia Milestones testing (no visitors or volunteers allowed in the building)
5/17 Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Spirit Day (10777 Alpharetta Highway)
5/17 PTA End of Year Picnic @ Hembree Park Pavilion & Playground @5:30-7pm (see below for details)
5/17 Remaining lost and found items will be donated at end of day
Congrats to our Best of the Nest winners for April! Way to go!
Fifth Grade Baby Photos Needed
Hi 5th Grade Families! Can you believe that our little babies are going to be middle schoolers next year? How is this possible? To celebrate this huge milestone, we are creating our annual Who’s That Baby?!? Video - now’s a good time to pull out those old photos and think of all the fond memories! Send us the cutest baby photo of your 5th grader along with a current photo from this year. Please be sure to include your child’s name and homeroom teacher as well. The video will play in the cafeteria during the last week of school and students will try to recognize their friends. Email your photos and any questions to ashleyjruss@gmail.com by Tuesday, April 30th. Thanks!
Time to Return All Books!
Lost and Found Items
Spirit Day at Popeyes on 5/17
PTA hosts End-of-Year Picnic
We are just about to cross the finish line on the 2023-24 school year, and to celebrate, the PTA would like to invite all our Hembree families to an end-of-the-year picnic! The picnic will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. May 17 at the pavilion and playground in the back of the park, located at 850 Hembree Road, Roswell. To go along with the event, you can either bring your own picnic, or support our school and buy dinner at Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, 10777 Alpharetta Hwy., Roswell. Our school gets 15% of purchases that ENTIRE day (just be sure to put your receipt in the bin by the register!) Music school Bach2Rock will have instruments for kids to try, and there will also be free sno cones!
Georgia Milestones Testing
As we begin our end of year assessments, some students can experience general anxiety. Please check out these tips below on how you as a parent or family member can help your student feel confident and ready!
Career Day Volunteers Needed for Grades 3-5
Hembree Springs is inviting our professional and academic community to share their professions with our students. Career Day will take place on May 13th (fifth grade) and May 16th (third and fourth grades). Please consider being an inspiration for our future by volunteering your time to share your professional career with our students! We would also like to welcome any college students that are willing to share their college experiences!
Participating in Career Day would involve speaking to individual classes from 3rd-5th grade. The presenters would speak to one or two classes at a time for about 20-25 minutes for each presentation rotation. Presenters would need to plan on being at the school on the day of your choice for an approximate 2-hour total timeframe.
Please RSVP by signing up for a date/time slot for the grade level that you would like to share with. Sharing with multiple grade levels is acceptable if you would like. If you have any questions, you may reach Shannon Reynolds, School Counselor at 470-254-9456.
Thank you for your time!
Shannon Reynolds
Sign-up link:
Summer Learning Program for Grades 3-5
Fulton County Schools is offering a summer learning program for elementary students grades 3-5 from June 5th - July 3rd from 7:20 am - 2:20 pm at Mimosa Elementary School. This is designed for students that are not meeting grade level expectations at this point in the school year. This summer school opportunity is by invitation only and will be for reading and math. We will be sending out invitations on Friday, March 8th based on preliminary data. The preliminary data is used to make recommendations for Summer Learning and does not mean that your child will be required to attend summer learning. It will be an opportunity for parents to be aware that their child may be a candidate for summer learning. All students that are invited in this 'preliminary' round of invitations are asked to complete the invitation and return it to school for planning purposes. Below is the criteria being used for Summer Learning recommendations:
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in reading (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who is performing 2 or more years below grade level on iReady in math (as measured by the Mid-Year Diagnostic in December 2023)
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 ELA and/or reading course
- 3rd-5th grade student who failed a Semester 1 math course
- 3rd- 5th grade student being considered for retention
Please reach out to Morgan Tew, Assistant Principal, with any questions you might have about Summer Learning.
Milton Basketball Camp
We are currently NOW in the preparation stages for our 2024 Milton Boys Basketball Camp
- 2 Sessions
i. June 3- (9am-2pm) – at Milton HS – Main Gym (and aux if necessary)
ii. July 15-18 (9am-2pm) – at Milton HS- Main Gym (and aux if necessary)
- Ages
i. Open to BOYS and GIRLS
ii. Ages Kindergarten thru Pre-9th grade (incoming 9th graders are allowed to attend)
- Cost
i. $200 each week per camper
ii. $25 Discount for siblings
iii. $25 Discount for coming both weeks
(NOTE - Discounts cannot be combined)
iv. $30 Meal Plan – includes lunch everyday –
Chick fila/Pizza/Subway/Knuckies plus chips plus a bottle of water
- COST INCLUDES 1 Milton Basketball T-SHIRT
- Details
i. **Students may bring their own lunch – or purchase the meal plan listed above to get lunch
ii. Camp will be run by Head Coach Allen Whitehart and his Championship level coaching staff
iii. Some Milton Varsity players will be assisting with the camp
iv. Concession stand will be available for extra snacks/water/candy/Gatorade
v. Campers will divided up by ages and skill level for games, etc.
- Camp will consist of:
i. Daily fundamentals and skill development
ii. Offensive and Defensive breakdown
iii. Shooting development
iv. Video Highlights and breakdowns of Milton, college teams, NBA teams and NBA Stars
v. Lots of GAMES – 1 on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 3, 5 on 5, Hot-Shot, 21, Free throws, dribble tag, and more
vi. FUN – this will be a fun week for kids
- TO sign up for the basketball camp – click on the link BELOW
i. https://miltoneagleshoops.sportngin.com/register/form/323601794
"Under the Lights" Milton HS Girls Flag Football Summer Camp
The camp is designed to be a fun, engaging introduction to the awesome sport of girls flag football - one of the fastest growing sports in the country. Campers will work alongside 2022 State Championship Runner-up Milton flag football players...and be encouraged to have fun while learning about the sport and getting physically active!
"Under The Lights"
Milton HS Girls Flag Football Summer Camp
Open to all rising 4th - 8th grade girls
Monday, June 24th - Thursday, June 27th
$125 per camper
All registered campers will receive a MHS flag football t-shirt
Payments can be made via Venmo to @MiltonFlagFootball
Scan Flyer QR code to register today!
Questions? Email MHSflagfootball@gmail.com
Roswell Basketball Camp
Thank you all so much for volunteering at Hembree Springs this semester! We appreciate all of the many hours you gave to support our students, staff and other parents and families to help make our Hembree Hawks community thrive. We wish you a restful or exciting winter break and look forward to seeing you in the halls in 2024.
All volunteers are required to re-register online to be able to volunteer again starting in January 2024. Once you re-register your volunteer status will be good through May 31, 2026. Fulton County School is discontinuing the current Raptor sign in process and replacing it with Infinite Campus CheckMate. Link here to complete the re-registration.
Safety & Security / Volunteer Application Form (fultonschools.org)
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902