FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to the month of August! I pray this Newsletter finds you and your family well. Today is the memorial of St. Peter Julian Eymard, a 19th century priest who established the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. One source notes that St. Peter Julian described himself as "a little like Jacob, always on a journey, always seeking." May we strive to instill this same desire - this search and seeking for truth - in our students in the year ahead!
With school starting back up in just about four weeks, this week's Newsletter is packed with important information including some exciting new programs at Father Doyle.
In my time at Father Doyle, I have rarely (if ever) been accused of being too brief in my remarks. Indeed, I am sure George Orwell was not speaking to me when he wrote "if it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out." So yes, this week's Newsletter is lengthy (like many of my Newsletters); however, if there is one Newsletter you read in its entirety this school year, may it be this one!
In particular, below you'll find information below regarding our 2024 Back to School Events starting up on August 13th with our annual Popsicles with the Principal. In addition, I am thrilled to announce the launching of a new Middle School Electives program, along with a new lunch program featuring a bi-weekly ordering cadence. And lastly, please take some time to meet our new (and newly returning!) staff!
FJVD Back to School Events 2024
Each year, the school hosts a range of back to school events to welcome both new and returning families to a new school year. Below, you will find a brief description of each of the events; however, be sure to check out the attached PDF for full details!
Popsicles with the Principal - Tuesday, August 13th - 5:15pm
Who: All new families, PK-8
Where: Blacktop, outside of school gym
What: New families can meet other new families, connect with their ambassador families, and chat with the principal
Back to School BBQ - Thursday, August 22nd - 5:00pm
Who: All families, PK-8
Where: Throughout the school grounds
What: Join us for hotdogs, hamburgers, and lawn games as we ring in the new school year!
Please note, you must place your food order for the BBQ no later than August 15th. Order using the form here.
Back to School Night - Wednesday, August 28th - 5:30pm/6:15pm
Who: K-8 Families
Where: Classrooms/School Gymnasium
What: NEW format this year! Based on feedback from parents and teachers, the model for Back to School Night is shifting for this year, with the majority of time spent in your child/ren’s classroom learning about daily routines, instructional materials, teaching strategies, etc. There will also be a brief presentation by Fr. Woolley and Mr. Peloquin, and a meet & greet session in the school gym.
Please note, the schedule depends upon your student(s)' last name and whether or not you have more than one child in grades K-8. Please see the attached PDF for full details!
Orientation/Teach Day - Thursday, August 29th - 8:30am-11:30am
Who: All students K-8
Where: School
What: Provide K-8 students with an opportunity to learn, engage with, and practice our student formation policies and procedures - and have some fun along the way!
Please note, pre-kindergarten orientation will also run on the 29th. A detailed schedule for pre-kindergarten orientation has been mailed to families along with additional information for the upcoming school year. It should arrive soon!
Introducing the Middle School Electives Program
As the school seeks to continue to expand educational opportunities for students, and based on the feedback received from recent parent surveys, Father Doyle School is excited to announce the opportunity for elective courses for middle school students for the 2024-2025 school year.
The school will offer one elective per trimester, open to students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. The elective will be held during that grade level’s art period. Students must take at least one full trimester of art during the academic year, with the following scheduling options:
Three trimesters of art, no electives
Two trimesters of art, one trimester of an elective
One trimester of art, two trimesters of an elective
The following electives are being offered for the 2024-2025 school year: News and Media, Shark Tank FJVD, and Current Events - "News Desk 201." All electives will be taught by Mr. Godin. For more information regarding each of these courses, please see the course description attached below or click here.
In order to schedule their electives, students must select their preferred elective choices for the school year using the survey here no later than Friday, August 16, 2024. While the school will work to provide every student with their first choice of elective(s), due to class sizes it may be necessary for some students to be placed in their secondary choices. In addition, please note that all electives will run dependent upon class size, with a minimum of five students per class. Students will be notified of their elective schedule via email by Friday, August 23rd.
Introducing the New FJVD Lunch Program
Based upon feedback from recent parent surveys, the school is making changes to its lunch program.
In the academic year ahead, the school will be partnering with Olde Theater Diner and other local vendors to offer a variety of daily hot and cold lunch options. This allows the school to provide a high quality lunch at the same price as last year with improvements to the ordering timeline.
Sample menu items will include, but are not limited to:
- Breakfast for Lunch (i.e. pancakes, waffles, french toast)
- Meatball Subs with Chips
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Chicken Fingers with Fries
- Vegetable Pasta Medley
- Pizza
- Grilled Cheese Sandwiches (available daily)
- Ham & Cheese Sandwiches (available daily)
- Garden Salad with Grilled Chicken (available daily)
In addition, please note that ordering will now be completed every two weeks rather than monthly. Ordering will still be completed via the FACTS Family Portal and can also be accessed through the FJVD App.
Also, the lunch program will start on the first day of school, August 30th! Ordering information will be available soon.
Lastly, please note that milk will still be available at the same cost and through the same ordering process as last year.
Bon appetit!
Welcoming New (and Newly Returning) Staff
As mentioned in a recent Newsletter, we are thrilled to welcome Ms. Jenna Szorosy to our staff, who will be serving as our 5th grade teacher. In addition, Nurse Patti and Nurse Kathie will be sharing school nurse responsibilities in the year ahead, with Nurse Kathie in the building Monday - Wednesday and Nurse Patti in the building Thursdays and Fridays. In addition, please note the following staffing updates:
Ms. Michelle Chen - Art Teacher - PK-8
I am excited to introduce Ms. Michelle Chen as our new Art Teacher! Ms. Chen comes to us having previously taught elementary art in a nearby public school district. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in communication arts from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master of Arts in Art & Design Education from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). She also holds a current teaching certification for Art Education (all grades) from the Rhode Island Department of Education.
Mrs. Tina Brotherton - Pre-Kindergarten Aide, Mrs. Pare's Classroom
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Tina Brotherton to our school community. She will be serving as the full time aide in Mrs. Pare's pre-kindergarten classroom in the year ahead. Mrs. Brotherton holds her Teaching Assistant Certificate from CCRI and previously served as a teacher assistant in the Coventry public school system. She is also a parishioner here at Saints John and Paul.
Ms. Lacerda and Mrs. Christiansen - Pre-Kindergarten Aides, Mrs. Edwards Classroom
Many of you may be familiar with Ms. Lacerda and Mrs. Christiansen, both having served in previous roles at our school. In the coming year, Ms. Lacerda will be continuing in her role as coordinator of our Extended Day program, as well as serving as the aid in Mrs. Edwards pre-kindergarten classroom on Mondays and Wednesdays. Mrs. Christiansen will also be serving as an aide in Mrs. Edwards classroom on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. We thank both Ms. Lacerda and Mrs. Christiansen for their dedicated service to our school community in the past, and we look forward to their new roles in the year ahead!
Welcome (Back!) Mrs. Colombo - 1st Grade Aide
Lastly, we are honored to welcome Mrs. Colombo back to our school community as the 1st grade aide on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Mrs. Colombo has previously served our students as both a 1st grade aide and, most recently, as an aide in Mrs. Pare's pre-kindergarten class. We're so excited to have her join us again for the 2024-2025 school year!
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your families.
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
The Nurse's Corner
End of Year/Start of Year Forms
While it is still early July, it is not too early to begin thinking about important medical forms needed for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Please note the following:
Start of Year Medical Forms:
The following forms are due at the start of the 2024-2025 School Year:
- School Physical Form
- This is required for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, seventh grade, and all new incoming students.
- It is due upon entry to the school
- Annual Health Update
- For all returning students
- For all returning students
- Dental Screening Form
- This is not mandatory for day one, but it sure would be nice!
- Medication Consent Form for any Medication Prescribed by a Physician
- Medication Consent Form for Administration of Over the Counter (OTC) Medication
- This applies only to students in Grades 6-8 and must be signed by a parent/guardian
- Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) for any child with Asthma, Diabetes, or an Allergy Treatment Plan
- For food allergies, bee stings, or any other offender that can cause Anaphylaxis
All of these forms are provided in digital form via hyperlink in the Nurse's Corner on our school website. These forms are almost all due on or before the first day of school and any associated medication is due the first day of school as well. If a required medication or form has not been provided, the child cannot attend school until it is received.
Please reach out with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you!
Thank You to Our Partners in Education!
Platinum Sponsors
Ocean State Scale and Balance
Olde Theater Diner
Rhode Island Artesian Well
Gold Sponors
Silver Sponsors
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About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints