The C-2 View Newsletter
APRIL 2024

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Herndon Culinary Students Place 2nd in National Competition
Congrats to Herndon Career Center Culinary students and their instructor, Chef Mike Chrostowski, for their 2nd place finish in the 2024 National ProStart Invitational (NPSI). NPSI is the country’s premier secondary school competition focused on restaurant management and culinary arts. Annually, more than 400 student competitors put their skills to the test in front of industry leaders, state restaurant associations, and family and friends – all with hopes of earning coveted scholarships from the nation’s best culinary and restaurant management programs. HCC students traveled to Baltimore, MD in April 2024 to compete for this top honor and we are so proud of this team for bringing home a win! For more information about our culinary arts program at HCC click here.
Raytown South High School Students Named NHSSCA All-American Athletes
Congrats to Raytown South High School students Marcus N. and Zayla V. who were selected as National High School Strength Coaches Association All-American Athletes. This is an elite honor given to a small selection of high school seniors across the United States. The All-American designation is awarded to high school athletes who have demonstrated outstanding achievement on and off the field regarding strength and conditioning, athletic performance, academics, and leadership. To highlight this achievement, the Board of Education honored Marcus and Zayla as the May 2024 Ray of Hope Awardees during the May 13 board meeting. To watch the Ray of Hope video honoring them, click here.
Our Schools
Blue Ridge Elementary Celebrates Read-a-Thon Success
Blue Ridge Elementary students and staff celebrated meeting their read-a-thon goals with a fun and memorable assembly. Students were recognized for top minutes read as well as for dollars raised. Their assembly was composed of two parts. First, they had fun with their own version of the masked singer. Staff wore inflatable costumes and students had to guess who was in them based on how they danced. Next, students were rewarded by turning Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Cozad into a spaghetti dinner. Students could toss noodles, pour a ladle of sauce and/or sprinkle grated cheese on their school administrators to celebrate their success. Everyone had a blast and it is definitely a memory they will have for a long time. To see an Instagram reel of the fun click here.
Southland CAPS Students Showcase Passion Projects
Students in the Southland CAPS program had the opportunity to create a passion project in their education exploration class. Students spend between four to six months actively working on their projects. The goal is for students to select a topic related to their career of interest that they are passionate about or identify a community need/problem, and then engage in research and create a project that will help to address the problem or fulfill a need within the community. A passion project has 4 major components: research, planning, project execution, and reflection. These projects are a success every year because the students have complete autonomy over the process.
Community Based instruction Programs Enjoy Annual Picnic
The RQS High School's Community Based Instruction (CBI) programs come together annually to celebrate a successful year. High School Community Based Instruction includes students from Raytown High School, Raytown South High School, Northwood and the L.I.F.E. University 18-21 program. Many CBI students have attended classes together since kindergarten and love to catch-up at this annual event. The picnic gives them a welcome break from their daily focus of high school credits and learning vocational skills.
Raytown High School Decision Day
Raytown High celebrated the future by hosting a Decision Day Event on the football field. Decision Day gave students a chance to showcase their plans for the future. Many colleges and organizations were represented including UMKC, Army National Guard, University of Missouri and Metropolitan Community College. It was a fun way to celebrate our students! Thanks to all of the organizations and colleges that attended to make this a special day for our students. Congrats to the Class of 2024 - we are excited to see all that you do!
Arts & Activities
RHS Theatre Department Receives Recognition
Congratulations to the Raytown High Theatre Department for receiving 19 Cappie Nominations and three Blue Star Nominations! The Cappie nominations even include BEST Play for the Diviners. If you are interested in attending the Cappies Gala on May 25, visit this link. The Blue Star Awards are hosted by Starlight Theatre and publicly recognize the outstanding achievements of high school musical theatre students from high schools in the Greater KC Area. RHS received three Blue Star Award nominations for their work on Six the Musical: Teen Edition. Winners will be announced at a ceremony on Thursday, May 16 at Starlight Theatre. For more info you can watch their video here. Congrats Bluejays!
Final Curtain Call for RSHS Before New Theatre
Raytown South High closed out 60 years of performances in their existing auditorium with performances of Pride and Prejudice. Now, it's time to look ahead to the future and a new space that will offer students a chance to be a part of future productions in a world-class facility. Voters approved a $35 million no tax increase bond in April of 2023 to provide students at Raytown and Raytown South updated arts and activities spaces. At Raytown South that means turning the existing auditorium into an auxiliary gym and building a performing arts center next door. Recently, the news media stopped by to share this story. To watch Fox 4 News coverage click here.
Job Olympics
Our Staff
Dr. T'Neisha Love receives GKCMP Award
Congrats to Dr. T'Neisha Love, assistant principal at RHS, for being named Rookie of the Year from the Greater Kansas City Missouri Principals Association (GKCMPA). Her principal, Dr. McCarthy shares that, "Dr. Love is eager to take on new responsibilities that fit in her wheelhouse and has done an amazing job in her first year in administration at Raytown High School." In her first year as AP at RHS, Dr. Love has served on the Trauma Informed Care Team, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Team, and leads the Social Emotional Learning Team. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.
Leadership Hires for 2024-2025 School Year
At the May 13, 2024 Board Meeting, the Board of Education approved three leadership positions for the upcoming school year. Read more about these leaders here. Congratulations!
Celebrating 2024 Retirees
RQS was proud to host a retirement dinner to honor the exceptional service of our 2024 retirees. 14 of our retirees were able to attend this event and were celebrated with kind words and memories from their teams and the ceremonial ringing of the bell. We wish each of you all the best in retirement! Thank you for your dedicated service. You will be missed.
Happening Throughout the District
Substitute of the Month April/May 2024
Congratulations to Ms. Kathryn Brumble for being named the RQS April/May Substitute of the Month. Ms. Brumble has been working as a substitute since July of 2022 and has a five-star sub rating. She was nominated by principals and teachers who have found her support invaluable. When asked about Ms. Brumble, a co-worker shared, "Katie is hardworking, knowledgeable, and a great sub!" From all of us at RQS, we thank you for your dedication to students.
2024-25 Enrollment
Online enrollment for the 2024-25 school year begins on July 15, 2024. Mark your calendars and watch for more information in our future newsletters.
May Recognitions
- May 1-31: Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- May 1-31: Jewish American Heritage Month
- May 3: School Lunch Hero Day
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 8: National School Nurse Day
- May 27: Memorial Day
Upcoming Events:
- Last Day of School & Early Dismissal: May 24, 2024
- Memorial Day: May 27, 2024
- Summer School Begins: May 30, 2024
- Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Begins: July 15, 2025