EJMS Jaguar Weekly Nov. 6 - 15
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
We hope everyone had a good, safe weekend with trick or treating. Now that we are past Halloween and the time change, and into the month of November we have a three day week with students. Make sure you take a look at the upcoming dates because we have several opportunities for students coming up in the next couple of weeks.
Moonlight Harvest Dance
Our first dance will be on Friday, November 8th from 6:00-8:00 and hosted by our PTO. If you have an excused absence on 11/1/24 contact pto.ejms@gmail.com to purchase a ticket. Students need to be dropped off and picked up from the car line. Please help keep traffic off of Union Mill Road by entering through the Red Oak entrance.
Picture Orders and Makeups
Picture Makeup day will be on Friday, November 15th. Picture proofs were sent home last week with students. In addition to these proofs, there is a NEW Code Lookup Tool available. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Customer Service for an access code! *Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security.* If at any time you have questions about the Code Lookup or are having difficulty navigating the site, please reach out to our Customer Service team via the Live Chat on the website, www.strawbridge.net.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, November 4th - Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day (no school)
Wednesday, November 6th - NTI packets and KSA score reports go home with students
Friday, November 8th - JCTC Career Fair during Arts classes
Friday, November 8th - Moonlight Harvest Dance 6:00-8:00
Monday, November 11th - Veterans Day assembly
Monday, November 11th - SBDM Meeting
Friday, November 15th - Makeup picture day
Tuesday, November 26th - Club Day
Around EJMS Last Week: The JCTC Career Fair
Title 1 Parent News
Look for this section as a regular part of our newsletter with information for parents and families from both the district and our school. To begin with, we wanted to share the policies that detail our vision for parent and family engagement in Jessamine County and at EJMS.
Please take a look at our district and school parent-family engagement policies. We would love to hear any feedback you have for these policies.
Family/School Compact
Thanks to the 250+ families who have filled out the Title 1 Family/School compact either through our Google form or as a paper copy. We're excited about the prize drawing which will be on Nov. 8. As a Title 1 School, we are required to have every student's family sign a compact sharing the responsibilities of the school, the parents/guardians, and the students. Below is a link to a form for you to review and sign. Please submit one copy for each EJMS student in your family. We will also have paper copies available in the office or sent home with your student.
Below is a print copy for your files or to print and send to school. Also included here is a page with links to the document translated into different languages.
Whatβs Happening at EJMS this Week?
Mon. Nov. 4 - No School Parent/Teacher Conference Day
π 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. Boyle (home game)
Tues. Nov. 5 - No School Election Day
Wed. Nov. 6
KSA reports and NTI packets go home with students
π 4:15 National Junior Beta chapter meeting
Thurs. Nov. 7
π 5:45 Boys Basketball @ TLS
Fri. Nov. 8
JCTC Career Fair during Arts Classes
Last day to register for 7th grade Charleston trip
π 6:00 Moonlight Harvest Dance
Mon. Nov. 11 - Patriotic Attire (red, white, and blue)
πΊπ² Veterans Day Assembly
π« SBDM Meeting
π Volleyball Conditioning
π 5:45 Boys Basketball @ Bate
Tues. Nov. 12 - Blue and Green gameday gear
π³ 4:00 Guard try-outs @ EJHS band room
π 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. TLS (home)
Wed. Nov. 13 - World Kindness Day - dress accordingly
π 4:15 National Junior Beta chapter meeting
Thurs. Nov. 14 - National Family PJ day - Pajama day
π 5:45 Boys Basketball vs. West (home)
Fri. Nov. 15 - America Recycles Day - mismatch or vintage clothing
πΈ Picture Makeups
π³ 4:00 Guard try-outs @ EJHS band room
Upcoming and Ongoing
Nov. 26 EJMS Club Day
Nov. 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break
EJMS and Jessamine County Athletics and Activities
For our Community
Holiday Assistance Opportunity
If there are any families needing Holiday Assistance, please contact Lynn Byers before November 18th.
You can reach her at lynn.byers@jessamine.kyschools.us or by calling (859) 885-6749
Our EJMS Beta is joining with EJHS FFA to hold a canned food drive this month. If you're able, please send canned food or other nonperishables to school with your child. More information below.
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto