LAPS Newsletter
Week of November 25, 2024
On the Calendar
Holidays and School Breaks
Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29
(No school for staff and students)
Winter Break
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3 (no school for staff and students)
Monday, January 6 (no school for students)
Tuesday, December 10: 7th Grade Students of the Semester, Los Alamos Middle School
Thursday, December 12: 8th Grade Students of the Semester, Los Alamos Middle School
Concerts and Performances
Monday, December 9: LAMS/LAHS Band Concert
Monday, December 9: Aspen Elementary Carolers
Tuesday, December 10: Mountain Elementary K-2 Winter Concert
Tuesday, December 10: Barranca Mesa Elementary Band, Choir & Orchestra Winter Concert
Wednesday, December 11: Chamisa Elementary Winter Concert
Wednesday, December 11: Mountain Elementary Band, Choir & Orchestra Winter Concert
Wednesday, December 11: LAMS/LAHS Choir Concert
Thursday, December 12: Aspen Elementary Band, Choir & Orchestra Winter Concert
Thursday, December 12: LAMS/LAHSl Orchestra Concert
Friday, December 13: Black Box Jazz Club
Wednesday, December 18: Aspen Elementary 5th grade Music Performance
Thursday, December 19: Barranca Bobcat Choir and K-Kids Caroling Downtown
Spelling Bees
Wednesday, December 4: Chamisa Elementary School/Los Alamos Online Learning Academy
Thursday, December 5: Barranca Mesa Elementary School
Thursday, December 5: Piñon Elementary School
Monday, December 16: Aspen Elementary School
Wednesday, January 15 District Spelling Bee
Science Fairs
Wednesday, December 11: Chamisa Elementary School
Friday, December 13: Piñon Elementary School
Friday, January 17: Los Alamos Online Learning Academy
Saturday, January 25: District Science Fair
School Board Meetings
Ride the Bus Day
Monday, December 2 is the 80th day of school, and Ride the Bus Day!
Multicultural Calendar of Events
2025-2026 DRAFT School Calendar
2026-2027 DRAFT School Calendar
For other events and activities, check out the school site calendars on the LAPS website.
November is Native American Heritage Month
National Native American Heritage Month is celebrated in November to honor the history, culture, and achievements of Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and affiliated Island communities. It's also a time to recognize the contributions of these groups to the establishment and growth of the United States.
Around the District
Electric Car Challenge
Chamisa Elementary GATE teacher Susan Hettinga’s 6th graders Lissy Munoz, Zain Shrader, Evelyn Stupka, Mimi Martinez, Sebastien Thibodeaux, Sophie Stewart; (front row) Meredith Clayton, Dawson Belobrajdic, Ariana Archuleta and Iliana Hinde participated in the New Mexico Middle School Electric Car Challenge in Albuquerque last Saturday.
They had an awesome time overall and received a trophy for Teamwork. This award represented the following: “The teamwork award honors those who inspire collaboration and strengthen team bonds, contributing to a positive pand productive work environment.”
The event, sponsored primarily by Sandia National Laboratories annually in association with Los Alamos National Laboratory, consists of teams building battery-powered model cars in order to compete in three challenges: a race for time, design competition, and research for an oral presentation. The main goal of the competition is to generate enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills for middle school students in grades 6th through 8th.
All State Band
Congratulations to the Los Alamos High School students selected to the All-State Ensembles. They worked very hard to prepare their auditions and will attend the NMMEA All State Clinic at UNM Jan 8-11, 2025 and the All State Jazz Clinic at UNM Jan 24-26, 2025:
Concert Orchestra
Chris Teague
Symphony Orchestra
Carlos Martinez and Sean Lo
Symphonic Band
Jamie Grow and Sara Khan
Concert Band
Joymei Lincoln, Irina Maiorov and Rhys Anderson
Small School Band
Cameron Davis, Tony Jaurigue, Hudson Bathrick-Price, Alayna Martinez, Aven Heavner, Ariana Star and Lin Wolf
Jazz 1
Evan Strohmeyer
Jazz 2
Tony Jaurigue
Jazz 3
Caden Fichtl
Jazz Alternate
David Reichhardt
All-State Choir
Congratulations to the Los Alamos High School members of the 2024-25 All State Choirs. These students are among the top 40 (80 for Treble Chorus) in their voice parts in the State of New Mexico. The Choir State Clinic will be held April 4 and 5.
Mixed Chorus
Marina Archuleta - Soprano 2; Deborah Brug - Soprano 2; Maxine Cox - Soprano 2; Lena Romero - Alto 2; Gyasi Atta-Flynn - Tenor 1; and Annie Xie - Tenor 1
Treble Chorus
Molly Couture - Alto 2; and Alexa Kretz - Alto 2
All-State Orchestra
Congratulations to the 30 (a new record) LAHS orchestra students who made it into All-State Orchestra - and the 4 alternates who may yet go. Their All State Clinic is January 8 - 10.
All-State Orchestra
Charles Austin, Aram Belian, Kathleen Brodnax, Xiaran "Jonathan" Chen, Ciara Colgan, Celeste El-Darazi, Julianne Fadner, Matthea Fung, Cara Gattiker, Linnhtet Htoon, William Hudlemeyer, Anna Jacobson, Aaron Jerkatis, Noelle Judd, Adrian Koo, Ming-Xiu "Michelle" Lo, Ange Meng, William Nettleton, Axel Niklasson, Aleena Rim, Annabelle Rosette, Jackson Scharff, Anna Simakov, Payton Sutherland, Emmitt Tibbitts, Aditya Viswanathan, Maia Warren, Helena Welch, Emily Xu, and Julia Zou
Hirotaka Mertes, Bryan Lee, Nora Bigger, and Sammy Carroll
State One Act Competition
The Olions traveled to the state-wide One Act competition earlier this month and won two awards, one for stage lighting and one for make-up/costume. Congratulations!
Techs: Ariela Rittner: Head Stage Manager; Felix Lorenc: Playback Operator; Ty Harding: Sound Designer and Light Operator; Alyssa Miller: Assistant Sound Designer and Assistant Stage Manager; Kylie Shrader: Assistant Stage Manager; Hannah Waldschmidt: Costume Designer and Assistant Stage Manager; Ava Marie Sanchez: Makeup and Assistant Stage Manager; Iris Purtzer: Makeup; Noah Banks: Set Designer; and Ester Keiter: Lighting Designer.
Actors: Marina Archuleta, Annabelle Deburgomaster, Anna Ferenbaugh, Keira Fichtl, Genevive Fortin, Isabella Gletsos, Andie Kelly, Brigham Kuykendall, Haven Kuykendall, Ash Sapp, Anya Seet, Kaitlyn Seitz-Pruitt, Karly Seitz-Pruitt, Zachary Sestric, Maddelyn Sutton, Clove Tholen, Emma Wolff and Annie Xie.
LAPS Band Showcase
Over 200 band students from across the district performed during the LAPS Band Showcase held last week in Duane Smith Auditorium. The performances gave elementary students and families the opportunity to see what they have to look forward to if they stay in the band program.
Winter Jazz 2024
The LAPS Jaxx Program presented a concert last Wednesday in Duane Smith Auditorium, featuring the LAMS Jazz Orchestra, LAMS Jazz Band, LAHS Jazz II and LAHS Jazz I, along with the Los Alamos Jazz Project Pajarito and Capulin Combos.
Science Fair
Mountain Elementary School hosted its Science Fair last Thursday. Twenty-four students participated. Judges viewed 22 different projects that were on display in the library. Thank you to Mountain Elementary Science Fair Coordinator Mary Alice Hawkins.
Thanksgiving Lunch
Students enjoyed Thanksgiving lunch last week thanks to Chartwells staff.
Choir FUNDrive
The Los Alamos High School Choir Booster Club is collecting clothing, household textiles and small household goods, books and media items as part of their FUNDrive to raise money for the upcoming trip to New York City in the spring to perform at Carnegie Hall. Donations are being accepted through December 14, 2024.
DECA Sock Drive
Academic Excellence
NM VIstas has been updated to reflect 2023/2024 data. All seven LAPS schools have been designated as Spotlight schools, the highest designation.
Click on the school site to access that school's NM Vistas report.
Social-Emotional Wellbeing
For Parents and Guardians
Family Literacy Month
Join us in celebrating Family Literacy Month and Family Engagement Month by recognizing parents' and caregivers' vital role in building strong readers and writers. Throughout the month, we will share popular resources from the National Center on Improving Literacy to help improve literacy at home.
Free Course: Understanding Evidence-Based Literacy, the Family Edition
A five-lesson course for parents and families to learn how evidence-based literacy practices can support all children's literacy needs, complete with practical examples.
For Students
Final Exams
Final exams will be given at Los Alamos Middle School and Los Alamos High School starting Wednesday, December 18 through Friday, December 20.
SAT Dec. 7
Students registered for the SAT on Saturday, December 7, should plan to arrive in the upper A wing commons area by 7:45 am. You must bring the following: acceptable photo ID (you will not be admitted without it); your fully charged Chromebook with the Bluebook app; your printed up-to-date admission ticket from the Bluebook app; pencils for scratch work. Paper will be provided for scratch work. Make sue you know your College Board username and password.
ACT Dec. 14
Students registered for the ACT on Saturday, December 14, should plan to arrive in the upper A wing commons area by 7:45 am. Make sure you bring a printed copy of your admission ticket, acceptable photo ID (you will not be admitted without it); No, 2 pencils and an acceptable calculator.
Saturday School
Saturday School is open to all Los Alamos Middle School and Los Alamos High School students as an opportunity to catch up on late work, complete missed assignments, take make-up tests and receive help with homework.
All Saturday School sessions for the 2024-2025 school year will be in person in E-wing at LAHS.
Sessions run from 8:30 am - 11:30 am for 7th and 8th graders, and 8:30 am - 12:00 pm for high school students.
To register, email lahssaturdayschool@laschools.net with the student's name and date requested.
Click here for more information.
Upcoming Saturday School Dates
December 7 and 14
February 1 and 22
March 8 and 29
April 12 and 26
May 10 and 17
There are no Saturday School sessions in January.
Lifeguard Training
Los Alamos County will be offering Lifeguard Training and Review courses.
Albuquerque Turkey Song for Kids
LAPS in the News
Around Town
Events in Los Alamos
Check out the LAPS Community Events page for information about events and activities in the community for students and families.You can also check out the Los Alamos County 100 Days of Winter.
LAPS Athletics
Upcoming Games and Meets
Los Alamos Middle School
Girls Basketball
Monday, November 25 vs. Memorial Middle School @ Memorial Middle School,
7th grade 4 pm, 8th grade 5:30 pm
Monday, December 2 vs. Santa Fe Indian School @ Santa Fe Indian School,
7th grade 4 pm, 8th grade 5:30 pm
Friday, December 6 vs. Memorial Middle School @ Los Alamos Middle School Brousseau Gym,
7th grade 4 pm, 8th grade 5 pm
Monday, December 9 vs. Taos Middle School @ Taos Middle School,
7th grade 4 pm, 8th grade 5:30 pm
Saturday, December 7 LAMS Wrestling Invite @ Los Alamos High School, 9 am
Los Alamos High School
Boys Basketball
Monday, November 25 vs. Rio Rancho High School in Griffith Gym,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Monday, December 2 vs. Portales High School @ Portales High School, JV 4 pm, Varsity 5:30 pm
Thursday, December 5 - Saturday, December 7, Capital City Tournament @ Santa Fe High School, Varsity
Thursday, December 12 vs. Valencia High School in Griffith Gym,
JV 4:30 pm, Varsity 5:30 pm
Friday, December 13 vs. St. Michael's High School @ St. Michael's High School,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Thursday, December 26 - Saturday, December 28, Poe Corn Tournament, Varsity
Girls Basketball
Tuesday, November 26 vs. St. Michael's High School @ St. Michals' High School,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Tuesday, December 3 vs. St. Pius High School in Griffith Gym, 9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Thursday, December 5 vs. Jemez Valley High School @ Jemez Valley High School, JV 6 pm
Thursday, December 5 - Saturday, December 7, Capital City Tournament @ Santa Fe High School, Varsity
Monday, December 9 vs. Kirtland Central High School in Griffith Gym,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Tuesday, December 10 vs. Valencia High School @ Valencia High School,
9th grade 4 pm, JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm
Thursday, December 19 - Saturday, December 21, St. Mike's Holiday Tournament @ St. Michael's High School, Varsity
Boys Wrestling
Wednesday, December 4 @ Capital High School
Friday, December 6 - Saturday, December 7 @ Rio Rancho Tournament
Wednesday, December 11 @ Belen Duals
Saturday, December 14 @ Bloomfield Tournament
Saturday, December 28 @ Grants Tournament
Girls Wrestling
Saturday, December 7 @ Jaguar Invite
Friday, December 13 @ Bloomfield High School
Swimming and Diving
Friday, December 6, Bill Hudson Memorial Swim & Dive Meet
Friday, December 13 @ Albuquerque Academy
Check out RankOne for schedules.
LAPS Activities
Chess Team
Thursday, December 5, Northern Schools Chess League Meet 3 @ Mandela International Magnet School
Saturday, December 7, Online Speech & Debate Competition
School Websites
Find out more information about your school.