Aragon Gator News
March 25 - April 7
Important Dates!
- 3/25 - 3/29: Spring Break (No School)
April (Month of the Military Child)
- 4/5- Muffins & Morning Meeting 7:10-7:45 (Please see flyer below)
- 4/9 - 4/19: CMAS Testing
- 4/19: Purple Up! Day for Military Children (Wear Purple)
- 4/26: Staff Development (No School)
- 4/29: No School
A Message From Nurse Wendy
Wednesday, April 3rd, is National Walking Day. According to The American Heart Association, walking is one of the simplest ways to get and stay active. Physical activity such as walking can help reduce stress, improve mood and sleep, and lower the risk of diseases. And the best part, it’s free! You can take a walk with friends, family or even your pet! So this month, go out and enjoy the spring weather and get your walk on!
Nurse Wendy
Out of District and Out of Zone Enrollment Requests
Please check the Fountain Fort Carson District 8 website for the link to the special enrollment request forms. This includes Out of District, Out of Zone, Kindergarten Intent to Enroll and the Kindergarten Questionnaire. Please turn these in to the Aragon front office ASAP!
The Aragon Spirit Store is open!
Hey Aragon Elementary School fan!
Heads up! Your NEW 24/7 Aragon Elementary School Sideline Store is officially up and running. You can shop the store by clicking the link below.
Parent Pickup and Drop Off Lane Safety
Aragon Elementary School
7:10 Students Arrive
7:20 Tardy Bell
2:25 Student Dismissal
Location: 211 South Main Street, Fountain, CO, USA
Phone: 719-382-1340