OBC Weekly Update
January 15, 2025
Please sign up to help in the kitchen for the Spring Semester using the link below!
All Activities are for 6th-12th graders!
Sundays: Donuts at 9:45am & Weekly In-Depth Bible Study
Wednesdays: Beginning tonight, Jan. 15th! Family Meal 5-5:50pm & Bible Study 6-7:15pm
Be Real: Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6:30-8pm
Youth Committee: Jan. 26th after Worship
Youth Superbowl Party: Feb. 9th, 5:30-8pm in The Commons
Mark Your Calendars:
High School Graduate Recognition Sunday - May 18th
Falls Creek - June 2-7
Middle School Missions - June 26-28
Our Children's Ministry is growing! We are always looking for volunteers. If you would like more information about how you can help, reach out to Mr. Jimmy at jimmyhallobc@gmail.com.
We are not asking for a lifetime commitment!
Sundays: Sunday School at 9:45am followed by Children's Worship at 11am in The Children's Area & 5th graders worship with their parents
Wednesdays: Kids Activities will begin tonight, January 15th! Family Meal 5-5:50pm & Bible Study 6-7:15pm
Children's Committee: Meet on Jan. 26th after Worship
Mark Your Calendars:
Vacation Bible School - June 22-25
CrossTimbers Kids Camp - July 18-21
January 30 at 11:30am in The Commons: Soup Luncheon
Young Adults - College & Career!
Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45am in the Adult Education Building for a study in Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
Contact micahdcompton1@gmail.com with questions!
Sundays at OBC
Community Groups are at 9:45am & Worship is at 11am every Sunday! Children's Worship for Pre-K to 4th graders is available during the 11am worship service.
If you can't be with us in person, our Worship Service is available on Facebook Live, YouTube or later on our Church Website.
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins in February!
Current MDO families & OBC Members can register beginning February 3rd
Public registration begins on February 4th
OBC is hosting Edmond - OK Community Bible Study for Women
- We are studying the book of Matthew this year! https://vimeo.com/919196400
- We meet weekly on Mondays, 10:30am-12pm using Oakdale school calendar.
- Registration for the study of Matthew is open! Take a moment to register yourself and your children/grandchildren. Please feel free to invite others to our study and have them register too!
About Us
Email: oakdalebcoffice@gmail.com
Website: oakdalebc.com
Location: 6400 East Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73151, USA
Phone: (405) 992-0220
Facebook: facebook.com/OBCEDMOND