Newsletter 09.22.2023

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
September 22nd, 2024
Upcoming Events
September 23 -Homecoming Dance tickets go on sale
October 2-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery-more information here.
October 3- NCHS Financial Aid Night- 6-8 pm in the Commons
October 3-NCHS Counselors will be hosting an event called Keys to Success: 9th Grade Family Night, 6pm - 7:30PM in the NCHS Theater.
October 11-Homecoming football game, 7:00pm Pop Keeney
October 11-PTSA Food Pantry Drive at ASB Tailgate HoCo Game
October 10/12-ASB Homecoming Dance. Adult Chaperones needed, sign up here.
October 15-Picture Retakes
October 18- PTSA Staff Appreciation Luncheon- more information below.
October 30-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery-more information here.
November 1-Senior Pictures are due, click here for details.
Back-to-school info - NCHS Back to School
Staff Appreciation Lunch
NCHS PTSA will be sponsoring its first staff appreciation event with a “Soup-er Salad Luncheon on October 18th, and we would love your help to show the staff how much we appreciate them! Check out more details and our signup below.
Click here to donate a dish or volunteer.
Come cheer on our Jaguar football team on Friday 10/11 for their home game AND help us restock our food pantry, which supports both North Creek and Skyview students and families. Can't make it but still want to help, order from our Amazon Wishlist:
Why Join the PTSA Today!
* We have switched to Givebacks*
- Membership is an EASY way that you can show support for the programs and events that PTSA sponsors at North Creek and show that you want these great activities to continue!
- Events like Reflections, Intercultural Festival, Parent Education Events, Food Pantry, Staff Grants, and more can happen because of you!
- Its only $15 for the whole year and no requirement to volunteer or attend meetings (although we would love to have you)
- Dual membership for only $25 so grab a friend, neighbor, partner or another staff member and join TOGETHER.
- Students and Staff are only $10.
- PTSA Membership is valid for the current school year and must be renewed each year to remain active.
Volunteering through PTSA
If you'd like to participate in a greater way through PTSA,
check out our volunteer page.
ASB & PTSA Partnership for Homecoming
Homecoming Food Drive begins Sep. 25 - Oct. 11
Donations will be collected at the HOCO Tailgate from 5-6:30 (everyone is invited to the tailgate - please invite alumni to the game as well!)
Sept. 23-27: HOCO Early Bird tickets are $20 (must have fines/fees paid to purchase a ticket)
Sep. 30-Oct. 11: $25 w/ASB, $30 w/out & guest
We still NEED a lot of chaperones for the dance, please consider supporting this event. It is our largest attended event and we need many adults to make this a safe, fun night for your students!
Click HERE to sign up.
Want to support but can't chaperone, consider donating some chaperone snacks. Click HERE to sign up.
Our NCHS Counselors do more than "just college preparedness"
The NCHS Counseling Department has updated their website. Feel free to visit here to learn more about our nationally recognized comprehensive school counseling program and the ways in which we support students socially and academically, along with assisting them in developing their post-secondary plans.
What you will find on the updated website:
-The New Alpha List (Last Name of Student/Assigned Counselor)
-Forefront Suicide Prevention
-College Visits/Sign Ups
-Student Communication
-College Readiness… and more!
Keys to Success: 9th Grade Family Night
NCHS Counselors will be hosting an event called Keys to Success: 9th Grade Family Night on Thursday, October 3rd 6pm - 7:30PM in the NCHS Theater. During this event, we will cover the counselor’s role and how they support your student, strategies for a successful high school career, the opportunities available to them during high school and more!! This event is designed to be delivered to adults, but your 9th grader is more than welcome to join you. Please note, there will be a scholarship and financial aid event going on at the same time in the cafeteria, so be sure you go directly to the theatre to attend this event. We look forward to seeing you!
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.