Crow Island Parent Newsletter
October 31, 2022
Dear Crow Island Families,
We are looking forward to having families help us celebrate Halloween today! We have our parade and classroom celebrations and more information can be found in the newsletter below.
As a reminder, students will not attend school on November 1st as it is a professional development day for teachers. We hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween
- Monday, October 31st: Halloween
- Tuesday, November 1st: Institute Day Non-Attendance for students
- Tuesday, November 8th: Non-Attendance Day for Students (Election Day)
- Monday, November 21st: Thanksgiving Break starts - Non-Attendance for students
- Wednesday, November 30th: Crow Island Book Fair 2-7pm
- Thursday, December 1st: Crow Island Book Fair 8-10am
We are excited to celebrate Halloween at Crow Island. Please review our plan to celebrate at school. Teachers will also send out more information. Halloween 22-23. A few important notes:
Students can bring costumes to school. They will have time to change into costumes before the costume parade and ghost walk. Please follow the guidelines around costumes:
No fake blood or weapons
Keep the costumes school friendly (nothing too scary)
No masks
Keep in mind students are putting this on by themselves so keep it simple.
Students are encouraged to stay at school for lunch/recess and we will have time after for students to change into their costumes before the parade.
10am Halloween Assembly:
This annual assembly takes place in the morning and is a fun time for staff and students to come together and have some fun. The assembly is for students and staff only.
1pm Costume Parade & Ghost Walk:
The entire Crow Island community of staff, students, and parents are invited to participate.
Students will parade with their classroom out the front door, down Glendale, and into the Ghost walk. Students will be with their classroom and by grade level.
Parents are encouraged to line the area near the circle drive, on Glendale sidewalk, and near the fence on the blacktop playground. Staff will be around to help parents get to the right location. When students go into the woods for the Ghost walk, parents will stay behind the fence and proceed to the outdoor amphitheater to participate in calling for the ghost of Crow Island.
Parking at Crow Island can be tricky so we would encourage as many families as possible to walk to school. If needed you can use the following location:
Glendale school parking. Please do not park on Glendale or block driveways.
Park in the circle drive but you need to keep lanes open for emergency vehicles.
Willow Road near the 1st Grade playground.
Classroom Celebrations:
Homerooms will host a classroom celebration with PTO room parents and classroom photographers. Volunteers need to bring your ID to school when you check-in. Below are the times for the celebrations:
1:20 - 1:50pm - Kindergarten
2pm - 1st Grade - 4th Grade
Room parents will provide a game or craft for students to enjoy. Please do not send food or candy.
2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum
As a member of The Winnetka Public School community, we want to ensure you remain informed about the improvements to all five schools as part of the 2022 Downsized Capital Improvement Plan: Referendum, which was adopted as a resolution by the School Board on August 16th and will be on the ballot November 8th. You are invited to attend our final informational session, via Zoom:
Tuesday, Nov. 1 at noon
Please click the link below to join the Zoom webinar:
Passcode: 164472
If you are unable to participate in the informational session, you may also view the screencast of the presentation here. For additional details, visit the District website at
Fall Winnetka Parents Institute Schedule
The District is offering an array of upcoming educational sessions for families and community members. Click here for a complete list of session dates and more information. Fall sessions include SEL-related topics and technology tips for parents regarding maneuvering the ever-changing landscape of technology, social media, and phones. Up next:
Introduction to Text-for-Help/Raising a Drug-Free Teen - An Operating Manual for Perplexed Parents
Andy Duran, CEO of LEAD
Teens who don't drink or use drugs say that the number one reason they have made that choice is you! Talking with your teen about difficult topics is both one of the hardest and one of the most important things we will ever do as a parent. We at LEAD hope to help you with these conversations.
What are you already doing right? Where could you maybe use additional support? No matter what questions you come in with - and whether you are a parent in need of guidance or simply a community stakeholder interested in the issues facing our teens - we'd love to see you there.
November 2, 2022
11:00-12:30 PM
Location: Skokie School Community Room
Technology Survival Skills for Parents
Patrick Dawson, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Maneuvering the ever-changing landscape of technology, social media, and phones for students is a daunting task for any parents. This session will increase parent awareness and provide basic skills of how to maneuver through platforms, identify warning signs to look for, and hopefully reduce the stress of parenting students online in addition to in-person.
November 14, 2022
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Resource Center at Washburne School (confirmed)
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events, access FAN’s website here.
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
- Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
- Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
Contact Us
Location: 1112 Willow Road Winnetka, IL 60093
Phone: (847)-446-0353
Twitter: @CrowIslandD36