ASASP Union Times
October 24, 2024 Fourth Thursday Edition
Transportation Leaders Driving PGCPS Every Day!
Greetings and Salutations!
A Word From The Executive Director and The President
Greetings ASASP Unit III and Unit II,
Can you believe it, Halloween is only one week from today? The first quarter of the school year is already in the rear view mirror. Time waits for no one, so it is my hope that you have had a most healthy, productive and successful year thus far. Hopefully, the challenges you have faced in the workplace have not overwhelmed or otherwise caused you unbearable grief. Whatever challenges you have faced thus far, please remember the most important thing you have is your heath and wellbeing. Do not sacrifice that for anything or anybody. Your family and loved ones need you and I am sure you want to be there for them.
As we prepare to close out this first quarter of the school year, there is still much to be done. So strap in , buckle down and execute those plans and goals you have established for yourself this year. We still have quite a ways to go, and if we didn't get off to the best start, maybe you all can hit that reset button and get back on track. It's not over!
I look forward to seeing you all as I visit schools and offices delivering Stress Balls and Granola Bars. Keep that energy up and a positive outlook as you strive to provide, from your position, the best customer service possible for the students of PGCPS. They are the reason we are here and the reason we do the work. Let's Go ASASP, lead the charge!
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Brian Galbraith, President ASASP
Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel
The Board of Directors
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Fifteen (15) Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Ms. Felicia Colbert - Treasurer
Ms. Kristy Miller - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. JeVivvien Ray - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Ms. Tisa Morgan - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Ms. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Ms. Summer Carter - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from our National Affiliate AFSA
Don't Be Scared!
Read Your Contract, Know Your Rights and Responsibilities!!
Don't hesitate to contact ASASP if you feel you are being violated, bullied, or harassed in the work place. Don't quit your job or allow yourself to be pushed, squeezed out or run out of your job because you are not in the click, sorority, fraternity, church or other organized group affiliation. Our staff will assist you in these matters and seek to improve conditions for you in the workplace. We are here for you for more than just the Sick Leave Bank. We are here for more than trying to negotiate your compensation. We are are here to help you navigate PGCPS, negotiate your contract and provide for the best work conditions possible.
Just So You Know, OEP Reneged On B.O.Y. Conference Extension in the 11th Hour!
Is It OEP's Prerogative To Go Back On their Word?
ASASP received a request on September 24th from OEP (the Office of Employee Performance) under the direction of Dr. Charity Magruder. The request was for ASASP to agree to an extension of B.O.Y. conferences from the original October 1st to the 18th of October to provide more time for completion.
When I received the request, I immediately informed the ASASP Board of Directors and we conducted an emergency meeting at 5:15 o'clock two days after the request, on September 26th, to discuss the request for an extension through October 18, 2024. This board agreed to the extension with one stipulation.
The ball was in the court of PGCPS to accept the one condition we stated, and we expected that a decision would more than likely come within hours. I was expecting to hear from them immediately so that the pressure would be off of all of those impacted.
Nevertheless, we never received confirmation that the extension would take place, but rather we were informed that an extension would not be granted due to the our request that no harm or negative ratings could come to anyone whose B.O.Y. was done after the original deadline. We were simply trying to make sure you all didn't take a hit.
Finally, please understand that this union firmly believes that all of these conferences, BOY, Mid Year, and EOY are entirely too much on your plate. We are working tirelessly to get some of these unnecessary requirements modified or off your plates for good, particularly in our evaluation committee.
The email below was sent from ASASP to OEP 9-26-24:
On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 7:48 PM Jeffery Parker <jeffery.parker@asasp.org> wrote:
Dr. Magruder,
The ASASP Board of Directors have met, voted and concluded this evening to grant ASASP's support of the B.O.Y. extension you requested on behalf of OEP two days ago, with one contingency.
ASASP's support comes with the full and complete understanding that members of unit two and unit three whose B.O.Y. is completed after the original deadline will be held harmless for the 2025 school year.
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Negotiations Are On, but Not Popping as Fast As We'd Like!
Rome Wasn't Built In A Day, Patience My Brothers and Sisters!
Union negotiations with PGCPS are arduous, tedious and contentious at times, but they are in full affect. This year's negotiation undertaking is likely the first time in a very long time that we are not just tackling money or compensation concerns. We are adamantly fighting for fundamental changes in our contract to better protect all of our members.
We are meeting bi-weekly on Wednesday, for two and a half hours to get through the process. We have experienced some minor delays and may experience some more along the way, but once we address those issues we move forward. October 30th we will resume and continue hammering it out with PGCPS until we get through all Six Articles of of our Negotiated Agreement.
Nevertheless, we will keep you abreast of our progress and status as much as we can under our established ground rules agreement.
1,121 Members, Record Growth in ASASP Membership!
Membership Up From 990 Just Two Years Ago.
Membership Has It's Privileges!
Union Membership has risen nearly 12 percent in the two years since August, 2022. Our membership has increased from 990 at that time to 1121 as of last payroll. You all are something else, that's all I can say. We are here fighting for you every day and we don't expect you to fight by yourself. Call the office for support when you need it or even if you don't know if you need it, call and ask a question. When other folk want to meet with you and bring their union representation, you have every right to call on us for support. Don't be scared, ashamed or embarrassed to call, be covered!
Weak Attendance and Grading Policies Are Ruining Our Schools Across Maryland
Should students pass with more than 10 Unexcused Absences?
An Honest Days Pay
I Demand to be Respected and Paid Too!!
A principal asked me the other day, when are administrators going to get paid to cover classes? That's a good question. When are administrators, supervisors and all ASASP members going to get paid for all of the extra work they do to keep the system afloat?
Administrators and supervisors are going to get paid once they make their voices heard. Folks being bullied in departments across the PGCPS district from Brandywine and Oxon Hill to Upper Marlboro and on up to Laurel, Langley Park and Bowie, and forced to work 10, 12, 14 hours and on the weekends, while only being paid for 8 hours.
Why is this, because PGCPS can't fill positions, want to shift the blame to staff and will do anything to keep parents (our customers) .
Folks are afraid to speak up or speak out because someone may retaliate against them. What is really going on in our system? Nothing will change, as long as friends are hired in high places over competence.
"Children First," yeah right, we haven't heard that slogan since John Deasey left. The children are the reason we're here, but year after year, PGCPS can't find enough staff, can't retain staff and won't treat the staff they do have with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Election Day Is Less Thank Two Weeks Away!!
Who Are You Voting For?
Who Are You Voting For?
Join The Union Now!!
Be a Friend and Tell A Friend About Us
Why Should I Join A Union
Please take a few minutes to educate yourself or refresh your knowledge of the history and current struggles facing unions. The three videos provide and overall basis of union roles and responsibilities, as well as the limitations and obstacles unions face every day.
Let us know if like the information provided in these articles by clicking "LIKE." If you don't like it or see the benefit, let us know that as well. We want to make sure that we are providing what you need to know.
Condolences and Special Gratitude
When members wish to show their gratitude for other district staff, please contact Veronica Matherne at asasp@asaspunion.org or Jeffery Parker at Jeffery.Parker@asasp.org and ASASP will publish that message of gratitude in the next ASASP Times. - CONDOLENCES
ASASP acknowledges deaths of our members, retirees, or their immediate family members via the ASASP Times. If you have information on a death to be reported in the ASASP Times, please contact Veronica Matherne at the ASASP office with the information. We appreciate your help with this – we don’t always know right away when a death has occurred or the information on services. - September Condolences : To the Family Mr. Garrett Tucker - Assistant Principal of Parkdale High School who lost his father, Mr. William Tucker earlier in the month.
- Condolences : To the Family of Dr. Ronald Hollis - Former Suitland HS Principal, who lost his father recently.
210 Days of Work for 210 Days of Pay...And That's It!
Keep Up With Your Time.....
Pay Attention Members!
Don't Say We Didn't Tell You!! 210 not 211, 212, etc....
August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025
As an Eleven Month Employee you are scheduled to be paid for 210 Days of Work
There are actually 240 Days between the August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, however 24 of those days, Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students.
That leaves 216 actual work days that you can schedule your 210 days.
Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students during SY25 on:
September 2nd and 16th Labor Day/Prof. Development
October 7th and 18th Parent Conf./Prof. Development
November 5th and November 27-29th Election Day/Thanksgiving
December 23rd -31st Winter Break/Christmas
January 1-3 and 20th Winter Break/MLK Holiday
February 14th and 17th Prof. Development/Presidents Day
March 17th
March 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29th Spring Break
April 1, 10, 23rd Spring Break/Eid-al-Fitr/Primary Election Day
May 27th Memorial Day
June 19th Juneteenth
As an Eleven Month Employee, you must work 210 Days during the work year or submit leave when need to be absent from work. Your 210 Days should include each day that school is scheduled to be in session for students, as well as those days scheduled for staff professional development. Otherwise, if you need to be off submit your leave.
If you plan or are asked to cover a Weekend Game, Weekend Homecoming Game, Weekend School Detention, Weekend Workshop or any school activity on the weekend, those days should be included in your 210 days even if they are a couple of hours or half day.
Important Dates and Celebrations!
Election day is just about one month away and the very democracy we all hold so dear is on the line. Our nation is at a crossroads and our rights as citizens are on the line. We cannot sit on the sidelines and risk our freedom, democracy or livelihood being taken away. Every vote counts and everybody needs to take advantage of the privilege to vote while we still have the privilege.
Maryland Educators Non-School Based and School Based Information
Resources for All
Visit our ASASP Website for Updates as they come in….
Shout to the many Supervisors and Administrators for providing knowledgeable, program planning and support.
Links You Can Use:
Maryland Association of School Health Nurse Association
Maryland School Nutrition Association
MASSP – Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals
MAESP – Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals
Prince George’s County Board of Education
Maryland Department of Education
United States Department of Education