Panther Tales
February 6, 2025
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Principal's Message
Dear Ridgeview Families
Over the last ten days, the academic success of Ridgeview and our scholars has truly shown. We have been honored as Masters of Mathematics by the Georgia Department of Education, hundreds of our students were recognized for obtaining honor roll status during the first semester, many students were celebrated for fantastic growth on their I-Ready scores, five (5) RCMS alumni were named to the Class of 2025 Riverwood "Top 10 List", and two (2) of our students have qualified for All-State Honor Chorus. I could not be more proud to be the principal of this incredible school and to play a part in helping these students thrive.
Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about how new immigration enforcement policies might affect our school district. We recognize that these discussions can create uncertainty, and we want to reassure our community that our focus remains on providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
At this time, Fulton County Schools has not received any official guidance from state or federal agencies. However, we are staying proactive and preparing for any potential outcomes or actions.
While we do not control federal policies, our district remains engaged, closely monitoring developments and maintaining communication with government officials at all levels. Our priority will always be the well-being and education of our students.
We appreciate your input and encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you for being an active part of our community.
With warm regards,
Principal Thomas Garrett
On the Calendar
Please note these dates and deadlines coming up in the near future!
February 8th: ArtBeat Concert at City Springs (Scroll for info!)
February 11th: Chorus Picture Day
February 12th: Dress Down Day. $5 {cash only}. Proceeds benefit PTA & Foundation. Sign up to volunteer HERE.
February 12th: Band Picture Day
February 13th: Scheduling 101, 9:30 am (virtual), 6:00 pm (in-person RCMS)
February 13th: Orchestra Picture Day
February 14th: Donut Day. $2 Each {cash only}. Proceeds benefit PTA. Sign up to volunteer HERE.
February 17th: President's Day, No School for Students
February 18th: Teacher Work Day, No School for Students
February 19th: Track Tryouts Begin (7th & 8th Graders Only)
February 20 & 21: PBIS Rewards Distribution (rescheduled from Jan 31). Sign up to volunteer HERE.
February 20: PBIS Fun Friday. Sign up to volunteer HERE.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome Ms. Adams!
While Ms. Cenecerios is on maternity leave, Tamia Adams will complete her duties. Ms. Adams is a recent graduate of Mercer University, where she earned her Master’s in School Counseling. She is excited to be a part of the Ridgeview Charter Middle School community.
Originally from Miami, FL, Ms. Adams enjoys traveling and creating lasting memories. She brings a strong commitment to supporting students’ academic, social, and emotional well-being. Ms. Adams is dedicated to collaborating with teachers, parents, and community resources to ensure that students feel heard, valued, and appreciated.
Ms. Adam's Email Address: adamst6@fultonschools.org.
Academics- Important Info for Parents
Ridgeview Wins prestigious "Masters of Mathematics" Award from the GDOE!
The Georgia Department of Education awarded Ridgeview its Masters of Mathematics award in recognition of our students' tremendous growth and achievement in the area of mathematics!
Progress Reports: February 15th
Mid-Quarter Progress Reports will be available in infinite campus on Friday, February 15th. This is a good opportunity to check in with your student to see how they are doing and inquire about any missing assignments.
"Scheduling 101" Presentation for Parents: February 13, 2025
Assistant Principal Ms. Bulluck will offer her famous "Scheduling 101" presentation on February 13th at two different times in two different formats. This presentation is packed full of useful information for any parents of rising 6th, 7th and 8th graders. If you have questions about how scheduling works, how to read your student's schedule and how to ensure your student is in the correct classes, you do not want to miss this presentation!
9:30 AM: Virtual Presentation on Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 273 387 302 014
Passcode: DU7rS2fo
6:00 PM: In-Person presentation in the RCMS Cafeteria.
8th Grade Parents: Field Trip Payments
The deadline for 8th grade field trip payments has been extended!
- The requested donation for the field trips is $100 per student. You can make this payment using Online School Payments "OSP" by clicking HERE.
- If you are able t make a partial payment, or pay a portion of another child's cost, you can do so by clicking HERE
- If you need to pay with cash, please have your student bring cash payments to their homeroom teachers.
Volunteering & Support
RCMS PTA has several fun events planned and needs your help!
PBIS Celebrations/Rewards Distribution has been rescheduled to February 20 & 21:
Sign up to help with PBIS Rewards Distribution HERE
Sign up to help with PBIS Fun Friday HERE
Dress Down Day - February 12: Volunteers are needed to help with selling wristbands on Wednesday February 12th from 8:30-8:50am. Dress Down Day Wristbands are $5 each - cash/check (made out to RCMS PTA) only, we appreciate any donations! Sign up to help with Dress Down Day HERE
Donut Sales - February 14: Volunteers are needed to help with Donut Sales during morning arrival. $2/donut (cash only). Sign up to help with Donut Sales HERE
Help Needed Sorting Books!
FCS is improving and updating our Science and Social Studies textbook curriculums in the 25-26 school year! Volunteers needed to help make room for new materials and to reorganize our current inventory of books. Please contact Kelly Bradley at bradleyk@fultonschools.org if you can assist during any of the time slots below:
- Tuesday February 18 11:00-4:00
- Thursday March 13 4:30-7:30
- Thursday May 1 4:30-7:30
- Saturday May 3 11:00-4:00
Congratulations to our Basketball Teams!!
Track & Field Tryouts begin February 19th.
Students must have already turned in their physical before the January deadline in order to try out.
Alumni Spotlight
Congratulations to these Ridgeview Alumni who were named to the Class of 2025 Riverwood "Top 10". Laila Patel, Lily Krachman, Ellie Ryan (Salutatorian), Karuna Damle and Elyse Chen- we are so proud of you! Once a Panther, always a Panther!
Events and Opportunities
SGC Candidacy Window Open February 3 - March 28.
The School Governance Council ("SGC") is made up of parents, staff and community members. The purpose of the SGC is to provide parents, school staff, and community members with a leadership role through monitoring and implementation of the strategic plan. At RCMS, we have two parent/guardian representative positions open for election this year.
Expectations: Members serve two-year terms. At RCMS, the SGC meets in-person one morning per month (typically a Tuesday) from 7:30 - 8:30 am. SGC Members are also expected to serve on one of two subcommittees which typically meets for an additional one meeting per month.
Qualifications: In order to qualify, parent/guardians must: have a child attending RCMS for the upcoming two consecutive years, not be an employee of the school, be at least 18 years old, consent to being finger printed and subject to a background check (if elected). A full list of qualifications can be found HERE
ArtBeat 2025: February 8, 2025, 2:30 PM, Byers Theater, City Springs
Come to this FREE art extravaganza featuring our very own RCMS Musicians and artists along with students from the three other public Middle and High Schools in Sandy Springs! No registration needed and there is no cost to attend. Please consider bringing a box of crayons or colored pencils to donate to one of our Sandy Springs Elementary schools. You can learn more about the event by clicking HERE.
Junior Rader Lacrosse Night: February 13th!
Calling all Junior Raiders! Grab a friend and come cheer on the Riverwood girls and boys varsity lacrosse teams as they compete against North Springs High School next Thursday, February 13th at the Riverwood International Charter School stadium. Girls Lax starts at 5:30pm and Boys Lax at 7:30pm. Middle schoolers, wear your Ridgeview or Junior Raider Lacrosse gear to gain free admission. All kids in attendance must be supervised by an adult. Adult tickets can be purchased on GoFan. Go Raider Lax!
Student Life
First Semester Honor Roll (As & Bs) and Principal's Award (All A's) recipients were recognized with trophies, certificates and popsicles. Way to go scholars!!
7th Grade Students in Ms. Davis' Science Class learned about DNA by building models (out of candy!)
....And the Panther pride continued as the Boys brought home a second place trophy to match! We're gonna need a bigger trophy case Panther fans....
Community Partners & Sponsors
Thank you to these local businesses who have chosen to support our Panthers.
Jaguar Partners
Cougar Partners
Leopard Partners
Want to be Social?
Ridgeview Charter Middle School
Email: Ridgeview@fultonschools.org
Location: 5340 South Trimble Road, Sandy Springs, GA, USA
Phone: (470)254-7710
Twitter: @RCMSPanther