Swinefleet Primary School
17th May 2024
Contact us
Email: swinefleet.primary@eastriding.gov.uk
Website: www.swinefleetprimaryschool.co.uk
Location: Swinefleet Primary School, Low Street, Swinefleet, Goole, UK
Phone: 01405 704386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SwinefleetPrimary
Twitter: @Swinefleet_Pr
Instagram: Swinefleet Primary (@swinefleet_pr) • Instagram photos and videos
Well done to all of our Year 6 who have completed their SATs this week. We are really proud of how they approached this week and regardless of results they should all feel extremely proud of what they have achieved. A huge thank you to the rest of the school for keeping quiet and being mindful as they moved around the site which we know can be challenging. The children have all enjoyed a well earned treat today.
We hope that you will enjoy looking at what we have been up to over the last fortnight and what we have still to come. Within this newsletter you will find up and coming events, diary dates, menus, links to surveys on EYFS and extending our opening hours and reminders.
There will not be another newsletter before half-term so please enjoy it when it arrives. Please note that school is closed on Monday 3rd June due to staff training day.
Our Learning
Over the last fortnight we have been continuing our theme ‘Nature Detectives’. Last week we read ‘Superworm’ and we enjoying playing with all the rubber worms hiding in the soil, in our tuff trays! This week we have been reading non-fiction books; ‘Egg to Chick’ and ‘Tadpole to Frog’ as we have been focusing on lifecycles. We have also continued caring for the seeds we planted and we have been observing the wildlife in our School grounds. Last week in our provision, we have tried to make the longest worms out of playdough, we have been writing sentences about worms and practising our fine motor skills by snipping our worms (cooked spaghetti) with the scissors. This week in our provision we have been making 3D chicks using cardboard tubes, tissue paper and feathers. We have also been using the playdough and plastic insects to make our own fossils! In maths lessons, last week, we recapped on 2D and 3D shapes and creating more complexed repeating patterns. This week we have been learning about clocks and how to tell the time to o’clock, we have also been learning about coins and how we can buy items with money.
Next week our focus will be on how important insects are, particularly ladybirds and bees.
This week in Rubies, we have started writing a non-chronological report about the Great Plague. The children showed such an interest in this topic that we decided we wanted to showcase our learning in some non-fiction writing! We can’t wait to show you our finished pieces!
In maths, the children have continued to develop their learning on time by playing bingo to help us learn about quarter to and quarter past.
In art, we have been creating our own cityscape in the style of L.S. Lowry. We have used watercolour paints to create a washed-out, pale effect to show how things look paler when they are further away.
As part of our RE lessons, we have continued to look at the creation stories of the Sikh, Islamic and Christian faiths. We have enjoyed finding the similarities and differences between each of them.
To further our historical learning, the children have really enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London. We even used QR codes to watch videos, play games and complete quizzes to answer questions about the Great Fire. The children have really enjoyed watching all the vibrant animations and learning about how Samuel Pepys buried his cheese to save it from the fire!
It’s absolutely wonderful to be back in Diamonds class! The children have been fantastic and have enjoyed sharing their work and progress with me.
We have been working on poems ‘Once Upon a Dream’, it is a competition asking ‘Where will your imagination take you?’ If we do well, children could see their poems published in a real book! In maths, we have taken advantage of the warm weather and completed a measurement lesson and a telling-the-time lesson outside. Finally, did you know that there is the same amount of water on Earth now as there was when Earth was formed? Amazing, isn’t it?! We have been learning fun facts about the water cycle in science.
Next week, we are excited to be attending our school trip on Wednesday. We are keeping our fingers tightly crossed for warm weather! Please could children have appropriate clothing for the weather on the day, sun hats, sun cream and a packed lunch. We look forward to sharing photos of the day with you.
What an eventful two weeks for the Sapphires!
We are nearing the end of our guided reading book – ‘The Explorer’. The children in the book have eaten tarantulas and we are all wondering whether they will ever escape the jungle! It has been exciting to find out more about ‘The Explorer’ character. During writing sessions, the children enjoyed doing some grammar quizzes to test their knowledge. In maths, the Sapphires have been revising how to calculate angles using their angle knowledge. They have revised coordinates, geometry and conversions of measurements. In history, the Sapphires have created a wonderful double page spread about Maya Gods and Goddesses.
This week, the Year 6 children completed their SATs tests. What an amazing job they have all done. We are all very proud of their hard work and resilience. Well done Year 6!
In readiness for the tests, this week, the children have had fun completing treasure hunts, traitor style reading comprehensions and quizzes. The Year 5 children have spent their week with Diamonds – creating ideas for a poem, some basic skills maths, a range of athletic activities, mindfulness activities and some artwork. Thanks to the Diamonds class for hosting the Year 5 children this week.
To celebrate the end of SATs week, the Year 6 have enjoyed watching a film, having a post party and a huge water fight – what a great way to end the week.
Please keep reading on Seesaw and practising spellings at home! One more week to the reading reward!
We look forward to the final week with lots to look forward to including Driffield Farming and Food Show, the reading reward and creating our dioramas of The Rainforest. Don’t miss any of it!
Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone on the Swinefleet staff team who have supported the children and staff to ensure that the week has run smoothly.
Have a lovely weekend and a well-earned rest, from the Sapphires team.
This Fortnight's Awards
Well done to our Stars of the Week and Writers of the Week winners from last week.
Well done to this week's Stars of the Week and Writers of the Week
Extending Our Hours
Have your say
Nursery and EYFS Information
Have your say
We would love to know what current and past parents of our Pearls think about our provision. What do we do well? What could we focus more on? Are their any changes that you think would support the children or you as families?
All responses can be anonymous so please let us know your thoughts. If you would prefer a paper copy then these are available already printed at the main entrance.
We are just commencing a project to further improve our Little Pearls provision and the Pearls including the outdoor area which we cannot wait to share when completed.
Clubs update
Free Summer 1 Clubs
Please note their is no gardening club next week.
Reading Reward - NEXT WEEK
Last push for reading reward on Thursday - get those reads in.
Reading reward numbers needed for this half-term:
Bronze - 18 reads
Silver - 24 reads
Gold - 36 reads
P.E Kit
Please ensure that P.E kit is in school all week and is named.
Please remember that we are nut free and therefore nut products are not permitted. Thank you for your support in this.
As the weather hopefully warms up it may be that children need suncream. Please apply this before school but your child is welcome to bring some with them to reapply themselves. Children who are unable to apply suncream themselves, such as those in Pearls, should have this put on before school and staff can support them with reapplying as long as they are made aware of this.
Hats can be provided by school in hot weather and all children have access to a water bottle throughout the day.
Creating shade can be an issue for us but we do try to make areas using our school gazebos - if anyone is replacing theirs at home please consider donating to us as we always need more!
Booking Events
Please see diary dates for Dads to Lunch which needs to be booked by email.
There is also an Afternoon Tea for families of Pearls - please let us know if you will be attending via email.
Menu and Diary Dates
Please see the menu below. Children can have a hot dinner on any day and do not need to be hot dinners all week. Dinners do not need to be pre-booked.
Dinners can be paid for via our ParentMail App. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals are available to some children dependent on household income. If you think you could be eligible there is more information available via Apply for free school meals - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or Mrs Risebury will happily give you further information of how to apply.
Future Diary Dates
Term Dates
Below are our term dates up until July 2026.