Dimond Newsletter
December 10, 2024
Dear Dimond Families:
We are almost there! With Winter break approaching quickly, students must keep working strong in preparation for final projects and final exams. Thank you for working with the school to support your student this semester, we only have 7 school days left. It has been an excellent semester!
Finals i.e., final projects or final exams, will be administered next Wednesday and Thursday December 18th and 19th. Please note the schedule change for next week. Final block periods are 110 minutes.
Another reminder, and you'll have another reminder next week, there are two VERY important notices regarding Finals. The first is that finals MAY NOT be taken early. The second is that blue passes will not be issued during finals.
Warm Regards,
Principal D’Atri
Reminders Only For This Week's Newsletter
Home/Work Tutoring Options
Math support is still being offered after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Students of all levels can come to Mr. Beattie's room, B108, and receive help from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
He is happy to answer questions they have, reteach ideas, or just provide an environment for them to work in with some assistance if they get stuck. Students are encouraged to bring any accompanying notes from what they have been working on along with their assignments, both current and previous. Students are welcome to stay for all or part of the time.
If you need help or support with assignments for any subject you can also go to A101, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
Semester 1 finals are quickly approaching. We wanted to take a minute to communicate some final exam expectations.
Final Exam Expectations -
Every class will have a final of some kind. This can be a test or presentation, but it will be of value to your students' class and be meaningful.
Students must remain in their classes for the duration of the period to help reduce hallway distractions and maintain a good testing environment for all students. Students will not be allowed to go to the library or another alternate location once they are done with their final.
No blue passes will be given either day of finals- parents please pre-arrange those prior to December 17th for known appointments.
No Finals may be taken early. If a student misses their final exam, a grade of 0% will be given with a chance for the student to make up the final when we get back from winter break. After the final is taken, a grade change form can be submitted by their teacher.
Extended School Year (ESY)
The purpose of extended school year is to allow students who scored between 50% - 59.9% at the end of the semester an opportunity to bring their grade to a D in the four core content areas. Your student’s teacher should be reaching out to you after the new year to discuss passing options for your student.
Extended School Year for 1st Semester will run from January 14th- 29th.
Student contact time is after school from 3:30-5:00 p.m.
Students will not be given new work; instead they will have the option to turn-in missing assignments or re-do assignments for more points.
Purchasing Dimond spirit wear online and arranging for office pick-up is a convenient way to handle gifts. Just be sure to specify during the purchase that it's a gift, to avoid unnecessary contact with the student for pick-up. This ensures a smooth and surprise-filled experience for the recipient. Check the Dimond’s PSTA website (https://dimondhighptsa.memberhub.com/) for details.
Grades Matter! Academic Eligibility for Sports and Activities
Students participating in sports or all-state academic/ fine arts activities must remain academically eligible. Eligibility is checked at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semesters, as well as the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd quarters. ASD VIRTUAL STUDENTS be aware that although virtual courses are self-paced, a quarter grade will be given based on your work completed during the grading period. This grade counts towards your academic eligibility. Students that are not eligible will not be able to participate in their sport or activity.
Career Resource Office
Our Dimond Career Resource Center is run by Mrs. Lauwers and is open on Tuesdays and Fridays or afterschool by appointment only. She is here to help you with anything related to college applications, scholarships or life after high school. If you would like to speak to her and she is not in her office her email is lauwers_kimberly@asdk12.org.
School Calendar
- December 17th: Abbreviated Bell Schedule- All 6 Periods
December 18th and 19th: Finals Schedule
December 19th: Student last day of the Semester- 1 Semester Ends
December 20th: Student Released Grading Day
December 23rd, 2024- January 3, 2025: Winter Break
January 6, 2025: Students First Day of 2nd Semester
A.J. Dimond High School
Website: https://www.asdk12.org/dimond
Location: 2909 West 88th Avenue, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: (907) 742-7000