Open House Eagle Edition
A Message from Dr. Day
Hello, Eagles! I wanted to send a newsletter that includes some specific details about open house, 5th grade orientation, and the first few days of school. Some items below were in the previous newsletter and some items have been expanded upon. Please take some time to read through it so you are prepared for our back-to-school events.
See you soon!
Contacting the School
Dr. Dawn Day -
Assistant Principals:
Alex Fields (5th/6th) -
Amanda Toepke (7th/8th) -
Sarah Williams (5th/6th) -
Brett Strauser (7th/8th) -
Administrative Assistants:
Mary Millar -
Dana Schultz -
Katie Cobb -
Open House Information
Below you will find some general information important for open house.
Parking for Open House
- All families should enter through the main entrance.
- Parking is available in the lot behind the South building (between the middle school and public library), the lot next to Ash Street, and the lot next to the VoAg building.
- Please do not park in the front loop, as there will be food trucks for you to purchase dinner at your lesiure!
Health/Nurse Information
Incoming 8th graders are required to have on file records of immunizations BEFORE the 1st day of school!
Tdap booster and Meningitis shot
Records can be given to Nurse Cobb at the Middle School
Please provide any relevant health information regarding your student to Nurse Cobb.
Print and complete the Permission Form for Medication by clicking here if your student requires medication during school hours.
If you have any health or medication questions/concersn, please contact Nurse Cobb.
Student Schedules
If enrollment has been completed by families, students will have the opportunity to receive a copy of their daily class schedule, and walk through the building during Open House.
Schedules can be viewed in Infinite Campus. Click here to access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal login page.
Schedules will also be available during Open House.
If your student is wanting to make a schedule change, please contact:
- Ms. Sarah Williams - 5th/6th Grade Counselor (
- Mr. Brett Strauser - 7th/8th Grade Counselor (
The Middle School does not honor specific teacher requests, or students to have classes with a specific student(s).
Common requests include scheduling mistakes, exploratory classes, etc.
Free/Reduced Lunch
We are urging families to complete the 2023-2024 Free and Reduced Meal Application.
Application Link Below:
Completed applications can be brought to the front office or to Central Office (5275 West Red Tail Drive)
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions while completing the application.
Food Trucks
We will have various food trucks in the front lot for dinner, as well as tables set up to eat. Pizza Kwik will be one of the food trucks that night and they encourage ordering ahead. Their menus are linked below, please click on the picture to view and find the number to order ahead. We will also have The Big Cheese and hopefully Lily's food truck.
5th Grade Orientation
5th grade orientation is a time for our newest Eagles to get to know each other, get to know their teachers, and learn more about SBMS. They will be able to participate in fun team building activities and become familiar with the building. See all the details below.
Please RSVP here if your student is planning to attend the orientation.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
The first few days of school are always a hectic time. Please be flexible and patient as we will see a larger amount of students in drop off and pick up. We will have staff available to assist with traffic flow to ensure everyone is arriving and going home safely.
**Please be aware of a change with 5th/6th grade dismissal. Students should not be picked up in the library parking lot. Below you will see a picture of the changes with the library parking lot. This should not be used as a pick up point. Please follow our school dismissal procedures outlined below.
Below is a visual of the drop-off and pick-up locations for all students at SBMS. Please ensure that you are only dropping off where indicated and only picking up where indicated. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe with an organized arrival and dismissal routine.
5th/6th Grade Car Rider Drop Off Procedures
Drop off students in the South Lot (between the MS and Public Library). Students will enter through the double doors. See picture above.
Families with students in different grade levels may use either drop off location!
5th/6th Grade Car Rider Pick Up Procedures
7th/8th Grade Car Rider Drop Off Procedures
Drop off students in the front loop of the new construction (Main Entrance to the Middle School). See picture above.
Families with students in different grade levels may use either drop off location!
7th/8th Grade Car Rider Pick Up Procedures
Dr. Dawn Day, Principal
Location: 303 N Main St, Ashland, MO 65010
Phone: 573-657-2146
Twitter: @Dr_D_Day