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Peet Jr. High Newsletter 8/2/24
We Are Cubs!
![Peet Jr. High Newsletter 8/2/24 We Are Cubs!](https://cdn.smore.com/u/e943/5c8ab5143d7fff0d551c24967c09f565.jpg)
Welcome To Peet
Hello Parents and Guardians,
My name is Chris Kuempel and I am the principal of Peet JH. I hope everyone is having a safe and relaxing summer. Our teachers are still enjoying the last little bit of their summer break, but will soon be back at work planning, going over curriculum updates, and designing lessons to engage and enrich our students. I am looking forward to an exciting and productive school year as always. We plan to carry on the traditions for nurturing, educating, and fostering relationships with our students daily as well as growing them academically.
See you soon!
Chris Kuempel
Principal, Peet JH
Peet Jr. High Mission Statement
Our Goal at Peet Junior High School is for all students to feel loved, accepted, and grow academically every day.
Meet the Teacher - Please plan to attend Meet the Teacher Tuesday, August 6th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. This is a come and go, so you do not need to be here right at 5:00. Your student will be able to get their class schedule, walk the building and meet their teachers. Any student without an up to date immunization record will need to see Nurse Woods in the clinic before receiving their schedule.
7th Grade Immunizations
mailto:cfwoods@conroeisd.netParents just a reminder that Tdap (Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis) and Meningococcal are required BEFORE the first day of school, August 14, 2024, as well as any other immunizations not in compliance with state law.
If your child has received these immunizations and you have not sent a copy of your vaccine record to the school, please forward your student's updated record via email to cfwoods@conroeisd.net or fax to 936-709-9830.
If you wish to receive an exemption for immunizations, please request the form online at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/exemptions.aspx . The form must be notarized and the original kept here in your student's health file.
Students must have an updated immunization record on file with Peet to receive a schedule during Cub Express Meet the Teacher.
School Hours
School Student Hours - After the first day of school, front doors will open at 7:45am, the first period tardy bell rings at 8:50am and students are released at 4:05 at the end of the day.
Student ID"s
Student ID’s - In order to continue safety efforts, all students in Conroe ISD grades 7 -12, will be required to wear their school issued transportation Smart Tag student ID everyday. The ID’s must be worn on a lanyard, clipped on the front of their shirt, or attached to their backpack. All students will receive a new CISD student ID the first day of school. Any student forgetting their ID may get a temporary ID for $1.00. Any student who misplaces or needs a new ID may purchase one for $2.00 in the front office.
Early Check Out
In the event of an unplanned early dismissal requiring a large number of students to be signed out at once, students will only be released to individuals listed on the student’s records which are visible in Parent Access. Likewise, these individuals will be required to provide identification prior to student checkout. Students will not be released to individuals not listed in student records or to individuals without proper identification. Please check your Parent Portal to ensure that all information is correct. Parent Portal Link
Bus Riders
If your student will be riding a bus at any time throughout the school year, please use the link to register them for a bus.
Car Rider Line
Any student being dropped off or picked up, please do so in front of the building (the yellow area, see map below). Please do not pick up or drop off students at the bottom of the hill or in the parking lot. This is dangerous and a serious safety concern.
Car Rider Arrival/Departure Procedures
Car Rider
- Form two lines at the entrance
- Merge into one line at the curve
- Please pull forward to the car in front of you
- Only pick up students in the pick-up zone
- Do not park and have students walk to the parking lot for pick up
No Outside Food Deliveries
Cell Phone Policy
Students may have their phones out and use them in common areas, the hallways, and during lunch. Students may also utilize earbuds/airpods in the hallway and lunch, but must follow the “one in/one out” rule. Students may NOT have their phones out or use them during class time or instruction.
Hats & Hoodies
Students are allowed to wear a hat or hoodie in the hallway, cafeteria, or outside. They are not allowed to wear them in the classroom.
Athletics Physical Form - Any student wanting to participate in athletics must have a cleared physical for this school year. Please use the following link for the current physical form. 2024 Physical Form
Rank One (Athletics) - Rank One is an emergency contact information form that must be completed in order for students to participate in athletics. Parent-Rank-One-Instructions.pdf (conroeisd.net)
Parent Portal
Parent Portal (the new Parent Access Center) - This allows you (parents) to check on grades, lunch account balance, attendance, get emailing concerning current class averages, etc. Parent Portal Link
Students attending Sporting Events
Students are welcomed to watch, cheer for and support their fellow students and friends. However, their grades must come first, so any students wanting to attend a Peet JH sporting event, as a fan, must be passing ALL of their classes on the day of the game. Students will need to get a wristband during lunch indicating they are passing all classes from a staff member at the stage. This wristband allows them to purchase a ticket that evening. If they do not have a wristband, they will not be able to enter the game. If a parent or guardian would like to attend the game with their student who is not able to get a wristband, they may.
***New CISD Nutrition (cafeteria) Guidelines***
School Meal Benefits: Did you know?
- That when you sign up for free and reduced lunch every year that you not only support your family with a needed benefit, but Irons Jr. High also receives increased funding for the school year. That extra funding is purely based on the number of students who receive service. You are helping your family and Irons Jr. High by completing the application every year. Please do not miss out on these available benefits.
- Applications may be completed on-line at https://www.myschoolapps.com/
- Complete one application per household. Eligibility is based on family income and size, or if the family has a SNAP or TANF number. The guidelines are located on the Free and Reduced Application.
- Parents will be notified if the students are eligible for Free/Reduced Meals.
- Students who participated in the Free/Reduced program during the previous year in Conroe ISD may continue to eat at the same Free/Reduced status for the first 30 days of school. When a new application is completed before the 30-grace period ends, the new status overrides last year’s status.
- Applications may take up to 10 days to process.
- Foster children are eligible for Free meals. Please contact our office with student information for faster processing or fill out an online application.
- Parents must pay for student’s meal until the lunch application is processed.
- You, your children or other household members do not have to be U.S. citizens to apply.
- All student financial information is kept confidential in the Child Nutrition Office.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT NAZIA NIZAM (936) 709-8197 or nnizam@conroeisd.net
Please do not miss out on this benefit, complete your application before your child loses benefits on September 5, 2022
How can I pre-pay online for meals?
Parents can pre-pay online for meal accounts beginning August 1st, 2022 at www.myschoolbucks.com.
2024-2025 Breakfast Meal Prices
- Student Breakfast $2.00
- Student Reduced Breakfast $0.30
- Non-student Breakfast/2nd Student Breakfast $3.40
- Fruit/Vegetable/Bread $1.75
- Milk $1.15
2024-2025 Lunch Meal Prices
- Student Lunch $3.20
- Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
- Non-student Lunch/2nd Student Lunch $5.00 (Teachers, Parents, Siblings)
- Lunch Entree $3.35
- Fruit/Vegetable/Bread $1.75
- Milk $1.15
Peet PTO
The PTO at Peet Jr. High is looking for parent volunteers and board members for the 24-25 school year. Throughout the year, there are fun activities and opportunities to help. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know how you can help. Contact us at peetjhpto@gmail.com
Peet Jr. High
Email: contactpeet@conroeisd.net
Website: https://peet.conroeisd.net
Location: 1895 Longmire Road, Conroe, TX, USA
Phone: 936-709-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeetJHCISD
Twitter: @peetjhcisd