Good Shepherd
December 2024
December Events
Christmas Happenings
Holly Jolly Week - December 16th - 20th
Christmas Parties
Christmas Programs
Preschool Program: December 17th from 4:30pm - 5pm
Elementary Program: December 18th Times TBD
Chapel Happenings
Chapel Themes and Reminders
Remember, every Wednesday is Chapel, and we’re continuing our Hearts and Hands offerings! We encourage students to bring offerings each week. To make this a fun and positive experience, students can decorate their offering envelopes based on the weekly theme. While bringing an offering is not required, we hope everyone will join in the spirit of giving! These offerings will go directly into the Church's Youth Fund, helping to make a meaningful impact on our Church community.
Below are the chapel themes for the month of November:
- Mary Visits Elizabeth (Dec 1)
- Zechariah (Dec 8)
- Jesus is Born (Dec 15 & 22)
- Wise Men (Dec 29)
We can’t wait to see everyone’s creativity!
Campus Satisfaction Survey for Parents and Students
Below is a link to our Campus Satisfaction Survey. We’d love for you to take a few minutes to fill it out and let us know how we’re doing. Your feedback is incredibly valuable and helps us keep improving the experience for our students!
Project Curiosity
Hello and Happy Thanksgiving!
Christmas is around the corner, and Project Curiosity has a few fun and exciting activities planned before we go on break! Learning and engaging with the world around us as we explore Natural Wonders and Space. We will create personal biomes, butterfly puddlers, and geodes. We'll investigate snowflakes, black holes and the life cycle of a star. We look forward to continuing to cultivate the next generation of thinkers as we move into 2025!
Little Sheep Learning Center
Christmas Break
Little Sheep Learning Center will be closed December 24th - 26th for the Christmas Holiday.
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Christmas Break
No School:
- Dec 19th - Jan 7th
- Dec 19th - 23rd
- Dec 27th - Jan 7th
PE and Athletics
Our basketball season is in full swing. The players are excelling and working well as a team. Keep it up!
Christmas Push-Up Contest
Join us on December 11th for a festive push-up contest for K–6 grade students!
We're also starting jump rope training for our competition against 28 states and 6 countries for grades K-6.
Come show your support for our athletic teams! Check out the game schedule below and join us in cheering them on. Let's go, team!
- Tuesday December 3rd Basketball Vs Grace Lutheran Boys: 3pm in Brenham
- Thursday December 5th Basketball Vs Immanuel Girls: 4pm in Giddings
- Monday December 9th Basketball Vs Serbin Boys: 4pm in Giddings
- Thursday December 12th Basketball Vs St Paul Lutheran Girls: 3pm Boys: 4pm in Thorndale
Anyone who is participating in any sports needs to have the physical form filled out at turned in, to the school.
Children must wear tennis shoes on Wednesdays and Fridays. No flats, boots or sandals.
Art at a Glance
Dear Good Shepherd families,
December is here! We will start off the Holiday season with The Art Walk at 6:30pm, December 6th, outside the Bastrop Opera House. Downtown will be lit up with a beautiful display of Christmas lights as we walk downtown and visit local artists and businesses.
We jumped into December by working on “Folk Art” inspired Christmas trees. They have turned out so beautiful and colorful! We all look forward to doing more Winter inspired art!
Hattie Wesley
Art Teacher/Activity Coordinator
Lion of the Month
This month, we’re focusing on the biblical trait of Honesty. Please join us in congratulating our December Lions of the Month who have shown outstanding honesty!
Parent Teacher League Updates
Thank you so much to everyone who attended, contributed, supported, and championed the 2024 Fall Fest! Our efforts combined raised just over $17,000 for our school!! We are so appreciative of all the time, effort and contributions that were made. Most of all, thank you for attending the event and making great memories together!
The PTL decorating elves are at it again. Christmas decorations will soon deck the halls! We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Child Nutrition
Chef-prepared meal plan includes breakfast if here by 7:30am, lunch, and afternoon snack. If you do not take part in the meal plan, you will need to provide your child's meal daily. We are a peanut free facility. If you do not provide food, and are not enrolled in our meal plan, we will gladly serve your child food, for a $5.00 charge to your account.
October Menu can be found here or by clicking the button below
Planning Your Family’s Budget
Four Steps for Making a Family Budget
1. List your income.
Write down all sources of your family’s monthly income. This could include paychecks, automatic deposits, income from contract work or work done on the side, interest from savings, or investment income like stock dividends.
2. List your monthly bills.
Write down all the payments you make each month. These could include your mortgage or rent, utility and phone bills, insurance premiums, loan payments, dues, school tuition, church tithes, groceries, and transportation expenses (car maintenance, gas, bus fees, toll fees). Then write down all the extra items that you spend money on such as eating out, entertainment, gym memberships, and TV or streaming subscriptions.
3.Find ways to save.
Subtract your monthly expenses from your monthly income to know how much you can put into savings. It’s not always easy to save for the unexpected, but financial planners recommend having enough money to cover three months of expenses in case of emergency or job loss.
Below are two ways to plan your budget with some money going to savings.
- 70/20/10 split. This means 70% for bills and everyday living, 20% for savings; 10% for debt.
- 80/20 split. This means 80% for bills and everyday living and 20% for savings.
Start by creating a budget for one month to get a feel for how it’s working for your family. Keep notes about what works and what doesn’t and make any necessary adjustments to the amounts you set. Your budget will be a work in progress, so don’t worry if you don’t get it exactly right at first!
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
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Good Shepherd - Bastrop (@gslsbastrop) • Instagram photos and videos
Thank you, Parents, for your support!
We appreciate all of your support always!
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Email: headofschool@goodshepherdbastrop.org
Website: goodshepherdbastrop.org
Location: 202 State Highway 71, Bastrop, TX, USA
Phone: 512-988-1778