Elkhorn Week of 9/15/24
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Elkhorn Week of 9/15/24
Minimum Day on Wednesday 9/18
- Elementary starts at 8:02
- Everyone dismisses at 12:12
- Reminder we follow the Elementary Calendar for all grades
- We will have minimum days for all grade levels on Tuesday 9/24 through Friday 9/27
- 4th-6th grade teachers will schedule directly with teachers
- Middle School Conferences are on an as needed basis or by parent request. If you are interested in having a conference for a Middle School Student, please email Mr. Huiras mhuiras@lodiusd.net. Middle School students are required to participate in their conferences.
Constitution Day
House Team Building
- We will have House Team Building during the school day on 9/18
Disc Golf Club (starts Monday, 9/16)
Elkhorn Movie Night
Suicide Awareness
September is #SuicidePreventionMonth. Help us support suicide prevention by learning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide. If you, or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. Additional resources can be found on our website.
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (English):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (English):
Septiembre es el #MesdelaPrevencióndelSuicidio. Ayúdenos a apoyar la prevención del suicidio conociendo las señales de advertencia y los factores de riesgo del suicidio. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org. Puede encontrar recursos adicionales en nuestro sitio: bit.ly/LodiUSDMentalHealthResources
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (Spanish):
Schoolinks is here! Log in to your Guardian account today!
As guardians, you will have access to SchooLinks through your own account. See this document to learn more about how to access it. Use the Guardian email address you provided in Aeries.
You can click this Video Link for more information.
SchooLinks allows you to have informed conversations with your students by:
Viewing your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments
Seeing what post-secondary opportunities your student has favorited
Exploring expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses
Opportunity for 6th-8th graders
Lincoln Technical Academy: Open House
Elkhorn School Spirit Wear
Volunteer Forms
Have You Reported Your Student's Absence?
Please call the office or email Klaire Green at kgreen@lodiusd.net