The Scoop
April 11, 2024
Ohio State Testing
Next week, we will continue testing with Math on April 16 and 18 for grades 3-5. Our last week of testing will be April 23 and 24 for 5th grade Science.
Thank you for making sure your children have a good night's sleep and are ready to do their best.
Welcome Ms. Vritika Krishnan
The District has adopted a plan for communications with persons with disabilities, which is available at the following link: Communication Plan. The plan establishes procedures to ensure that the District's communications with persons with disabilities, including applicants, participants, members of the public, and companions with disabilities, are as effective as its communications with others.
Upcoming Events
April 12 - Grades 4-5 ELA Part 2 Test 9:00-11:00A
April 16 - Grades 3-5 Math OST Part 1 Test 9:00-11:00A
April 18 - Grades 3-5 Math OST Part 2 Test 9:00-11:00A
April 23 - Grade 5 Science OST Part 1 Test 9:00-11:00A
April 24 - Grade 5 Science OST Part 2 Test 9:00-11:00A
May 6 - Grades 4/5 Orchestra Concert 2:30P (parents welcome) Auditorium
May 14 - 5th Grade Concert 6:30P Auditorium
May 16 - K-2 Field Day 9:15-11:15A, 3-5 Field Day 1:00-3:00P
May 18 - Tiger 5 K Run 9:00A CHHS Track
May 22 - Grade 5 Exhibition 2:00P Main Hallway
May 23 - PTA Meeting 6:00-7:30P Playground or via https://meet.google.com/xak-uqoy-cph
May 27 - No School, Memorial Day
May 28 - Grade 5 to Fun N Stuff
May 29 - Grade 5 Promotion 10:00-11:00A Auditorium
May 30 - Last day of School - Lunch on the Lawn
Roxboro Elementary School
Roxboro Elementary School’s IB Mission:
Our mission at Roxboro Elementary, in partnership with our families and the community, is to encourage our students to become respectful, positive, and compassionate lifelong learners.
We challenge our students to become involved in our world and engage in rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum. We will provide diverse forms of assessment and participate in reflective learning.
Our students will find their passions, have confidence in their decisions, and develop the leadership skills to act for the good of all
Email: s_pulling@chuh.org
Website: CHUH.org
Location: Roxboro Elementary School, Roxboro Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (216)371-7115
Twitter: @CHUHRoxEl