SPB Family Newsletter
March 30, 2023
Mission Statement
The Eucharistic community of Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School
focuses on Christ-centered values and develops the unique potential of each student
through a rigorous and engaging curriculum.
Calendar of Events
Monday, April 3
Box Tops Dress Down Day
Grade 5 Honor & Harmony Program--9:40 am & 10:20 am
Rugrats Track--2:30-3:45 pm
Tuesday, April 4
Box Tops Dress Down Day
Eucharist Preparation during class--Grade 2
Student Council Meeting--2:30-3:30pm
Ladies Guild Family Service Night--6:30 pm
Wednesday, April 5
Romeo's Pizza Fundraiser--4:00-8:00 pm
PTO Meeting--7:00 pm
Thursday, April 6
Holy Thursday
Last Day of School Before Easter Break
Holy Thursday Morning Prayer--9:00 am
Rugrats Track at MHS--5:45-6:45 pm
Children's Choir Rehearsal--3:30-4:30 pm
Rugrats Track at MHS--5:45-6:45 pm
Friday, April 7
Good Friday-NO SCHOOL
Sunday, April 9
Easter Sunday
A Note from the Principal
Dear SPB Families,
Many of you have seen the job posting the last few months, but today it is bittersweet to officially announce the retirement of our beloved administrative assistant, Karen Lipstreu. Perhaps I held off making the official announcement secretly hoping that her decision might change knowing full well that this has been her intention for quite a while. She is so much to all of us but certainly a teammate, partner, and friend to me and our administrative team in the office. With her husband Bill’s recent retirement, it only makes sense that she would like to join him in retirement allowing them to travel more and spend more time with her family, including her daughters, Elizabeth and Katie, and her parents.
For an amazing 18 years, we have been blessed by the dedication and commitment of an amazingly hardworking, efficient, organized, funny, and caring administrative assistant. To say we have big shoes to fill is an understatement! Mrs. Lipstreu has been the “go-to” for parents, students, teachers, and our administrative team. She is literally the first face you see in person or the first voice people hear. She began her career at Southgate Laboratories serving in the billing department for 15+ years. Karen then moved to an administrative assistant position at St. Monica School in Garfield Heights for 10 years. In 2005, she joined the staff at Saint Paschal Baylon School and has been the heart of the office since then.
We are so grateful for Mrs. Lipstreu who has shown such commitment and dedication to the families, students, and faculty and staff of SPB. Please mark your calendars for May 24 when we will recognize Mrs. Lipstreu at the 9:00 Mass. While she will undoubtedly be missed as the years continue, Mrs. Lipstreu will never be forgotten by so many who have crossed her path on a daily basis. What a true blessing she has been to our school community for so many years! We wish her the best in her retirement.
Peace and blessings,
Diane Raguz, Principal
Report Cards Available Online
Third quarter report cards have been published as of today. You have the ability to access grades and print a report card to keep for yourself. Directions for accessing report cards can be found below. Please note that there are two pages to the report cards. You don't want to miss the second page which includes teacher comments. We will send a hard copy of report cards at the end of the school year only.
You may access your child’s final grades for the quarter on Gradelink following these directions:
- Log into Gradelink.
- Click on the Grades tab on the left hand side.
- The option to download the report card will appear on the right side of the screen. You can then download it to view or print.
Green Knight-Sofia Parrotta
Sofia Parrotta is an eighth-grade student at Saint Paschal Baylon who is our Green Knight for the third quarter! Teachers were quick to share that Sofia was the perfect choice as our Green Knight. Sofia was nominated by Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin shared, “Sofia is a shining example of our four C's. She has an all-around Christian character towards adults, peers, and younger children. Her Christian courage and leadership are so evident in her cantoring at our Masses and the Christmas caroling at the L'Arche Home service project. Other people who meet her would certainly encounter her genuine compassion and empathy. Her civility is demonstrated in her willingness to volunteer for any classroom activity and her excellent behavior.”
Mrs. Peko shared, “Sofia tries her best in each of her classes, owns her struggles, and, most importantly, never gives up. She volunteers to help teachers and students alike and does so with a smile on her face. She participates in so much of what SPB has to offer, and she's a great Elsa! I will definitely miss her when she graduates!” Miss Catalano wrote, “Sofia is kind to all students in the building and sets an incredible example for those around her. Sofia is a great role model for my younger students to look up to.” Father Lane said, “Sofia is always concerned about others, and I have seen this trait in her for her whole time here at Saint Paschal Baylon.”
Sofia’s family consists of her mom, dad, brothers, Marcello and Gio, her dog Lilly, and her turtle Rocco. The Parrotta family enjoys playing games like Mario Cart, eating ice cream, and going on adventures together. In her free time, Sofia enjoys singing, acting, quiet time, playing with her dog, and listening to music. Sofia’s favorite subject is science because she likes to learn about the ocean and its animals. In the near future, Sofia would like to continue with music and acting in high school, and in the distant future, she would like to become a marine biologist.
When asked about Sofia, her brother Marcello said that she is a great sister who always helps him out. Her brother Gio shared that Sofia is kind and is able to do anything she puts her mind to. Sofia’s mom shared that she always tells Sofia, “It’s not what you do that makes me proud, it’s who you are.” She continued to say, “Sophia is the most amazing person she knows, and she has a beauty that radiates from the inside out.” Mr. Parrotta shared, “Sophia treats people the right way, and she does this with flying colors.”
Creative, helpful, talented, and kind were words repeatedly used to describe Sofia. Mrs. Dulzer said, “Sofia was in my first sixth-grade science class, and I admired her willingness to learn, quiet spirit, and the way she accepted others.” Mrs. Popelka commented that Sofia is a role model of the 5 C's for her peers and well-deserving of this award. Ms. Raguz said, “She is so genuine in her interactions. Sofia has exhibited such kindness to other students no matter what age they happen to be, and she is always willing to help others.” It is a pleasure to have Sofia as a student at SPB, and we are blessed that she is part of our community. Congratulations, Sofia, on this well-deserved honor!
School Calendar for 2023-2024
School Advisory Council
Ladies Guild Family Service Night-Tuesday, April 4
Ladies Guild Family Service Night – Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30 in the Eymard Room
Join us as we actively engage in serving others in and outside our parish community.
Together, we will complete the following service projects: 250 Breakfast Bags for
Ronald McDonald House families, fleece blankets for dogs and cats at local pet shelters,
SPB spring clean up, kindness rocks and cards for community members in need of positive and caring messages. Items for the service projects will be provided by the Ladies Guild.
In addition, we are collecting books for Kids’ Book Bank and critical need items for Rescue Village and Euclid Pet Pals. Please consider donating one or more of the following items:
Kids' Book Bank: new or gently used children’s books.
Rescue Village and Euclid Pet Pals: new or gently used towels, blankets, or sheets to help make cages cozy, any brand canned dog, cat, puppy, kitten food, Purina Cat Chow (blue bag) and Purina Kitten Chow (yellow bag) Purina Dog Chow, Purina Puppy Chow, Purina small bites, soft cat and dog treats, cat, dog, and puppy safe toys.
If you cannot attend, but would like to support these organizations, donations can be dropped off after 8:00am on April 4 in the Eymard Room.
Navigating the High School Application Process
New Altar Server Training
From the Pastor's Perspective
Brainstorming for the Future of Father O'Brien Hall
PREPARING FOR PALM SUNDAY & THE SACRED TRIDUUM: Over the last thirteen years I have given an extensive history and reflection on the celebrations of the special liturgies of the church and why are presence is necessary. I invite you again to participate and witness, experience and enjoy the highlights of liturgy and the church’s worship from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. We are blessed to have Father John Keenan being a retreat/Triduum preacher this year. Here are a few highlights that you cannot miss on each of the days:
· Procession with palms in the church. We gather around the baptismal font to receive our palms, bless them, hear a special gospel.
· We proclaim another gospel, the Passion of Christ according to Matthew (this cycle A year).
· Our special Morning Prayer starts the day and retreat for the Sacred Triduum.
· Agapé Meal joins the parish together to live what the Corinthian community did before celebrating the Lord’s Supper. Have you called in your order for chicken or eggplant dinner?
· We wash feet! What an act of service from Christ to us living Christ today
· We share our Paschal Bread and Blessing Cup to celebrate what Christ gave us and we faithfully remember for thousands of years
· We process and adore the Blessed Sacrament through our church into the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
· We stay, keep watch, and pray from 8:30 pm until Midnight: come for a visit between these hours.
· Morning Prayer begins the starkness of the day; what great way to spend time in the day
· Our Youth Group shares the stations of the cross at Noon. Our youth make us proud about living out these last moments of Christ’s life. The Rossi Family is so wonderful to provide a soup meal after.
· Bring your Rice Bowl back and a highlight in venerating the cross is leaving our rice bowl in the baskets provided and relieving the hunger cross of others.
EASTER VIGIL: (If you have never come – make this the year! The Super Bowl of Liturgy!)
· We prepare the new Paschal Candle with an outdoor bonfire.
· We hear 3 of the most important Hebrew Scriptures and sing psalms to match them.
· IMAGES ARE UNCOVERED DURING THE SINGING OF THE GLORIA, bells rung, candles and church lit as we sing praises to God
· We hear the Matthew Resurrection Gospel this year. Our maintenance staff creates the tomb that became the symbol of hope and new life.
· We welcome the following in the Initiation Sacraments:
o Catechumens, Keilani Honeycutt, Maxwell Selock & Cameron Fuller
o Candidates: Genevieve Carey, Joanne Formica, Tasha Stanley & Dave Seline
· We renew our baptismal promises and share in the blessed, new Holy Water, reminding ourselves how much “God deeply loves us,” and we wish to recommit to our discipleship
· We renew our baptismal promises and share in the blessed, new Holy Water, reminding ourselves how much “God deeply loves us,” and we wish to recommit to our discipleship
· We sing the solemn Sequence, the poem that summarizes the importance of the Easter mystery
A lot will happen, with great singing, enthusiastic liturgical ministers and the joy of all of us being together. We also wish to note our Children’s Choir, led by Michelle Kitko, will lead us at the 10:30 am Easter Sunday Mass this year once again. In advance, I thank all who help this become a grand event of worship – that you cannot miss.
Let's continue to pray for each other. Just a few days until Palm Sunday, April 2! Last year a whole delegation from Saint Bonaventure University came here to experience our wonderful liturgies. We hope you’ll bring your friends too!
In Christ our Eucharist,
Father Lane
SPRING FLING....WE NEED YOU! Earn a dress down pass!
Family Kindness Festival
Playground Volunteers Needed-Kindergarten to Grade 2
We are asking that each family (mom, dad, grandma, etc.) choose at least two days to volunteer each time slot being 11:10 am-12:55 pm. There are many, many time slots open! We are so grateful for the help!
Grade 1 families are asked to volunteer in April, and Kindergarten and anyone who would like to help in May/June.
This is a great way for you to interact with your child and his/her classmates during the school day! Recess Volunteers should arrive to school at 11:10 and check in at the office. Duties will include supervising students at recess, escorting the students to and from the school doors. Volunteers will be with one school staff member each day to help direct.
Remember that after your two volunteer time slots, you are done for the year, as each month is assigned to a different grade.
Thank you again for your time and service to the students and teachers of SPB! Simply click on the following links to sign up: Grade 1, Kindergarten
Our sincere thanks to the following parents who were able to help during the month of March:
Extended Day Announcement
Please mark your calendars with the following dates when Extended Day WILL NOT be in session.
April 6, 2023 (last day before Easter break)
June 2, 2023 (last day of school)
Camp Invention 2023
Bus Transportation for 2023-2024 School Year
Mayfield Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to MAY; however parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
Richmond Heights Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to RH; however, parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
South Euclid-Lyndhurst (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to SEL.)
Willoughby-Eastlake Transportation (Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School will provide a list of enrolled students to W-E; however, parents MUST request transportation using the link.)
Tuition Assistance Applications
Community News
Beaumont Summer Enrichment & Athletics Camps
Lake Catholic Cougar Cubs Club
Lake Catholic Junior Cougar Marching Band Program
St. Ignatius Summer Enrichment Program
Mayfield Rookie Sports Baseball
Mayfield Baseball Flyer & Registration
Classroom Antics Summer Program
Mayfield Lady Wildcats Sports Camp
Mayfield Fundamental Basketball Camp
Mayfield Stroke Clinic for Swimmers
Mayfield Summer Volleyball Camp
Mayfield Wildcat Football Camp
Saint Paschal Baylon Catholic School
Email: office@saintpaschal.com
Website: www.saintpaschal.com
Location: 5360 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 442-6766
Facebook: facebook.com/stpaschalbaylonschoolohio
Twitter: @SPBGreenKnights