Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: November 15, 2024
Science in Action
Newby first graders in Dawn Walters class have been learning about birds of prey. They’ve studied owls and other raptors, including eagles, hawks, vultures and falcons. To wrap up the unit, today they dissected owl pellets!
See more photos on the MSD Facebook page.
Classroom Gardens Grow
Another part of MSD’s Farm to School grant is a bundle of hydroponic gardens for elementary classrooms. The gardens are growing various herbs and vegetables that are intended to help supplement the cafeteria’s salad bar to help students see the growing cycle come to fruition.
The garden’s structure is a tower, which pumps water through a central base and then filters it up to different seedlings. The indoor gardens allow students to grow crops year-round.
Different schools are using the gardens at different grade levels. (Pictured) Wascher’s Shelly Shilhanek’s kindergarten class planted arugula, basil, mixed gourmet lettuce, bibb lettuce, kale and rainbow chard.
Mark Your Calendars
Thanksgiving Break begins on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and runs through Friday, Nov. 29. No school on these days.
Career Exploration
This week, 36 Criminal Justice pathway students took a field trip to the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan, a medium-security prison for male inmates in Oregon. Students toured the facility and learned about career opportunities from correctional officers, leadership staff and other facility employees.
Grizzly Boys Soccer Championships
Congratulations to the Grizzlies, who persevered through a stormy night to defeat Grant HIgh School in this week’s semi-final matchup.
The team moves to the championship final this Saturday, Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. in Hillsboro Stadium. The team will play against Jesuit, the team the Grizzlies defeated for the state title in 2006.
The team will leave for the stadium at about 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, led by a police escort up Highway 99 to Highway 47. Come cheer them out of town, either on Evans Street, near Baker Field or along 99!
Buy tickets here (plus $5 parking fee at stadium) or watch online (fee-based) on NFHS or listen on KLYC Radio AM 1260 or KLYC online. The radio broadcast will feature commentary by David Manriquez, who played for the Grizzlies when they beat Jesuit in 2006 for the state title!
Go Grizzlies! (Photo courtesy Rachel Thompson, News-Register)
Willamette’s Literacy Night
Willamette families had a fun time at Fall Literacy Night last evening. Families browsed the book fair, played games, worked on various crafts, wrote short pieces and were served treats!
Pumpkin Hunt!
In honor of Thanksgiving and the fall harvest, ceramics students at Mac High created 50 mini pumpkins and hid them around Third Street yesterday.
Each artwork is marked with a little sign that explains what they are as part of Mac High’s first annual MHS Pumpkin Hunt.
Bye Bye Birdie
Mac High’s Grizz Theatre is presenting the classic musical “Bye Bye Birdie” starting tonight, Friday, Nov. 15. The comedy is supposedly inspired by the media circus that surrounded Elvis Presley after he was drafted into the Army in the 1950s.
Tickets are available online and at the door. The show runs this weekend and next, wrapping up with a matinee on Saturday, Nov. 23 at 2 p.m. Find ticket info, dates and times here.
Read to a Dog
If things have been tense lately for your emerging reader, this Saturday is the monthly “Read to Dog” event at the McMinnville Library. Curl up and calm down with a canine friend!
Find details under your school’s Peachjar button.