Sawmill Woods Preschool
Clark-Pleasant Preschool 5/21/21
Parisi's Press
Elementary Tours
We will be updating this slide presentation with tours from each building:
Build, Learn, Grow Family Scholarships
Medicaid Waiver
Students with disabilities can qualify for additional services through a medicaid waiver program. The waiver can fund supports and services for children and adults. The waiver application is now available on-line at There are also local community agencies that assist with this process and their information is below.
Upcoming Important Dates
May 26 - Last Student Day
Jul 28 - First Day 2021-2022 School Year for Clark-Pleasant Community Schools
Aug. 4 - First Day for Clark-Pleasant Preschool *
*Please note that our preschool will start 1 week after K-12 starts. We do this so that our staff can be in the elementary school buildings to help with the transition to kindergarten.
Fun Happenings at SWP
Stay Connected with Sawmill Woods Preschool
Stay connected over the summer by following us on social media!
Twitter - @YOUR_SWP
Website -
Community Partners
Have a connection that you think would like to be a Community Partner? Please send their information to Mrs. Parisi at