CH School News & More - 10.22.24
August 16th, 2024
Claypit Hill News and More
October 22, 2024
Hello Claypit Hill Caregivers,
As an important reminder: The district is hosting an important evening at Wayland High School TONIGHT where district leaders and parents will reflect on the book, The Anxious Generation by John Haidt.
When: Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - TONIGHT!
Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Wayland High School
As Wayland, and so many districts like ours, grapple with the impact of cell phones, social media, and technology on student mental health, we invite you to an evening of community to learn, discuss, and share.
The evening will begin with a short overview of The Anxious Generation, a best-selling book that explores the impact of smartphones, social media, and technology on children’s mental health. We will then break into smaller groups by level to hear Wayland district administrators and principals share their perspectives and experience as school leaders. Finally, we’ll spend a majority of the meeting engaging in discussion with parents on key themes raised in the book.
Click HERE to access resources related to the topics that we will discuss. You need not have read the book in order to participate. As the caregivers of elementary aged children NOW is the time to begin thinking about technology and the role it will play in your child’s life. We promise that this evening will provide lots of food for thought and a network of support. We sincerely hope you’ll join us.
Marie, Kate and Naomi
Lost and Found
The lost and found is full! Please have your student stop by to look for items. All unlabeled items will be donated after school on Friday, November 1.
Gift Your Child
Have you donated to the fall PTO fundraiser (Gift Your Child) that supports Claypit’s students, staff and school community? Click here if you haven’t seen our Claypit HIll annual report yet, which shares more information about how contributions are used.
As a bonus - there are still 2 more chances to win delicious baked goods from local Wayland bakers. Donate to Gift Your Child today, and you’ll be entered to win cinnamon rolls and a dozen bagels!
Donate to the PTO today!
Claypit Hill Cultural Enrichment
We are excited to have the Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show come to Claypit Hill on October 31st! The Amazing Nano Brothers, a resident program of the Museum of Science, presents a comedy show all about the mysteries of matter - including atoms, molecules, and nanotechnology. Join brothers Dan and Joel as they juggle everything from potted plants to tennis rackets, sometimes from atop seven foot unicycles. Who knew physics could be this fun? We hope your child enjoys this program provided through Wayland PTO Cultural Enrichment!
My Brother's Table
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
Tuesday, Oct.22 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Old South Meeting House, Ms. Foley and Ms. Wales
Thursday, Oct 31. - Cultural Enrichment, Grades K - 2, 8:15am and Grades 3 - 5, 9:30am
Friday, Nov 1 - 5th Grade Rocket Launch, 9:15
Monday, Nov. 11 - NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
Tuesday, Nov 19 - 5th Grade Field Trip, Patriots Hall of Fame
Wednesday, Nov. 13 - Super Wednesday Early Release, Dismissal at 11:30
Thursday, Nov.21 - Grade 3 Field Trip - Plimoth Patuxet
Wednesday, Nov. 27 - Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Recess
All School News
Moving forward this is where you will receive your all School News that was typically sent out on Wednesday's.
For this week's information about our School Committee, after school enrichments, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below to read this week's All Schools News.