The Playbook
October 2024
Fall Underclassmen Pictures
This link will allow you to sign up to receive updates via email regarding your child's school portraits. These updates include promotions, additional deals and the ability to order more pictures at a later time. When entering student information, be sure to enter the student's name as it is on file at the school.
Heart of a Hurricane Recipients of the Month
Joanna Holton, Math Teacher
Martha Pinilla, Spanish Teacher
Amy Daniels, Data Manager
No School - Monday, October 21
Upcoming Events
Athletic Events
All upcoming athletic events are noted on our school calendar, linked to the school's website. You can access the school calendar at the link below.
School Custodian Appreciation Day
October 2nd is School Custodian Appreciation Day. We appreciate the tireless efforts of our custodians, Josefina Fuente, Melissa Valdez, and Corey Johnson! One day isn't enough to celebrate all your hard work. Thank you for keeping our school clean and inviting for students and staff! 💛💛
Herff Jones Order Day
Jay Kornegay with Herff Jones will be back on Wednesday, October 2nd during lunches in the small commons to take your Cap and Gown and Class Ring Orders. You can also order and make payments online anytime at highschool.herffjones.com.
Homecoming Week
Homecoming Dance
Free College Application Week
College Application Week is coming this October with free applications to many NC colleges! CFNC will help you navigate residency, financial aid, and the application process. Visit their website to learn more. https://bit.ly/2RTCm9W
Quarter 1 Report Cards
Report Cards for the first quarter will go home on Tuesday, October 29th.
Check out these events at the Public Library!
Parent and Student Handbook
It is expected that all families read our handbook at the start of each new school year. Handbook acknowledgment forms will be sent home during the first week of school.
PCHS Communication
Monthly Newsletter - The Playbook
At the beginning of each month, a digital newsletter will be published on our website and Facebook page. Please be sure to check these monthly for important updates and information.
Sunday Calls and Emails
Each Sunday at 6:30 pm you will receive an automated message with important information from the principal. Please do your best to answer and listen to these calls. If you miss the call, the script of the messages can be found on our website and at the link pasted below. This year we will also be sending the text of the call to parent/guardian emails that we have on file. If you are not receiving our calls, please contact our data manager, Amy Daniels, at amydaniels@pamlicoschools.org.
Don't forget to follow our Facebook page for frequent updates and reminders!
Important Reminders
At a Glance
Please review the above information with your child. We will enforce these rules beginning on day one. Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep students in class and maximizing instructional time!
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch is free for ALL students this year! Menus will be posted in the monthly newsletter and cast to TVs in the cafeteria for students. This year, breakfast will be "grab and go", served between first and second period; this is a change from last year.
Afternoon Pick-up
If you are visiting the school from 2:45 through dismissal, please park in the staff lot and do not pull through the loop. This will avoid vehicles being blocked in by our buses in the afternoon.
Excuse Notes for Absences
As a reminder, all excuse notes must be turned in within three days of a students absence. Excuse notes may be turned in online at the link below.
PTO Meeting
Our next PTO meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1st at 4:30 in the Media Center. All PTO meetings will take place the first Tuesday of each month at 4:30.
October PTO Meeting
Sunday, Sep 29, 2024, 07:00 AM
Pamlico County High School, Main Street, Bayboro, NC, USA
October Menu
Click the image below to access the most up-to-date menu options!
Pamlico County High School
Website: pchs.pamlicoschools.org
Location: 601 Main Street, Bayboro, NC, USA
Phone: 252-745-3151
Facebook: facebook.com/PamlicoHigh