AFSA K-12 Family Update
September 27 , 2024

September 27 , 2024
AFSA PreK-12 Families,
Activation week was a bunch of fun! Students in all grades participated in dress up days. The elementary students celebrated with a Fall Festival and the high school students competed in a variety of games with their advisory. The week ended with Farm and Community Service Day! All the high school students were sent out into the community to help with projects at a variety of locations. Watch for photos on our social media!
Conferences for all grades are a few weeks away! See below for sign up information!
If you know of anyone interested in learning more about AFSA PreK-12 please make sure to let them know about our Thursday, October 3rd Open House/Numeracy/Safety Night event! See below for details! All are invited to join us for this free fun filled evening!
We are in need of volunteers for the Potato Hug! Please sign up to help! See below for sign up link!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you!
Important Date Reminders:
October 3rd - Open Houses, Numeracy Night, Safety Night
October 5th - AFSA Potato Hug
October 17th and 18th - NO SCHOOL AFSA PreK-12
October 25th - NO SCHOOL AFSA PreK-12
Special Note - To access the downloadable files attached to the newsletter click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA PreK-12 Open House/Safety/Numeracy Night
October 3rd is a busy night at AFSA PreK-12! Don't miss out on the fun! Bring your family and friends to Safety Night at the high school and Numeracy Night at the elementary school! We will have a shuttle running between the two buildings starting at 4:30 p.m. and run until 7:00 p.m.
If you know anyone that is interested in learning more about AFSA PreK-12 we are still taking applications for this year and applications for 2025-2026 are now open! (Our PreK program is waitlisted) October 3rd from 4-7 p.m. is also an open house at both the elementary and high school locations. AFSA's Enrollment lottery deadline is February 1, 2025. After that date, the lottery will be held and placement notices will be sent out.
This event is free and open to the public.
As part of Safety Night the AFSA Martial Arts Club is proud to present their first Women's Self Defense Seminar, with special guest instructors Hallie and Diane Houser and Noel Bode! The seminar will be held on October 3rd from 5-6pm, during AFSA's Safety Night open house. Attendance is free for all members of our community, from students and siblings to parents and friends. RSVP here. Grab a friend, and come learn blocks, strikes, ground work, and escapes from our trio of badass black belts!
Numeracy Night:
Join us at AFSA Elementary for Numeracy Night on Thursday, October 3 from 4-7 p.m.! There will be a ton of math related activities for current or interested elementary school students and their families. This event is free and open to the public.
AFSA's 11th Annual Potato Hug and Art Showcase
Join us for our 11th Annual Potato Hug on Saturday, October 5th 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at AFSA High School!
The Hug is a showcase of student projects, school offerings, and community involvement. This event provides students with a venue to display their FFA Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) projects. Students design an entrepreneurial experience, research project, exploratory project, internship, or service type activity. Students are able to be vendors at the Potato Hug to sell their products created for their SAE. Each project is an opportunity for students to demonstrate professionalism, develop entrepreneurial skills, and showcase their hard work.
Not only do we have students selling their creations but we also have a baked potato bar, a student art show and more!
Student Vendors Sign Up Information:
Students in grades 7-12 interested in participating in this year's Potato Hug as a vendor need to fill out a registration form and pay the $5 student vendor fee. Sign up form is attached or click here to access the forms online and get more information. Forms (with all signatures) and fee are due no later than September, 30th.
Potato Hug Art Showcase:
Students in PreK-12th grade are invited to submit their artwork for the 11th Annual Potato Hug Art Showcase! (artwork can be drawings, paintings, sculptures and more) Submissions are due by October 3. Students in PreK-6th grade can turn their artwork in at the front desk and students at the high school can turn in their artwork in the front office.
Potato Hug Volunteers:
The Potato Hug could not happen without a bunch of help! We are looking for a volunteers to help prep food on Friday, October 4th in the evening and also volunteers to help throughout the event on Saturday, October 5th in the kitchen, at the check in table and more! If you are interested in volunteering for the Potato Hug please click here. Any questions please contact Ms. Forliti.
See you at the Hug!
AFSA PreK-12 Trimester 1 Conferences
Conferences for PreK-12th grade are a few weeks away! Conferences are available in person or virtual. Please click on the conference sign up link below to set up conferences. There is no school for PreK-12th grade on October 17th & 18th.
Conference Dates:
- AFSA PreK-12th Grade Conferences - Thursday, October 17th
- AFSA PreK-6th Grade Conferences - Friday, October 18th
ELEMENTARY Conference Information and Sign Up Link:
Please sign up with your child's homeroom teacher. Students are welcome at conferences and are included in the planning to have items to present to their parents/guardians. Any additional specialists or teachers can also be scheduled, but the homeroom teacher should be the first one you visit with as they will have comprehensive information about your child. Sign up by clicking on the link below.
Elementary School Conference Link
HIGH SCHOOL Conference Information and Sign Up Link:
Select as many classroom teachers as you want to see. Students are welcome to attend with parents. Conferences will be 15 minutes long. Sign up by clicking on the link below.
Important Notes Regarding AFSA PreK-12 Conferences:
Owen Albin provides Title I Math sessions at the Elementary, but will only be hosting conferences at the High School. Elementary parents can sign up to see him virtually or in person at the High School through the High School conferences link if they wish.
Josh Hoard, who teaches PE at both buildings right now, will only be hosting conferences at the Elementary building. Parents from the High School can sign up to see him virtually or at the Elementary school through the Elementary conferences link if they wish.
You may check who your child’s teachers are in PowerSchool.
For help scheduling Elementary conferences please call 612-260-2662.
For help scheduling High School conferences please call 651-209-3910.
AFSA PreK-12 Conference Donations
AFSA's PreK-12 tri 1 conferences and staff work day are coming up October 17 and 18! We are looking for families who would like to donate beverages, snacks, and dessert for the staff on conference day and for the staff work day!
We are looking for store bought individually wrapped items. If you are able to donate please check out the items below. Items may be dropped off at the High School or Elementary building during school hours. Please make sure you indicate that your donation is for conferences.
Please drop off your donations by Tuesday, October 15. Thank you for supporting AFSA StAFSA!
If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Forliti at stephanieforliti@afsak12.com.
Thank you!
AFSA PreK-12 Parent/Family Group - Family Connection Opportunity
Join us October 8th, 6pm, Pioneer Park, Little Canada! Come have some fun and meet other AFSA families! Younger kids will love to play on the new playground, older kids can start a basketball or soccer game. Feel free to bring a picnic! This event is hosted by the AFSA PreK-12 parent/family group.
Want to be a part of planning and organizing parent/family group sponsored events and activities? We could use your help!! Fill out our Google form here. Please email lscherer@afsak12.com with questions
Stay connected with us on Facebook! Join the AFSA PreK-12 Parent/Family Group click here.
AFSA PreK-12 School Photo Ordering Information
You can still place a photo order online but you will incur an additional fee of about $7.00 for shipping.
To place your photo order online please go to www.strawbridge.net and enter in the appropriate school code (found below) under "Order Pictures & Yearbooks." Follow directions to complete your order.
- Elementary School Photos Code: FM455437
- High School Photos Code: FM455434
Retake Day is coming up November 7th.
AFSA PreK-12 Back to School Forms/Fee
If you are having a problem downloading files in this newsletter please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA Pre-K-12th grade families need to fill out the following paperwork each school year.
- Emergency Contact and Permissions form - Gives us emergency contacts and covers all field trip and media permissions needed during the year.
- Application for Educational Benefits - Provides families additional benefits and helps AFSA qualify for grants and funds from the department of education.
Additional forms that may be needed:
- Medication Authorization form - This form is needed for all medications your student will need during the school day. Doctors signature may be required please see form for details.
- Parking Permit - For student driver's who will have a car at school.
All forms listed above are attached to this Family Update, can be found on the website or paper copies may be picked up in the front offices at both buildings.
Completed forms may be turned in the front office or can be emailed to:
Elementary Forms: jhamilton@afsak12.com
High School Forms: kbarbour@afsak12.com
AFSA K-12 Annual Activity Fee:
The Annual Activity Fee is $25 per student. This covers student email accounts, student ID cards, locker use, PowerSchool access and FFA dues. Students will not receive their school ID unless this fee is paid. Fee can be paid online (see below) or in the school office at either the elementary or high school. If this fee presents a financial hardship for your family please contact our Interim Executive Director, Becky Meyer.
Student Handbook Signature Pages
Student handbooks are attached to this newsletter and can also be found on our website here. Please take a moment to read over the handbook with your student. The last page of the handbook is the Student/Parent/Guardian signature page. This page must be signed by both student and guardian and returned to the school office at the elementary or high school no later than September 30th.
Interested in Carpooling?
Is your family interested in carpooling to school? We want to connect you with other families that also would like to carpool!
Specific Carpool Need in the following area:
North St. Paul/Maplewood area
If you live in North St. Paul/Maplewood or in another area and are interested in carpooling please contact Ms. Angie (651-209-3910) she will help get you connected with other interested families.
Youth In Government
What is youth in government?
Youth in Government (YIG) is a hands-on learning program, for students in 8-12th grade, where students take on the role of judges, attorneys, legislators, lobbyist, media representatives or cabinet members and spend four days running a model government at the Minnesota State Capitol Complex. The immersive experience includes focused discussions on current issues, a wide variety of social events, engaging evening activities, time for small-group reflection, and leadership development.
Important Dates:
- Registration Opens Already Open
- LAUNCH (via zoom) Saturday, October 26
- Registration Closes November 1
- Youth in Government Session January 9-12, 2025
Program Costs:
$499 before September 20
$539 before October 11
$559 before November 1
3 nights in the conference hotel and overnight security
Transportation between the hotel and the State Capitol Complex
Evening activities & events
Conference supplies & spaces
All advisor expenses
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Nelson.
AFSA PreK-12 Yearbooks - On Sale Now!
Elementary Yearbooks:
Elementary Yearbooks are on sale now for $15. Yearbooks will be delivered at the end of the school year. If you would like to order an AFSA Elementary (PreK-6) yearbook online please click here. Cash and check payments can be made in the front office of the elementary school. Orders for the AFSA Elementary yearbook ends April 25th, 2025.
High School Yearbooks:
High School yearbooks are on sale now! Yearbooks are $35 if ordered by December 20, 2024 after that the cost goes up to $45 until March 8, 2025 and after that the cost goes up to $55 until the last day to order, April 29, 2025. Click here to order the HS yearbook online. The HS yearbooks are ordered through Entourage (not SchoolPay). You can also pay for high school yearbooks with cash or check in the front office at the high school.
IMPORTANT - Road Construction Information
Please be aware of a road construction project that will impact how our AFSA High School Team Members, students, and families reach the high school.
The intersection at Edgerton St and Centerville Rd (by Bigwood Brewery) will be closed for approximately 90 days (Open possibly October) with no through traffic for utility installation. Click here for more information from Ramsey County.
Starting September 9th Rice Street, from Demar Ave. to Rustic Pl., will be closed. This does NOT impact the 694 Rice Street Exit. Click here for more information from Ramsey County.
Please use Rice Street (from 694) and proceed to Vadnais Blvd to access AFSA High School until further notice.
AFSA Eagle's Club - PreK through 6th Grade
We are excited to announce AFSA Eagle's Club is open for registrations for any AFSA student Pre-K through 6th grade. This program is a great option for families looking for after school care or after school clubs. Through Eagle's Club AFSA staff will provide care and activities from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. While students are in our care, we provide a high-quality curriculum with engaging activities for all ages. Eagle's Club will offer themed days of the week (see hand book for more information), so families can register for specific days of the week or on a full-week schedule.
The cost to attend Eagle's Club is $20 per child per day. Additional program details are outlined in the handbook linked below. If you have any questions please contact Kate Bald 651-209-3924.
AFSA High School Sports Interest Survey
AFSA Athletics' goal is to engage students in extracurricular activities so they can experience positive interactions, develop sportsmanship, dedication, fortitude, and a positive work ethic while participating in the physical activity and skill development of a competitive sport. If you are interested in getting involved with any of our sports (Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Softball) in the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the QR code or click here and fill out the AFSA Sports Interest Form.
AFSA Class of 2025
Dear AFSA Class of 2025 Seniors and Families,
We hope you are all off to a great start in your senior year! The graduation committee is excited to watch the senior class continue to grow and learn throughout the year. We are also excited to be a part of planning this memorable event for AFSA’s Class of 2025. Please read this letter carefully and make note of times, dates and requests.
Graduation will be held the evening of Friday, June 6, 2025 at Bethel University in Arden Hills. Directions and details, including ticket information, will be sent home later in the school year.
Keepsake Gown/Cap/Tassel:
The cost for the keepsake gown/cap/tassel is $25.00 per student. Families can purchase the keepsake gown/cap/tassel online here or pay with cash/check in the front office. Last day to purchase is December 20, 2024.
Graduation Details:
Seniors need to submit their Diploma Name and sizes for shirt and Gown. Please click here to fill out important details for graduation. Last day to submit information is December 20, 2024.
Yearbook Submissions:
We want to ensure that the yearbook is special for our senior class. Therefore, we need the following from each senior by December 20th, 2024:
- Baby Picture
- Senior Picture
- Family message of congratulations or encouragement
To submit your senior's photos and message, please click here. If you have any problems uploading the items you can email them to afsamedia@afsahighschool.com
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Thank you!
Free College and Financial Aid Sessions Available to Minnesota Students
To support local high schools with their college application and financial aid efforts, the Ready, Set, FAFSA series will again be offered to students and families this fall. Running Tuesday evenings October 1-22, four Zoom sessions will cover the college application process, general financial aid information, details on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Minnesota Dream Act for undocumented students, and other ways to pay for college. All sessions will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong. Financial aid experts from local colleges will be available during the events to conduct the Q and A in the chat. Students who attend are eligible to win a $1,000 scholarship.
Registration is open now for families. A promotional toolkit is available to schools with newsletter content and graphics. Please contact Beth Barsness, with the Minnesota Department of Education, for further information.
AFSA K-12 Culver's Fundraising Nights
Join us at Culver's in Little Canada (2880 Rice Street Little Canada) for our Culver's fundraising nights throughout the 2024-2025 school year! See dates below! Take your family out to dinner and support AFSA K-12 at the same time! AFSA receives 10% of all food purchases from 5-7 p.m.
- October 15, 2024
- November 19, 2024
- December 17, 2024
- January 21, 2025
- February 18, 2025
- March 18, 2025
- April 15, 2025
- May 20, 2025
Special thank you to the Little Canada Culver's for their continued support of AFSA K-12!
Community Events and Opportunities
Shoreview Park and Rec Volunteers wanted:
Shoreview Park and rec is looking for volunteers to help with the following fall/winter events:
- Boo Bash - Saturday October 26
- Kids Shopping Spree - Saturday, December 14
- New Year's Eve Party - Tuesday, December 31
If you have any questions about the events, please reach out to Stephanie Schutta
Animal Humane Society:
The Animal Humane Society is looking for volunteers. Students who are 16 years old and older are able to participate. There are locations in Coon Rapids, Golden Valley, and Woodbury. The In-Shelter volunteer positions include working with our staff, caring for animals, and providing customer service to adoption clients.
The time commitment is just two 2-4 hour shifts a month and this commitment allows for a flexible schedule with many evening and weekend options. Take a look at the attached flyer and check out their website for more details here as well https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/volunteer
Help Spread the Word About AFSA PreK-12
Attention AFSA K-12 Families! We need your help getting the word out about AFSA K-12! We would love to have you write a review on Google, share a post on social media, submit a quote or story about what you like best about AFSA K-12 or distribute flyers!
- Flyers: If you are interested in getting some flyers to help advertise the school please contact Ms. Forliti.
- Google Reviews: To write a Google review for AFSA Elementary click here and for AFSA High School click here.
- Social Media: To follow us on Facebook click here. To follow us on Instagram click here.
- Submit a Quote: If you are interested in submitting a quote or story, please fill out the AFSA Cheer Google Form or email Ms. Forliti.
Thank you for helping spread the word about AFSA K-12!
AFSA K-12 Family Directory
The school directory is a great way for AFSA K-12 families to stay in touch! Click here if you are a current or incoming AFSA K-12 family and would like to be added to the 2024-2025 school directory. The directory will be emailed out to all participating families. If you have been in past directories you will still need to sign up this year to be included. Questions? Please contact Ms. Forliti
Become a Part of the AFSA StAFSA Community - Now Hiring!
Become a part of the AFSA StAFSA community! We are looking for a few additional staff members. Please pass these opportunities on to friends and family!
- We are looking for substitute teachers for grades K-12, all subjects. Must hold or be eligible for an MN teaching license. On call as needed.
- We are also hiring Educational Assistants
AFSA PreK-12 2024-2025 School Year Calendar
The 2024-2025 AFSA K-12 School Calendar is attached to this newsletter!
If you are having a problem downloading this file please make sure you click the top of the Family Update email that says "View in browser."
AFSA PreK-12 Upcoming Events 2023-2024
October 3, 2024
AFSA PreK-12 - Open House
Both Campuses 4-7 p.m.
AFSA High School Safety Night 4-7 p.m.
AFSA Elementary Numeracy Night 4-7 p.m.
October 14-16
AFSA Elementary O-term
October 15
AFSA PreK-12 Culver's Fundraising Night
Little Canada Culver's 5-7 p.m.
October 17-18
AFSA PreK-12 Conferences - No School
October 21-24
AFSA High School O-term
October 25
AFSA PreK-12 No School
AFSA PreK-12 at the Vadnais Heights Halloween Party
Community Park Vadnais Heights 5-7 p.m.
October 29
School Board Meeting
Click Here to go to the School Calendar for more details
AFSA PreK-12 Contact Information
Please call the attendance line or email the following if your student is absent.
Elementary Attendance Line:
612-260-2664 or email k6attendance@afsak12.com
High School Attendance Line:
651-209-3910 or email hsattendance@afsak12.com