WMS Friday Forecast
October 4, 2024
From Our Principal
3 Quick Messages from Tim
The Humor of Middle School: A Journey of Laughter and Learning!
Welcome to another exciting week at Wredling! As you know, middle school is a time full of change, growth, and—most importantly—laughter! As we work through lessons and activities each day, one thing is certain: our students have a sense of humor that’s both refreshing and unique.
From the hilarious mix-ups of locker combinations to the creative (and sometimes outlandish) excuses for late homework, middle schoolers remind us to laugh at ourselves and find joy in the little things. They’re discovering their personalities and testing boundaries—sometimes leading to unexpected moments of comedy. Who knew a simple knock-knock joke could still brighten up the classroom?
Our goal is to embrace these moments, using humor to build connections with students and create an environment where they feel comfortable to be themselves. It’s not just about learning subjects like math and science—it’s about growing together, finding what makes us all laugh, and understanding that mistakes are part of the process.
So next time your middle schooler shares a silly story or joke from their day, know that it’s all part of their development. Laughter helps them navigate the ups and downs of these formative years. Let’s keep encouraging them to find joy in learning and in life!
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to sharing more smiles and stories throughout the year!
How To Monitor a Kid's iPhone (Smartphone), According to Apple & Experts
Many parents have asked how they might do a better job monitoring their child's phone. Smartphones can be very useful but they also present challenges. Here is a great article on how you can do that for iPhones. Remember- that phone is your property and you have the right to monitor how they use it in order to keep them safe!
Reminder about Food/Drink at WMS
- No outside drinks (Starbucks, Dunkin’, etc..) should be brought in. Students are welcome to bring water.
- Students will be directed to finish non-water beverages before entering the building.
- Parents are welcome to drop off lunch only for their own child - not a group.
- Parent deliveries should be brought to the main office.
- Food and beverages may only be provided for your individual student. For example, a pizza cannot be purchased for a group of students. And students are not permitted to use apps to have food delivered during the school day.
- We WILL NOT accept or sign for delivered lunches for students
- If there is an emergency situation and you need to send something for your student, please get in touch with the main office with details so they don't turn away the delivery driver. 331-228-3700
Thank you for helping us ensure our school day runs smoothly and with little disruption.
Have a great weekend,
Pick-A-Time Closes Monday, October 7th at 11:59 pm
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The Pick-A-Time portal will promptly close MONDAY, OCTOBER 7th at 11:59 PM. This is a hard deadline. Once the portal closes parents will not be able to schedule a time for these conference dates.
Instead of larger group, or “team” meetings, conferences will be held with individual teachers. All conferences will be held either Zoom or in person, and each conference will be eight minutes long with a four minute transition.
Pick-A-Time Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Directions (clickable link):
Login to your HAC (HOME ACCESS CENTER) Account
Click on the link for "Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduler"
Be sure to ONLY choose Q1 (first quarter) teachers!
A few notes about sign-up:
Parents should not feel obligated to sign-up for conferences. If your child is doing well at school, both academically and socially, then you might choose not to have a conference. (It does not make you a bad parent not to sign-up for conferences!) If your child is struggling, we would suggest that you do come to conferences!
You might only feel the need to meet one or a few teachers. There is no obligation to meet every teacher.
If you wish to visit the explore teachers, please sign-up to visit your child’s first-quarter explore teacher.
You can sign-up for a conference with a teacher only one time. Our student services team (counselors, social workers) will be available for conferences, as well. If you decide you need more time with a teacher, we are always willing to meet with you.
In some cases, a teacher may contact you in advance to set-up a conference time. That means we want to guarantee you a time to meet with your child’s teachers.
When you sign-up, try to sign-up for all conferences in a row. (Do not schedule gap times in the middle or you will be waiting around for a long time!)
You are welcome to have your RedHawks student with you during conferences! It is important that they hear what you hear. They are of the age when they are mature and responsible enough to be part of the conversation whether via Zoom or in-person.
Notes from the Office
Fall Reading Book Fair:
Our Anderson Book Fair is HERE!!!
Oct. 9th: 7:30-2:00
Oct. 10th: 8:15 AM - 8:00 PM (during Parent/Teacher Conferences)
Sporting Events at Wredling
Students may not remain in the building or on school property between the 2:50 dismissal and the beginning of the sporting event at 4:30. Wredling does not provide supervision between the end of school and the beginning of sporting events. We appreciate your help in this matter!
Additional Supplies for the WMS Health Office Needed
We want to express our appreciation for the donations of snacks, socks, water, and clothing to our Health Office. We have discovered we are in need of some additional items. Any donations can be dropped off at the main office. Thanks so much for your help!
Items we now need:
Boys underwear
Boys pants
Boys shorts
Wredling's Book Vending Machine
Families have the opportunity to purchase a book vending machine token through Pushcoin. These tokens allow students to select a book of their choice, empowering them to explore different genres and expand their reading horizons. What a perfect way to celebrate a special occasion, such as:
A birthday gift
A congratulations gift
A just-because gift
Or any other reason you can think of!
Book Vending Machine Tokens can be purchased on PushCoin for $15. This is slightly more expensive than most books in the machine, but the profits will allow us to continue to stock and purchase more books for future readers.
RedHawk Pride Awards
Most weeks we will be handing out some RedHawk Pride Awards. This award is given by our teachers for a variety of reasons, from following our Guidelines for Success to Academic Achievement and Growth. We are proud of our RedHawks who work hard every day.
Current Recipients Presented By:
Danny Begora by Mrs. Olson
Saanvi Chavda by Mr. Kohler
Nathan Cox by Mr. Springborn
Ryland Haan by Mr. McPeak
Maura Jacobs by Mr. Scurte
Savannah Kroncke by Mrs. Amadei
Lucy Lumpp by Mr. Kohler
Stella Magana by Ms. Boehm
Brynn McGrath by Mr. Kohler
Roman Musial by Ms. Ziltz
Claire Nanak by Mr. Bozic
Christabel Okemena by Mrs. Sienko
Amy Robbins-Jones by Mrs. Breon
Breanna Ruud by Mrs. Szerlong
Kenzie Rzeffa by Mr. Kohler
Logan Seal by Mrs. Bennett
Mariah Vogel by Mrs. Wilczek
Ryder Zaccagnini by Ms. Vitkus & Ms. Dolan
Liam Hannah by Team 7-4
Eli Mierzejewski by Team 7-4
Mallory Caragher by Team 7-4
Prem Amin by Team 7-4
Sofia Quiroga by Team 7-4
Abbie Rylek by Team 7-4
Serenity Simon by Miss Pray & Ms. Boehm
Clubs & Activities
D303 Pathways Night at Compass Academy
D303 will host the 4th annual Pathways Night at Compass Academy on October 30. This career fair welcomes employers and educational institutions supporting careers that don't require a 4-year college degree. If you are a business owner and wish to participate in Pathways Night, please complete this form. More information for students and families interested in attending will be available in the next few weeks.
District 303 Partners With GPS Parent Series
District 303 is proud to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) to offer our families broader access to information sessions and resources that support their child’s development.
For decades, GPS has been offering free programs that aim to empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities. As a partner organization, District 303 will support promoting upcoming programs and their importance to our local community.
Check out what is happening around our community. There are lots of opportunities to explore!
7th Grade DC/NYC Spring Break Opportunity 2026
7th graders interested in a spring break trip in 2026 during spring break (their 8th grade year) can find information in this link. Please email dcny.stc@gmail.com or CLICK HERE for more information.
Please note that this is an outside tour company, EF Tours / Explore America that is not sponsored by D303 or Wredling.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Fax: 331-228-3701
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303