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Hello Phenix Firebirds!
News from the Nest for September 2024
Welcome Back!
We are now entering the 4th week of school and starting a brand new month in this 2024-2025 instructional year. Our students, and staff, are getting used to our school routines and working hard to get in all the teaching and learning we can as these warm summer days slowly move into autumn.
Here are some items to remember for this month:
September 2- Labor Day Holiday
September 10- Afterschool Remediation Begins/School Board Meeting at 7:00
September 18- PTO Meeting at 6:00
September 19- 3rd Grade Field Trip to Holliday Lake/GSSV Outreach Field Trip
September 20- Fall Fundraiser Begins and Ends October 8
September 27- E Wing Popcorn Friday
Phenix Elementary Website
Our school has launched a new website which is hopefully easier to navigate and filled with information our community needs. We will be using this as our primary means of getting information out. Our school related events can be found in the Calendar tab and there are resources located in the Parent & Student Reources tab. Please be sure to check in regularly at the link below!
PTO Updates
Title 1 Plan
If you are interested in serving on the Title 1 committee to review our Title 1 plan, please be sure to contact the school.
Monthly Inspiration
Contact Information
Email: richardsondt@ccpsmail.com
Website: https://pes.ccpsk12.org/
Location: 400 Red House Road, Phenix, VA, USA
Phone: (434)542-5570
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccpsk12