October in 1st Grade!
October is a very busy month at CBA. Please reference the dates below so you're aware of what's going on!
- 10/3--FIELD TRIP TO THE LIBERTY BELL/MUSEUM--arrive to school at 8:10 a.m. with a brown bag lunch and wear REGULAR uniforms.
- 10/4--PHOTO SHOOT-please return waivers and wear regular uniform (CBA polo, khakis, brown shoes)
- 10/6--CONFERENCES 4-8 P.M.
- 10/7--SPIRIT DAY--2ND grade will be in charge of the theme--more info coming
- 10/10--NO SCHOOL-PDD for teachers
- 10/11--10/14--Book Fair
- 10/12--Field Trip to Cherry Crest Farm--Dress down and in appropriate clothing to be on a farm all day---bring brown bag lunches!
- 10/13--Electives begin for 1st grade
- 10/17--10/20--pumpkin sales
- 10/21--Parade of Pumpkins, 6:30 p.m.
- 10/24--10/28--Mr. Rodia Away
- 10/28--PAC Halloween Parade & Party at 12:30. Bring costumes to school if your child plans on wearing one.
- 10/31--Dress Down Day!
- Nov. 14th--Pajama Drive Begins
- Nov. 21st--Pilgrim Day, 9-11 a.m.
- Nov. 30th--Chester County Historical Society Field Trip