HHH February 7, 2024

February 7, 2025
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for our recent PTO Coffee. We had a wonderful and meaningful discussion about internet safety, a topic that is more important than ever in today’s digital world.
As parents and educators, we play a critical role in guiding our children’s online experiences. Being intentional about how and why we allow access to technology helps ensure that our students develop healthy digital habits. I encourage you to continue these conversations at home, reinforcing safe and responsible technology use.
In this week's Hawk Newsletter, you will find the slides from our discussion.. Additionally, if you have any questions or would like further support, I encourage you to reach out to J. Verhoosky from Wayland’s Youth and Family Services and Wayland CARES. J. provided great expertise during our conversation and I encourage you to reach out to J. with any questions you may have at Jason_Verhoosky@waylandps.org.
Thank you for being engaged partners in this important dialogue. Together, we can help our children navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.
Have a great weekend.
Respectfully,Nicolette Foundas, Happy Hollow Principal
News From The HH Library
Thank you to all who submitted a bookmark in this year's MSLA Bookmark Contest. Congratulations to our Bookmark Contest Winners and Runners Up, who were recognized at this week's all school assembly. First place winners will represent Happy Hollow at the state level of the competition. Good luck!
First place Division 1: Zoe M., Ms. H. Russo, grade 1 First place Division 2: Jacinta Y., Ms. Moynihan, grade 3 First place Division 3: Linden R., Ms. Leo, grade 5 Division 1 (grades K-1) Runners Up Emily O., Ms. H. Russo, grade 1 Sammy B., Ms. H. Russo, grade 1 Division 2 (grades 2-3) Runners Up Avery T., Ms. A. Cohen grade 3
Division 3 (grades 4-5) Runners Up
Jordan K., Ms. Gray grade 4
Ben J., Ms. Leo, grade 5
Wayland Kindergarten Pre-Registration
February 1 - 14, 2025
Families with children that will be 5 years of age by August 31, 2025 may pre-register their child(ren) for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
The pre-registration link will be accessible on the Kindergarten Information website starting February 1, 2025. We request that you pre-register your child by February 14, 2025 so that we may start to determine school placement, class size, and transportation needs for the incoming Kindergarteners. NO registration documents are needed at this time.
Families interested in the Spanish Immersion Kindergarten program still need to pre-register their Kindergarteners.
Families unsure of their Kindergarten enrollment decision at this time may still pre-register.
ESchool Home Access Center
Report cards were released into eschool this morning, February 7. Please be sure you have a Home Access Center account set up in ESchool. This will enable you to see your child's report card.
- Sign in Home Access Center
- If you are new to Wayland Public Schools, you will need to create a HAC account. If you already have a HAC account from an older child, you will be able to access your Kindergarten student by clicking on the 'Change Student' button in the top right corner in HAC. There is no need to create another account.
- We suggest that you follow our naming convention of firstname_lastname for your User name. If you have any questions, email Leslie_Corner@waylandps.org.
HH Bathroom Beautification
Let’s make HH beautiful! This could be US, but it can’t happen without you. Even a few hours would be a huge help! Happy Hollow Bathroom Beautification
3rd (March 14th) and 4th ( March 10th) grade
Annual PTO Auction: Donations Needed
Planning for the 2025 Backpack Auction has begun! The auction is the second (of two) fundraising events that directly supports all of Wayland’s elementary schools. Our goal is to identify thoughtful and exciting bidding items to make this year’s auction a success!
That’s where YOU come in!
Please consider donating any of the following to the auction:
Your services or hobby or skill (sports or music lessons, hiking guide, photography, baking or cooking lessons, etc.)
Donations from a local business, virtual experiences, online subscriptions, outdoor activities, or even time in a vacation home
Cook & Deliver a meal for a family
New toys, apparel or items for the home
Gift cards to your favorite restaurants and businesses
If you have a auction item to donate, please complete this Google form:
Have questions? waylandbackpackauction@gmail.com
Did you know: The funding we raise for the PTO this year determines our 2025-26 budget and directly impacts what we’re able to do for our students next year--think of the back-to-school picnic, incredible field trips, and all of the other wonderful enrichment opportunities that the PTO enables through your generous support.
~Thank you from the Backpack Auction Team
5th Grade Related Links
1) Launch Sign Up: Wufoo Permission Slip
2) Complete the Launch online waiver: Online Liability Waiver (centeredgeonline.com)
3) Parents Volunteers: 5th grade: Wed. 2/12 - Volunteer for 5th grade Launch outing
4) Pictures to HappyHollow2025@gmail.com
5) Payment, Name and T-shirt Size: 5th Grade Payment Name and T- Shirt Link
Save the Date March Events
Talent Show: March 23rd Last week to sign up: Talent Show Sign Up
Book Fair: March 18-21th
Art Show: March 26 th
GRADE 3: English Language Arts - April 7, 11. Math - May 12, 16
GRADE 4:: English Language Arts - April 10, 15 Math - May 5, 13
GRADE 5: English Language Arts - April 3, 8. Math - May 6, 8 Sci/Tech/Eng - May 14, 15
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification
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For information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below.
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