2024 CWES Technology Competition
Projects due by Nov. 11th
Student projects are due to TEAMS by Nov. 1st.
- 3rd-5th grades are invited to compete.
- You can only enter ONE project.
- You may enter individually or with a partner. (FYI: If your child wants to work with an older sibling, their team will compete in the older student's grade grouping. Grade groupings are 3-4 & 5-6.)
- ALL Projects are due on TEAMS by Friday, Nov. 1st by 5:00pm.
- No project will be accepted after the date above. A team of judges will choose one project per category to move on to the FCS Technology Competition.
1. Join the 2024 CWES Technology TEAMS. Click HERE to see how.
2. Decide on a Category.
3. Read about your category and print out a rubric to see how you'll be judged.
4. Decide if you want to work by yourself or with a partner.
5. Decide on a name for your project
6. Fill out this FORM to let Mrs. Caudell know you will be competing in the CWES Technology Competition. (MANDATORY)
7. Plan out your project and start to work on your project.
8. Have a parent record you sharing your project and upload your project and video by NOV. 1st to TEAMS. Click HERE to learn how.
9. You must have a copyright verification form filled out and added to your presentation or have it printed out and filled out to show on your video. (THIS IS MANDATORY) You will also need this for the FCS Technology Competition.
Competition FAQ
How many projects may a student enter?
A student may register for ONE project in the CWES Technology Competition. A student may enter as an individual or as a member of a team, but NOT BOTH. A student who participates in Programming Challenge this year can also register another project with FCSTC (same rule as GaSTC).
How many students may be on a team?
A team can only consist of two students (same rule as GaSTC).
What if team members are in different age groupings?
If the grade levels of team members fall in two different age groupings, the team must compete in the age grouping of the older student (same rule as GaSTC).
What grade levels are judged together?
Our grade groupings are based on the grade groupings at the state competition. Grade groupings are 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. (FYI: If teammates are in different grades the higher grade will the chosen grade grouping that the team will compete in).
Is the team competition separate, or are they judged together with individual entries?
As is done at the state level in categories where teams are permitted, teams and individuals compete against each other.
Is the Project Submission and Copyright Verification information required this year?
Yes, every participant (individual or team) must have a complete slide of the Project Submission & Copyright Verification page at the interview on the day of the competition. (VERY IMPORTANT)
No project can be judged without this validation.
If your technology project is the winning project in the category at the CWES technology competition, your project will move on to the Fulton County Technology Competition. Read below for more information. You must be available to attend the live event on January 11th.
FCS Technology Competiton
- Only 1 project per category and grade level group will advance to the FCS Technology Competition.
- The FCS Technology Competiton will be Jan. 11th in person at Riverwood High School, 5900 Heards Dr, Atlanta, GA 30328.