July 31, 2024
Contact Us!
Location: 14653 Clayton Road Chesterfield, MO 63011
Phone: 314-415-7500
Inside This Issue
- Opening of School Calendar - August, 2024
- Parkway 2024-25 Academic Calendar
- 2024-2025 West High A-O-E Calendar
- New Class of 2027 Grade Level Principal
- Building Update
- New Student Orientation and 9th Grade Chromebooks
- Athletic & Activity News
- Counseling News
- Yearbook Distribution
- WPO News
- District News
It is almost that time!
The calendar turns to August, and we are in full fledged preparation for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Our new teachers will join us next week and all teachers return to the building very shortly in preparation for our first day of school on Monday, August 19th.
It has been a wonderful summer, but the halls are just not the same without the hustle and bustle of our 1400 students bringing that wonderful energy that only high school students can provide. I can not wait for all the fun that comes with our fall sports, watching the productions and performances from our performing artists, and observing all the fun-filled activities and clubs that West High has to offer. Most importantly, I am beyond excited to get into the classrooms of our incredible teaching staff and seeing the learning and growing our Longhorn students will partake in here at West High.
As the school year nears, an additional "This Month" Newsletter will be shared with more beginning of the year information in mid-August prior to students returning. I look forward to seeing many of you in the very near future on campus or at various events. Until then, please stay well and let me know if you need anything at all.
We are ONE West! Go Longhorns!
John McCabe
Principal, West High
August, 2024 Calendar
Greetings Longhorns,
I am Nancy Smith, and I am thrilled to be joining the Parkway West High School family as the new Assistant Principal for the class of 2027.
I am a veteran educator entering my 19th year in education. Throughout those years I have served in several positions. I began my career as a high school math teacher in the Normandy School District and then relocated to Houston, Texas where I continued my career as a math teacher. In 2018, I returned to the Saint Louis area and taught for three years at Hazelwood Central High School. In Hazelwood, I was promoted to an instructional guide and then to an Elementary Assistant Principal where I’ve been for the past two years. Over the years, I have coached high school cheer, dance and basketball. I have also served as department chair, administrative intern and curriculum writer.
In my free time I am usually with family and friends, traveling, binge watching television or just hanging out having a good meal (I’m a great cook, and a foodie) . I have one daughter, Brooklyn, who is entering the 6th grade and loves everything STEM! I love taking trips with my significant other, rather it be a weekend road trip to catch an NFL or NBA game or lying on the beach on a tropical island with my feet up and an umbrella in my cup. My time with the people I love is cherished and needed.
I'm passionate about fostering a school community where all students feel supported and empowered to achieve their goals. I believe in working collaboratively with staff, students, and families to create an enriching and inclusive educational experience for everyone. To the Class of 2027, I can't wait to get to know each of you and support you on your academic journey. As you embark on this exciting chapter, remember that my door is always open if you need anything.
I look forward to a fantastic school year together at Parkway West!
Nancy Smith
Our building custodial team has worked very hard to make the building look its best before our staff and students return in the next few weeks. The building is really looking great, and I am very thankful for all the hard work done over the summer.
Unfortunately, there are times when things are outside of anyone's control that have a big impact to the day to day operation of the school. We were recently dealt some very difficult news that will have major impact for the foreseeable future at West High. Our main elevator that provides access to floors 1-2-3 is currently out of service. It will remain out of service to begin the year for certain. More specifics on a timeline and updates on the needed repairs will be shared once available. My intent in sharing this information now is to prepare all students and families of this impact in advance of the start of the school year.
For those of you that utilize the elevator on a daily basis or have students that do, please know that maintaining access to all academic and social opportunities is a top priority. We will be actively strategizing and reaching out directly to you to discuss our plans and problem solve any additional concerns.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chromebooks for 9th Graders (Class of 2028)
Student coming from West Middle
- Students should continue to use their current Chromebook from West Middle.
- New Chromebooks will be distributed through English classes within the first few days of school.
- Students will need to turn in the current Chromebook and charger to receive their new Chromebook.
- Please remove any stickers. Stickers should not be placed on the new Chromebook.
- If you turned your Chromebook into West Middle or it is currently in for repairs, please email Mr. Brown and let him know (hbrown@parkwayschools.net).
- Fees will be assessed for equipment that is missing or damaged.
Students NEW to Parkway
- You will be able to pick up your new Chromebook at Freshmen Orientation on Friday, August 16. If you would like it sooner, contact Mr. Brown at hbrown@parkwayschools.net to schedule a time to pick it up.
If you plan on participating in athletics, please keep in mind that MSHSAA requires that student athletes enroll in, and pass, at minimum 6 classes each semester in order to participate in athletics. Please contact Jeff Taggart, Athletic & Activities Director or your grade level principal if you need additional information.
Counseling News
If you have a complete schedule which includes courses you requested (including alternates) during January registration, we are asking you to follow this schedule starting on the first day of school. Contact your assigned comprehensive counselor via email or in-person during planned office hours below if your schedule meets one of the following criteria:
- Course misplacement (due to being back in a class you previously passed or completed in summer school)
- You do not meet the prerequisite for a class
- Incomplete schedule (i.e. you have blocks not filled with any classes)
- You are a rising-senior needing to take a class missing from your schedule in order to meet graduation requirements
Counselors will meet with students on a first come, first served basis during the following office hours. No appointment is needed.
- Thursday, August 15 | 8am-11am, 12-1pm
- Friday, August 16th | 8am-12pm
Please note the breakdown of students who are assigned to each comprehensive counselor this year based on last name spelling:
- Erin Sternberg (A-Em) esternberg@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Wibbenmeyer (En-La) jwibbenmeyer@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Skalski (Le-Ro) jskalski@parkwayschools.net
- Jennifer Spotanski (Ru-Z) jspotanski@parkwayschools.net
West High Parent Organization NEWS
Taste of West
The West High Parent Organization is excited to bring back the long-time homecoming tradition:
The Taste of West on Thursday, September 26th, 2024.
This ‘tasting’ event incorporates fun eats from local restaurants along with entertainment, prizes, music & much more! This event celebrates the West High Community and we are looking restaurants! If you or someone you know would like to showcase their restaurant to our 600+ community event, please email TasteofWest@gmail.com.
Calling all West High Volunteers!! Looking to get involved this school year? Click this VOLUNTEER LINK to view current volunteer sign-ups! Opportunities will continue to be added throughout the school year.
Parkway West High School
Email: westhigh@parkwayschools.net
Website: www.parkwayschools.net/whs
Location: 14653 Clayton Road, Chesterfield, MO 63011, USA
Phone: (314) 415-7500