ÉRE Connection
Mid-February 2025 School Newsletter
In the Mid-February Newsletter
- No School Feb 17-21 for February Break & Teachers' Convention
- March Hot Lunch Orders Due February 20
- Pink Shirt Day, Feb 26 & Assembly, 2:00 pm
- Carnaval, Feb 28, 1-3 pm
- Crosswalk Service Returns!
- Term 2 Report Cards March 14
- Parent/Teacher Interviews March 19 & 20
- Free eye glasses for Kindergarten aged students.
Principals' Message
Hello ÉRE Families!
We have entered the second half of another fantastic school year. The weather was above average through January, only to be followed by a frigid February. All the same, we had plenty to learn, and the cold weather didn't slow us down. After February break, our focus will shift to Term 2 report cards coming home March 14 and Parent/Teacher Interviews March 19 & 20.
Some recent highlights:
- Attendance Stats from Sept-Dec were very strong, and indicated a 5% improvement over the previous few years. Thank you for valuing education with regular attendance.
- The students of ÉRE continue to respond exceptionally well to Peace Education lessons. Students have a 30 minute lesson led by Mrs. Simo or Mr. Bowman every two weeks. Students are making exciting gains in recognizing and addressing BIG emotions in positive ways. The payoff - we have fewer student issues coming to the office, and when they do, they are typically easily solved. Being extra responsive to student issues is something we are proud of, and partly occurs because students are developing skills to solve many issues on their own.
- $4515 was donated to the Breakfast Program by the Tim Hortons Holiday Smile Cookie campaign. This outperformed last year by a few hundred dollars, and according to the owner of Tim Hortons, outperformed other local towns like Lacombe, Blackfalds, and Sylvan Lake. Thank you Rocky Mountain House!
- We had two special presentations in February:
- "Where Have All the Buffalo Gone?" presented by Axis Theatre Feb 6 sponsored by the Indigenous Education Team
- "Rapunzel" presented by Alberta Music Theatre Company Feb 12 sponsored by School Bottle Recycling
- Both presentations were excellent and students were held spellbound by the professional actors and musicians.
If you are available, please consider attending our Pink Shirt Assembly on Wednesday, February 26, 2 pm with a focus on "Kindness Matters" and a school singing of the song "True Colors."
As always, if you have questions, ideas, or accolades to share, please reach out to the school by phone or email.
With gratitude!
Tim Bowman Kim Simo
Principal Vice Principal
(403) 845-3541 (403) 845-3541
tim.bowman@wrsd.ca kim.simo@wrsd.ca
Crosswalk Patrol has returned!
- Mrs. Maxwell and Mrs. Barker have resumed crossing guard service before and after school!
- The funding source for crosswalk patrols ran out last year. Thanks to community donations from Akita Consulting and a large donation from School Council, we are able to resume service until the end of the school year.
- A huge thanks to community volunteers Kola Hofseth, Laurie Howatson, and Brittney Smith for running some service through the first half of the school year.
Special Presentations
ÉRE Families are invited to our upcoming special presentations:
- February Pink Shirt Assembly, Feb 26, 2:00 pm
- Winter Carnaval, for all grades, outside, Feb 28, 1-3 pm
- 2025-26 PreK & Kindergarten Open House, March 13, 4-6 pm
- Book Fair, March 18-20
- March Assembly, March 21, 2:00 pm
- Spring Dance, April 4, 6-8 pm (Presented by School Council)
We have the best parents!
Just a few reasons why our parents (and grandparents) are the best:
- Three grandparents (all connected to different families), made an extra effort to share how pleased they are with what they see happening at the school. They are proud their grandchildren attend ÉRE.
- Parents on School Council voted to fund school patrol for the remainder of the year
- Two grandparents deliver our Hot Lunch every Monday & Thursday.
Term 2 Report Cards
- Term 2 Report Cards will come home March 13 (for French Kindergarten) and March 14 (everyone else)
- We encourage everyone to book a Parent/Teacher interview March 19 or 20, 4:30 - 7:30 pm as a checkpoint to determine what has been accomplished this year and to review goals for the remainder of the year
- Information to book your interview times will come out with the report card
- Interviews are offered in person, by phone, or by video conference
- The Book Fair will also be running during Parent/Teacher interviews
School Council
Our next School Council & Society meeting will be March 11, 5 pm, at the school. ÉRE parents & caregivers are encouraged to attend. Supper provided for those that RSVP to ereparentcouncil@gmail.com
Chairperson: Vanessa Lobley
Vice Chair: Vanessa Watt (Council) & Kailey Duffin (Society)
Secretary: Tiffany Hudey & Briana Leal Nadin
Treasurer: Mark Ceelan
Hot Lunch Coordinators: Elaine Crebas, Vanessa Watt
Social Media: Elaine Crebas
- The School Council & Society are important to a healthy school. The Council & Society coordinate enhancements at the school, advise the principal, assist with hot lunches, and coordinate some fundraising.
- The Fundraising Society decided to drop the Cook Book idea. It didn't garner enough interest to proceed.
- School Council is planning a Family Dance, April 4, 6-8 pm
- The School Council & Society can be reached directly at: ereparentcouncil@gmail.com
Hot Lunch & Milk Program
- Our Hot Lunch and the Milk Program is ready to go!
- March orders are due by February 20.
- Hot Lunch is offered on Mondays and Thursdays.
- The Milk Program offers white or chocolate milk available to order every day.
- School Council organizes our hot lunch and milk program
To Order Hot Lunch or Milk:
- Go to ere.hotlunches.net
- Click "Click Here to Register" (A new registration is required each year.)
- Enter Access Code REHL
- Complete the rest of the registration form.
- Click "Register Now" button at the bottom
- Follow the instructions to add each child at ÉRE
- Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
- Hot dog lunches are also sometimes offered on Fridays for cash only pre-orders
Free Eye Exams for Kindergarten Students
- As 80% of children’s learning is visual, it is essential to emphasize the importance of scheduling an eye examination for all school aged children, and especially for kindergarten students as they begin their in-school learning years
- Early detection and intervention can significantly impact a child's educational journey
- Eye exam coverage is provided as part of Alberta Health coverage
- Through the Eye See Eye Learn program, Kindergarten aged students can access FREE eye glasses
Assurance Surveys, Grade 4 & 5 Parents
- Assurance Survey Links will be shared to grade 4 & 5 parents by email on Feb 18
- Each survey will have a code that will identify you as a parent at ÉRE. Your name will not be attached to the data.
- If you have any specific or timely concerns, it is best to bring these directly to your child's teacher, Mr. Bowman or Mrs. Simo to be addressed.
- The survey is administered annually to Grade 4 & 5 students, their parents, and all teachers at each school in Alberta. Results will be shared with the school administration in June 2025.
- Over the past 5 years, ÉRE has demonstrated outstanding results in all metrics including 96% of parents indicating they are very satisfied with the Educational Quality at ÉRE.
Please write after school plans in the student agenda.
2025-2026 PreK & Kindergarten Registration NOW OPEN!
- If you have a child turning 4 or 5 in 2025, they are eligible to start school September 2025
- Registration can be made online at: https://www.wrsd.ca/parents/school-registration
For students who turn 4 in 2025.
The Pre-K program runs full day Tuesday/Thursday/scheduled Friday. The program is staffed with a certificated teacher. Program cost is $110 a month. Program subsidies are available for qualifying students. The program is currently 50% registered and capped at 18 students.
2025/2026 English & French Immersion Kindergarten
For students who turn 5 in 2025.
Our English Kindergarten program runs full day Monday/Wednesday and scheduled Fridays.
Our French Immersion Kindergarten program runs full day Tuesday/Thursday and scheduled Fridays.
OPEN HOUSE March 13, 4-6 pm
We would love to show off our school and programs at our OPEN HOUSE, March 13, 4-6 pm. Come to meet staff, tour classrooms, and ask questions.
This & That
- Free breakfast is served every morning in our front foyer 8:20 - 8:40 am. All students are welcome to grab a bite to eat.
- Fish in Schools (FinS) program is once again in full swing. ÉRE received 65 rainbow trout fish eggs in January. The eggs have now hatched and the fish are growing quickly in our cooled library aquarium. Over the next months, students will care for the fish and watch them grow. By June, the fish will be about the size of your finger and can be released into Twin Lake with the assistance of Alberta Fisheries.
- We had 6 new students register last week. New students were coming from Edmonton, Saskatoon, and Mexico City! Welcome new families.
- The Board of Trustees have shared that they will announce a new Superintendent of Schools in the coming weeks. Current Superintendent, Mr. Volkman, has announced his retirement at the end of the school year.
- Lifetouch has shared a 10% off code for ordering school photos. Just enter code: F2410OFF (expires July 2025)
- If your child will be absent from school, please connect with our Student Attendance Line by phone 1-855-756-2797 or use the School Messenger App
- Please use your child's agenda for writing notes to the teacher and communicating the after school plan.
- Students are not allowed to have personal mobile devices during the school day (unless permission is granted by the principal for a medical need eg. diabetes montioring). If you need to communicate with your child during the school day, or vice versa, the school office will be able to facilitate. Thanks for your cooperation.
- K to 12 Métis Tutoring Services: Rupertsland Centre for Teaching and Learning (RCTL) is offering virtual tutoring services to all K to 12 Métis learners. For more details and to access these services, interested individuals are encouraged to sign up or log in to the RECC Room.
- If at all possible, when paying for items like agendas, field trips or swimming, please pay through School Cash Online located at: https://wildrose.schoolcashonline.com/ This greatly reduces the chances of lost money or discrepancies in payments made.
- Our school website is regularly updated with important dates, school newsletters, and useful links along with information about the school. https://ecolerocky.wrsd.ca/
- The school updates our Facebook account with good news stories and upcoming events. Please consider giving us a follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary
The ÉRE Team
- Regular communication with your child's teacher is essential. Please reach out any time you have questions or information to share.
- We are deeply saddened by the passing of Roxane Bourdeau on Feb 7. Mme Bourdeau started at ÉRE in 2012 as an Educational Assistant and was exceptional in the position. After receiving a cancer diagnosis in January, Mme Bourdeau had taken a leave from work. We extend our deepest condolenses to the family. A memorial will be held Feb 18, 1:00 pm.
- A few staffing updates:
- Mme Bolton-Smith, who is currently on maternity leave, has requested her leave be extended until September instead of returning in April. We're happy Mme Bolton-Smith can spend a little more time with her new son.
- With Mme Bolton-Smith extending her leave, Mme Rose & Ms. Foreman will remain in Kindergarten/PreK for the entire year.
- We welcome new EAs to our team - Doree-Ann Satermo, Erin Sharrett, & Elaine Crebas.
- Our Connection Coach Zaina Giffen will move to full time at the school while Shandee Cinnamon is temporarily full time at Lochearn School. Mrs. Cinnamon will return to ÉRE in September.
- Please reach out to staff anytime you have questions. Staff e-mails are firstname.lastname@wrsd.ca
WRSD is hiring!
ÉRE is currently fully staffed, but our friends at other Wild Rose Public School locations may have a position you are interested in:
- Caretaker- David Thompson School Part Time
- Division Office - Plumber / Gasfitter
- We would like to add more casual Teachers to our list. If interested, email your resume and cover letter to ApplytobeaSubTeacher@wrsd.ca
December & January Student of the Month
- PreK - Oliver S, Jase S, Samarah S
- Kindergarten - Theo H, Gavin C, Tuck W, Theo O, Willem E, Kinsley L, Carter P, Devon T, Annabella A, Victor W
- Grade 1 - Anna H, Tazmin K, Ryanne K, Dinara G, Josie S, Oliver S, Kyler R, Sierra C, Tazmin K
- Grade 2 - Ryerson F, Josslynn K, Petrena M, Dennis A, Tahlia W, River H, Tayla G, Morissa M, Keziah L, Daniel R
- Grade 3 - Dylan C, DeAndre R, Abby A, Clio G, Cecilia Matus, Kohen P, Presley W, Grayson H, Everly M
- Grade 4 - Kenzie S, Kiana G, Sophia W, Serena G, Jackson C, Forest K, Livia M, Josie E, Maysa T, Mariah C, Blessie B, Hudson W, Nicolas M, Kayleigh H
- Grade 5 - McKayla U, John J, Deigan H, Kalli D, Karanjot S, Jax D
Congratulations Award Recipients!
Upcoming Dates
- Feb 17-21 - No School (Family Day, February Break, Teachers' Convention)
- Feb 20 - Due: March Hot Lunch
- Feb 24 - 100 Day in Grade 1
- Feb 26 - Pink Shirt Day & Assembly, 2:00 pm
- Feb 28 - Winter Carnaval! 1-3 pm
- Mar 7 - No School, Staff PD Day
- Mar 12 - 5C Swimming Starts
- Mar 14 - Term 2 Report Cards Sent Home
- Mar 18-20 - Book Fair
- Mar 19-20 - Parent/Teacher Interviews, 4:30-7:30 pm
- Mar 20 - Due: April Hot Lunch Orders
- Mar 21 - Wear Unique Socks for Down Syndrome Awareness
- Mar 21 - March Assembly, 2:00 pm
- Mar 24-28 - No School, Spring Break
Calendars for 2024-2025
Handy Links
- ÉRE Parent Handbook - many of the most commonly asked questions
- ÉRE School Website - ecolerocky.wrsd.ca
- ÉRE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary
Alberta Music Theatre presented "Rapunzel" Feb 12
More Great Photos!
Our Roots Run Deep
Our Roots Run Deep • Nos racines sont profondes
Email: rockyelem@wrsd.ca
Website: https://ecolerocky.wrsd.ca/
Location: 4703 50th Avenue, Rocky Mountain House, AB, Canada
Phone: 403-845-3541
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ecolerockyelementary/
Twitter: @EREPeace