JAMS Weekly Update
October 14, 2024

Dear JAMS Families/Estimadas Familias de JAMS
The kick-off for our annual Step It Up fundraiser is Monday 10/14 during advisory. Students will be taking home "Golden Ticket" packets with more information, and you will receive details from me by email as well. It is a fun way to support ASB's schoolwide activities including assemblies, lunchtime activities, sports, cultural events, field trips and more -- plus 8th Grade Promotion and end-of-year parties.
Take a look at what last year's fundraiser made possible
El inicio de nuestra recaudación de fondos anual Step It Up es el lunes 14 de octubre durante la clase de advisory. Los estudiantes se llevarán a casa los paquetes "Golden Ticket" con más información, y también recibirán mis detalles por correo electrónico. Es una forma divertida de apoyar las actividades escolares de ASB, incluidas las asambleas, las actividades a la hora del almuerzo, los deportes, los eventos culturales, giras y más, además de la promoción de 8° grado y las fiestas del fin de año.
Aquí se puede ver lo que hizo posible la recaudacion de fondos el ańo pasado: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ty8rEUakKcpqzYZkU5lvVCLiTN8CeN4v/view?usp=sharing
Have a great week!/¡Que tengan una buena semana!
Martha Chacón
School Wide Social Emotional Learning
As we launch our schoolwide SEL initiative using Second Step, a social-emotional learning program, we’re starting with the "Mindsets and Goals" unit in math classes. The focus of this unit is to help students develop a growth mindset and apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives, while building supportive and connected classrooms.
Research shows that SEL is most effective when implemented school wide, integrated into academic classes, and actively supported by families and communities. Your involvement is crucial—by reinforcing these themes at home, such as encouraging your children to set goals and approach challenges with a growth mindset, you help create a consistent environment that fosters their success both in and out of the classroom.
We ask for your support in continuing these conversations at home. Social-emotional learning starts with the habits and encouragement you provide. By being actively involved, you’re helping to ensure the positive impact of SEL on your child’s growth.
Next week, I’ll share the focus of the following lesson. Let’s work together to make this week a strong start for our school wide SEL initiative!
Reading Challenge & After School Library Hours
Have you heard about the new school-wide reading challenge? It is a challenge to read 24 different genres/subjects by the end of 8th grade. Each May, we will celebrate a school culture of Readers. Students who complete the verification steps will be honored with a JAMS Medal Reader certificate–Gold Medal (24 genres/subjects); Silver Medal (16+); or Bronze Medal (8+). Ask to see more information in the students’ Library GoogleClassroom. Happy reading!
Thanks to our generous JAMS PTSA ($5000), we will be able to support three days in the JAMS Library from Tuesday, October 15th until May 22nd.
Tuesday, 3:15-4:15
Wednesday, 2:55-4:15
Thursday, 2:55-4:15
We will provide a quiet space for students to do their homework, seek help from a credentialed teacher, and read!
Desafío de lectura y horario de biblioteca después de la escuela
¿Han oído hablar del nuevo desafío de lectura para toda la escuela? Es un desafío leer 24 géneros/materias diferentes al final del octavo grado. Cada mes de mayo, celebraremos una cultura escolar de lectores. Los estudiantes que completen los pasos de verificación serán honrados con un certificado de lector de medallas JAMS: medalla de oro (24 géneros/materias); Medalla de Plata (16+); o Medalla de Bronce (8+). Solicita ver más información en la Biblioteca de alumnos GoogleClassroom. ¡Feliz lectura!
Gracias a nuestro generoso PTSA de JAMS ($5000), podremos apoyar tres días en la Biblioteca JAMS desde el martes 15 de octubre hasta el 22 de mayo.
Martes, 3:15-4:15
Miércoles, 2:55-4:15
Jueves, 2:55-4:15
¡Proporcionaremos un espacio tranquilo para que los estudiantes hagan su tarea, busquen ayuda de un maestro acreditado y lean!
Deadline 10.15/Fecha limite 15 de octubre
The last day to submit art work for Reflections is this Tuesday.
El último día para enviar obras de arte para Reflexiones es este martes.Parent Eyes Training/Programa de padres voluntarios para el almuerzo
We’re excited to introduce Parent Eyes, a volunteer program where parents can support the school by assisting with lunch supervision. Your involvement helps ensure a safe and positive environment for our students during this important part of their day. By joining Parent Eyes, you’ll play a key role in maintaining a welcoming and well-supervised space for all students.
Parent Eyes Training is scheduled for Friday, October 18 at 9:30 am and Thursday, October 24 at 5:30 pm. Both trainings will be held in the performing arts studio. Make sure you sign in at the office for the morning session. You must a level 1 cleared volunteer to be part of the parent eyes program. Volunteer application.
Nos complace presentar Ojos de Padres, un programa de voluntariado donde los padres pueden apoyar a la escuela ayudando con la supervisión durante el almuerzo. Su participación es clave para garantizar un entorno seguro y positivo para nuestros estudiantes en este momento tan importante del día. Al unirse a Ojos de Padres, desempeñará un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de un espacio acogedor y bien supervisado para todos los estudiantes.
JAMS sports results as of 10/11
Here's a quick update on JAMS sports results as of 10/4:
Flag Football (FF):
- 7th/8th Grade D1: Loss (Record: 1-2)
- 6th Grade D2: Won (Record: 4-0)
- 6th-8th Grade D1: BYE WEEK (Record: 2-1)
Girls Volleyball (GVB):
- 7th/8th Grade D1: Won in a thriller (Record: 2-1)
- 6th Grade D2: Won (Record: 2-1)
Cross Country (XC):
- Upcoming: Third of five XC meets on Tuesday, 10/15 at Edward's Vincent Park (Inglewood). Families and athletes are asked to arrive by 4:00 p.m., and the race will start at 4:30 p.m., with staggered starts for 6th through 8th grade.
Let’s celebrate these great efforts and keep supporting our student athletes! Go JAMS!
For upcoming games and schedules, visit https://www.smmusd.org/Page/7205
Another Shoe Drive for Prince Africa Track Foundation!
Our incredible students are once again stepping up to make a difference! Calling all used athletic shoes! The annual shoe drive benefits the Prince Africa Track Foundation. Last year, thanks to your amazing generosity, we collected over 200 pairs of shoes for children in Zambia, Africa!
Please continue to bring your gently used athletic shoes to contribute to this wonderful cause!
We truly appreciate your support and can’t wait to update you on how many pairs of shoes our amazing JAMS students have donated!
Donación de zapatos atléticos
Por favor continue trayendo sus zapatos deportivos en buen estado para contribuir a esta maravillosa causa. ¡Realmente apreciamos su apoyo y estamos ansiosos por informarles sobre cuántos pares de zapatos han donado nuestros increíbles estudiantes de JAMS!
Boys & Girls Club AM Club/Club de la mañana de Boys and Girls Club
The Boys & Girls Club AM Club is now open! Hours are Mon-Thurs from 7:30-8:55 am and Fridays from 7:30-9:25 am. If you are on the membership waiting list for the afternoon, reach out to the Boys & Girls Club and let them know you need morning club. For more information and to register, please visit this link. This is a great opportunity for students!
Coffee with the Counselors/Cafecito con las consejeras
Thursday 10/24 7pm on Zoom
Jueves, 24 de octubre a las 7 en zoom
Special Education Parent Workshop/Taller de Educación Especial
Please use our website to find useful information about special education. Parent Workshop on Thursday, October 24th, 9:30 am at the district office.
Thursday, October 24th, 9:30 am
jueves 24 de octubre a las 9:30 am
Cell Phone Policy: "Away for the Day"
At John Adams Middle School, we have an "Away for the Day" policy regarding cell phones. All students are required to turn off their phones and keep them in their backpacks throughout the school day. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused on learning.
If you need to get in touch with your child during school hours, please call the main office, and we will relay the message to them. Similarly, if your child isn't feeling well, they should go directly to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess the situation and, if needed, will contact you directly.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to provide your child with a cellphone-free school experience!
¡Gracias por apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para ofrecerle a su hijo/a una experiencia escolar libre de teléfonos celulares!
Weekly Schedule
John Adams Middle School
kind · connected · compassionate
Website: https://www.smmusd.org/jams
Location: 2425 16th Street, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Phone: 310-452-2326
Twitter: @jamsdragonsSM