Riverbend Middle School

From the Principal
Riverbend Families,
During my time here as Principal of Riverbend, and as a former teacher and coach in the MVR-3 school district, I have always taken great pride in the strong relationships I've been able to forge with students and their families. I believe this develops trust and that is an important piece of keeping our students safe at school. With that in mind, I want to reaffirm to all of our Riverbend students and families that we are here to keep our students safe. Please reach out to myself, Mr. Grodie, or any of our staff members if you have questions or concerns about your student. Encourage your student to communicate with us if they have questions or concerns about themselves or their peers. We will always take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of our students and staff, and we will communicate with you throughout that process.
We are so excited about the great start our Riverbend students have made. The first few days of school always seem so hectic with a lot of information from daily routines to important paperwork. Our 7th and 8th grade students have handled it all remarkably well, and our amazing Riverbend faculty and staff have risen to the occasion as well. As you prepare for the upcoming holiday weekend, here are a few important reminders to share with your students:
- Our first home varsity football game is this Friday night (8/30) vs. Borgia at 7:00 PM. Riverbend students are welcome to attend, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Riverbend students will not be allowed entry to the game if they are unaccompanied.
- Riverbend sports teams will be starting their competitions in the coming weeks ahead. In order to attend any home contest at Riverbend, students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed entry.
- All students have received their school issued chromebooks. Please encourage your students to use their technology responsibly by taking care of their chromebook and avoiding online activities that are not school related. If your student is having any technological issues with their device, please have them see Mrs. Moser in our library.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We look forward to building on this fantastic start with our students, and partnering with you to make their Riverbend experience a successful one.
Todd Dempsey, Principal
Important Upcoming Dates:
- 9/2: Labor Day (No School)
- 9/17: District Vaccine Clinic (Contact your building nurse for more information)
- 9/20: Staff Professional Development Day (No School)
- 10/2: Picture Retakes
Nurse Notes
Dear Parent or Guardian,
The Franklin County Health Department is coming to Riverbend Middle School on September 17, 2024 to offer a vaccination clinic for students who are missing state required vaccinations. Consent forms are due no later than August 31, 2024 to your school nurse or front office.
Students in eighth grade are required by state law to have a Tdap and a Meningococcal vaccine no later than October 1st, 2024 or have proper exemption forms on file with the school nurse.
Students in twelfth grade are required to have a second Meningococcal vaccine no later than October 1, 2024 or to have proper exemption forms on file with the school nurse.
Attached to this letter is the 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements and also a consent form if you would like to take advantage of our health department coming to Riverbend.
Please fill out the consent and return it to your school nurse or front office no later than August 31, 2024.
Parents do not need to be in attendance during this vaccination clinic. Students will ONLY be vaccinated if we have a consent form on file.
If you are unsure if your child is missing vaccines, please do not hesitate to call your school nurse or myself. If your child is up to date and you have not turned in your most recent vaccination records, please do so as soon as possible to get your child compliant for the state.
If you have any questions please reach out.
Thank you,
Lindsy Hendricks, RN
MVR3 District Health Coordinator
Counselor's Corner
Trimester 1 schedule changes are now complete. If students have questions or concerns they can fill out the counselor request form which can be found on 7th/8th grade central in canvas.
Children's Advocacy Center will be here on September 17th and 18th to present the body safety program to students. Please see the attached flyer for more information and the option to opt out for your child.
FACS Facts
Welcome to FACS! The kitchen safety unit was completed this week and food labs will start next week. Food safety contracts need to be signed before your student will be allowed to participate in food labs. This contract was handed out the second day of school. If your student needs another copy, please have them ask me. A sewing information note will be going home and will be getting emailed to you next week regarding what supplies are needed to complete the sewing project that we will do at the end of the trimester. Sewing supplies will not be due until October 30th, but can be brought in earlier for me to store until our sewing unit. If you have any questions, please let me know! My email is jalt@mvr3.k12.mo.us. I am looking forward to a great trimester!
Beta Club Information
Students that were inducted in to Beta Club last May or returning Beta Club members should log on to Google Classroom and accept their invitation to join the class. It is here where all of our service projects and upcoming announcements are made. For September we are asking that Beta Club members please bring in a box of tissues, sanitizing wipes, paper towels, cough drops, or Band-aides for all our students to use. You will need to bring in at least 2 of these items. Turn them into your Tribe teacher or the nurse, then turn in the assignment in the classroom to receive your service credit. This is due by September 29th.
What's For Lunch?
Sports Schedule
We love to see our Riverbend students supporting each other at the various extracurricular activities around our district. Please note that all Riverbend students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend an extracurricular event at any of our buildings around the district. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed to enter an event. If there are changes to game times, please check out the link below for additional information.
Riverbend Bell Schedule
Homework and Assignments
Staff Spotlight
Mr. Holtz - 7th Grade History Teacher
Dream Vacation - Rome, Italy
In Middle School I wanted recess back!
Who most inspires me? My mom
Favorite Restaurant- Camila's TexMex
On weekends I like to sleep and socialize.
Favorite Movie: The Sandlot
Book Recommendation: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
Go 2 Snack: Cheez Its
Person I'd Like to Meet: A sitting US President
I Cheer For The Mizzou Tigers
I became an educator to inspire students.
Riverbend Middle School Information
Helping students reach full potential through innovation, engagement, character, and community.
Website: mvr3.k12.mo.us
Location: 2085 Hwy N. Pacific, Mo. 63069
Phone: (636) 271-1481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RMSIndians