SMMS Weekly Update
September 27, 2024
Personal Information Update Link
We understand things happen and circumstances change over the course of the school year. Please use this form at any time during the year to update your personal information on file with the school. If you have any questions, please call Ms. Hite in our main office at 304-754-5030.
5th Period Changes Coming
This year, we have adjusted our master schedule to allow for time to provide targeted support to students in all four core content areas (math, social studies, science, and English Language Arts/Reading). We will be using IXL, which allows for lessons to be tailored to each student's needs.
Stating Monday, September 30, each student will notice an adjustment to his or her 5th period class. Our new classes have been structured to allow teachers to provide intentional and targeted support for students to improve academic achievement.
Fall Fundraiser
Dear Families,
We are excited to share with you that our fall fundraiser kicked off today! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year. All of the funds raised will benefit each and every student at Spring Mills Middle School and we need your support to reach our goal. We are raising funds this year for our school activities, class field trips, and student initiatives.
Here are the quick steps to support our school:
1. Register your student online at shop.gwrcfundraising.com
2. Enter our school’s campaign ID: 19299
3. Add at least 10 contacts to share the fundraiser online to family & friends (20 contacts is the goal)
4. Shop & Support our school’s online store and our fundraising catalogs.
> > All students that register online by tonight and add at least 10 contacts will win their 1st celebrity duck keychain and be entered into a drawing for a chance to win the 32” SMART HD TV tomorrow!!
✔️ If your student sells 3 or more items, we will reach our school’s fundraising goal!
✔️ If your student sells only 7 items, they will our MEGA PARTY event during school!
✔️ If your student sells 20 items, they will attend the MEGA PARTY event and go to SKY ZONE for the ultimate PIZZA PARTY during school!
To find a list of all the other prizes they can win and more information, see the fundraising packet that was sent home with students today. Thank you in advance for ALL of your support!
Communication Norms
At SMMS, we want to work with you for the benefit of your student. That partnership requires communication. Please take a look at our norms for communication with parents.
- Grades- Teachers are asked to post grades on the 10th and 25th of each month. We consider the posting od those grades as one form of communication with you. If you need assistance with your Schoology account, please email Ms. Brown at the included email address (lkbrown@k12.wv.us).
- Online Messages (via Email or Schoology) or Phone Messages- If you have a concern or question, please reach out to your child's teacher. Teachers have been directed to respond to emails, online messages via Schoology, and phone calls during normal business hours (7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.). While many teachers spend time in the evenings planning lessons and grading assignments, they, as much as anyone else, need to devote time and attention to their families. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response to an online message and/or phone call.
Teachers at SMMS are ALL IN to support your student and help him or her grow. We look forward to working with you in this very important task.
After-School Clubs
Please see the link below about our after-school clubs this year. All clubs will begin in October. Space is limited.
Student Assistance Fund
The holidays are quickly approaching! If you or someone you know could use some assistance during this holiday season, let us help! Fill out the attached Google Form by Tuesday, Oct. 4th, and someone from SMMS will be in touch. Call 304-274-5030 and ask for Ms. James or email Margaret.james@k12.wv.us with any questions.
Water Bottle Info
At SMMS, we have a clear water bottle policy. This may seem like a minor detail, but asking students to bring a clear water bottle allows them to carry water with them all day. State policy provides students have access to water throughout the day, which is why we have a water fountain and a filling station in each hallway.
To reduce the disruption to classes with visits to the water fountain, we allow students to bring a clear water bottle with them from room to room. The first two weeks of school, we gave out a clear, reusable water bottle to any student who asked for one. If your student needs a clear, reusable water bottle, please ask him or her to see the grade-level assistant principal.
Box Tops for Education
Dear SMMS families,
As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, we want to remind you that you can help us earn funds through Box Tops for Education by simply submitting your grocery receipts.
Here are two easy ways to participate:
Drop Off Your Receipts: Bring your receipts to the office and place them in the designated Box Tops Collection Box. Our Box Tops Coordinator will scan them for you—no need to do a thing!
Scan Your Own Receipts: If you prefer, you can scan your receipts using the Box Tops app. It's quick and easy! Just download the app, scan your receipt, and submit.
Every Box Top adds up, and your participation helps us get closer to our goal. Please take a moment to either drop off your receipts or submit them through the app. We appreciate your support!
Thank you for helping make a difference!
Afternoon Pick-up Patterns
As we enter the colder months, we might have more bus cancellations. Please review the traffic patterns below just in case your student's bus is cancelled.
Last year, we worked with Dean Olack, the county security officer, to design a traffic pattern for the afternoon that would create the safest situation for students. Please use the directions and image below to review our procedures.
- No parking along Campus Drive.
- Line up, single-file, in the primary school bus loop.
- No one may park in the primary loop and pick up their student. We have permission to use the lane as a staging area, not for parent pick-up.
- Once the buses leave, the cars in the primary bus loop will enter the bus loop at SMMS with the assistance of a staff member directing traffic on Campus Drive.
- No left turns from Campus Drive until all the cars from the primary loop have filtered into the middle school front loop.
Academy Day- September 28
Greetings from Senator Capito’s office!
An appointment to a U.S. Service Academy is a fully funded education opportunity valued from $240,000 to more than $400,000. Last year, students attending or who have attended schools in Berkeley, Brooke, Cabell, Fayette, Hancock, Hardy, Harrison, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lincoln, Marion, Mercer, Monongalia, Monroe, Ohio, and Putnam counties received appointments to United States Service Academies and Preparatory Schools. Most began their journeys this summer.
WV students graduated from U.S. Service Academies in 2024 and are moving forward to fantastic careers in various fields. Our WV students are more than capable of meeting the challenge of graduating from these prestigious institutions, but they must be aware of these opportunities in order to take advantage of them.
The key to a student’s success (besides academic, physical, and extracurricular achievements) is being informed about potential opportunities at these educational institutions and starting the information gathering process as early as possible. It is also important that they have an informed support system to assist them in navigating the application stage.
Academy Day is an opportunity for students, parents, guardians, and school officials to ask questions and obtain information regarding the U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. Military Academy and the U.S. Naval Academy as well as the ROTC scholarship process. No Registration Required.
Students who want to attend a prestigious U.S. Service Academy or ROTC program are generally more successful when they begin planning courses and extracurricular activities early in their academic career.
Representatives will be ready to answer questions regarding the educational, physical and recreational requirements to attend these prestigious institutions or obtain an ROTC scholarship. Our office will also address the nomination process.
Faces of the Week
Vocabulary Extension
Ms. Yeargan's classes worked to in collaborative groups
to use illustrations to define vocabulary words.
6th Grade Readers
Congratulations to all of our 6th grade readers who met the first milestone (5 books) this week!
Way to go!
Band Fundraiser
Thanks to everyone who joined us at Chipolte this week to raise money for the SMMS Band!
8th Grade Tourism Brochures
Ms. Gardner's classes have been working on travel brochures
to highlight the regions in West Virginia.
Trashketball in Social Studies
Ms. Ashton's classes played trashketball to review for their Unit 1 test.
Getting in Some Reading Time
Ms. Seals's classes enjoyed some reading time today in the library.
Fundraiser Fun
Thanks to our UA teachers for helping us out with our fall fundraiser assembly.
SMMS Athletic Updates
Some of our teams are engaging in conditioning or Flex days. Please see the information below and reach out to the appropriate coach with questions.
All students must submit a copy of their physical form to Ms. Pavlik, our Athletic Director.
- Cheer
- Coach: Toneia Eccelston (coachneiasmms@gmail.com)
- Boys Basketball
- Varsity Coach: Brooks Everline (brooks@ynphomesolutions.com)
- JV Coach: Noah Payton (noah.payton6@gmail.com)
- Cross Country
- Coach: Chip Barnhart (cbarnhar@k12.wv.us)
- Meets:
- 10/3/24- Tri-Meet at Poor House Farm at 5:30 p.m.
- 10/10/24- County Championship at Poor House Farm- Time TBD
SMMS Spirit Wear
8th Grade Fundraiser
Upcoming Events
- September 27- Cookie Dough Fundraiser Kickoff in UA Classes
- September 30- New Unified Arts Rotations Begin for 6-week Courses
- October 1- 8th Grade Fundraiser at Chick-fil-A 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- October 17- Quarter 1 Ends
- October 23- Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences from 5:00-7:00 p.m.