MSHSL UPDATE: Special Edition
December 16, 2024
This Special Edition Update is designed for AD Assistants and ADs who manage coaches and other parts of their school's work on the MSHSL Website.
Assigning a coach to a sport and level is essential for several reasons:
- Provide coaches with the correct online learning modules
- Place them on your CER report
- Facilitate communication from the League
- Be on your school's Members List
- Be assigned to the sport and level in the Coach Roster
View your Members List from the Edit School and Members Button at the top of your Dashboard OR From the top of your school page when logged in.
Use the Search to check to see if a Coach is on your Members List.
1. New to MSHSL Coach
2. New to your School: Coach Requests Membership
3. New to your School: AD Office Manages Membership
MSHSL Website School Membership Information
A coach is assigned their sport and level in the Coach Roster tool.
Assigning Coaches to Levels and Sports or Activities
Minnesota State High School League