Hawks Weekly
St. Theresa - May 27 - 31, 2024
Mary, Queen of the Universe
JOHN 19:25-27
Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to his mother, "Woman, here is your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her into his own home.
Dear Jesus, how hard it must have been for you to see your mother and best friend so sad at the foot of your cross. Even then, you didn't think of yourself. You thought about them and tried to bring them comfort. In your care, you showed us we should always care about our parents. Thank you for sharing your wonderful mother, Mary, with all of us. Thank you for giving us a heavenly mother to help us with our problems. All we must do is ask for help. We ask this through you, who loved your mom with all your being. Amen.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendars:
- Monday May 27 - Linking Generations Last Visit @ 11:45am
- Tuesday May 28 - Grade 7 - Vaping Presentation - St. Theresa Gym @ 9:00am - 10:00am
- Tuesday May 28 - Grade 8 - Vaping Presentation - St. Theresa Gym @ 10:30am - 11:30am
- Thursday May 30 - St. T's 50/50 Raffle Deadline
- Thursday May 30 - Performing Arts 5 & 6 - St. Albert Children's Festival
- Friday May 31 - Grade 8 Farewell Mass @ 10:30am
- Tuesday June 4 - Grade 6 Immunizations
- Tuesday June 4 - Grade 5 - Metis Artist Visit Connie Kulhavey
- Wednesday June 5 - Early Dismissal @ 2:13pm
- Friday June 7 - JH Ken Szopa Healthy Living Triathlon
- Sunday June 9 - Ukrainian Bilingual Program 4-8-12 Celebration - St. Nicholas School @ 2:00pm
- Monday June 10 - Friday June 14 - All library books are due
- Monday June 10 - Grade 8 Field Day
- Tuesday June 11 - School Assembly @ 11:09am
- Tuesday June 11 - PAC Meeting - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
- Thursday June 13 - Pathways - Zoo field trip PM
Parent Information
You Are Invited...
Your School Council is sponsoring a Vaping presentation (Vaping and how the industry targets youth) to be held in the Gym Tuesday, May 28th. The grade 7 presentation is from 9:00 - 10:00am and the grade 8 presentation is from 10:30 - 11:30am. You are welcome to join us for one of the presentations! Our speaker is Jack Adkins - check out his website at aadacjack@gmail.com
Hope to see you there.
Pierre Ouimet
Save the Date - Grade 9 Parent Info Night
St. Theresa 2023 - 2024 Yearbooks
St. Theresa 2023 - 2024 Yearbooks are now available to purchase. To order click the link or use the QR Code below and enter the access code. Deadline to order is Friday June 28, 2024.
The code to access it is: 13972924
ST. T's Fundraising Society - 50/50 Raffle
Give a Pencil Car Wash - Fundraiser for School Supplies
The 1st Annual Carwash "Give a Pencil Car Wash" will be held on May 28th from 9am-2pm at CLS in the Wash Bay.
All proceeds will be used to purchase school supplies through Staples and supplies will be distributed before the beginning of the 2024-25 school year to ALL EICS schools to support our students.
More hands make light work, therefore, if you are able to volunteer some time to help on this day, please email: liane.gingras@eics.ab.ca with a time that works for you between 8am-3pm. Final volunteer schedule will be sent by May 24th.
We very much look forward to seeing any and all staff, families, friends and all supporters of EICS to support this great cause. We believe that students equipped with the tools to learn are necessary and support their learning.
Thank you so much to everyone for your support,
Transportation Office
Organization of the Hawks Weekly
The newsletter is organized based on our four school assurance priorities for this year.
- Faith Integration
- Learners and Learning
- Systemic Wellness
- Community Engagement
5S Mass with Father Mario
6U at the Alberta Legislature
Students in 7CR working on mental health capacity building and growth mindsets in their break out activities with Emma.
Grade 8 Farewell
BUCPS 4-8-12 Celebration
St. Theresa in May
6B/C SFL at Remax Field
6M Team Building with Emma
Tent building exercise after our lessons with Emma about Healthy Relationships, Conflict Resolution and Communication.
Grade 6B/C SFL
Grade 8 Style and Self-Care
Grade 8 Style and Self-Care students created outfits using recycled materials they collected from the Edmonton Reuse Center. They then modelled their unique designs for our administration staff.
Parent Societies
Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
The St. Theresa Parent Advisory Council performs many vital functions for our school community, by helping to facilitate school wide student functions and providing valuable funding to our school via fundraising. Parents involved in the PAC learn about planning and development within the school and are part of the planning process. These roles make their involvement very important to the families, administration and teachers.
Next Parent Council Meeting - Tuesday June 11th - St. Theresa Library @ 6:30pm
2023/2024 PAC Meeting Dates
September 26, 2023
October 24, 2023
December 11, 2023
January 30, 2024
February 27, 2024
April 9, 2024
May 7, 2024
June 11, 2024
2022 - 2023 Executive PAC Members:
Chair - Jodi Ostrosky
Co-Chair - Lindsay Tomalik
Treasurer - Kim Pennock
Secretary - Rosie Conrad
Bilingual Ukrainian Catholic Parents Society (BUCPS)
Bitaemo! Sherwood Park's Ukrainian Bilingual Program began in 1980 and has seen decades of success in academic achievement, global learning, and celebration of the rich Ukrainian heritage. From Preschool/Sadochok to Grade 12, the Ukrainian Bilingual Program offers a community-minded cultural environment along with an enhanced academic curriculum. BUCPS Mission is to promote, advocate, support and foster cultural and educations opportunities for students in the Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Next BUCPS Meeting - TBA
2022-2023 Executive BUCPS Members:
President - Slavko Nohas
Vice-President - Christin Hyshka
Treasurer - Andrea Chmilar
Secretary - Kelsey Whattam
Members at Large:
Talia Koziak/Kathy Leskow/Clayton Starko
Parish News
OLPH Parish
We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe
13 Brower Drive, Sherwood Park AB. T8H 1Y7
Phone : 780 467 5470 Fax : 780 467 0530
E-mail: info@olph.ca Website: www.olph.ca
Dear Parents:
Welcome to a new year of Catholic education and faith formation for your child!
Each year, in a Catholic school, your child will learn about many aspects of their Catholic faith— including learning about the seven sacraments. In our Archdiocese, preparing children for the celebration of their own sacraments always occurs in the parish, with the support of the school: • preparing for First Reconciliation, and then First Eucharist, can begin when a child is 7 years of age and in Grade 2 or older
• preparing for Confirmation can begin when a child is about 12 years of age and in Grade 6 or older • special preparation is also available for children of any age who are not yet baptized
Most children attending Catholic schools are ready to receive at the ages shown above, but there is no such thing as too late. Are you seeking for your child to celebrate a sacrament, such as Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation? Are you ready to help them live out their Baptismal promises? Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and Elk Island Catholic Schools are each involved in preparing your child for a Catholic sacrament along with you. It is a group effort, and everyone has a role:
• As a parent, the Church has always held that you are the primary teacher of the faith for your child. You teach them about God; set the example; talk about your own faith; and you bring them to Mass. • The place where the sacraments are celebrated and lived is the Catholic parish. We the people of God in the Church are each part of the Body of Christ. Being in relationship with the parish community (with all its challenges and blessings) is essential for your life of faith and that of your child. The preparation for, and celebration of, the sacraments happens in the parish church. • You must sign your child up for preparation at the parish. The school doesn’t do this part of the process for you. Catholic schools are a special place for children to learn more about Jesus Christ, to practice living in a community of faith, and to develop and deepen a relationship with Christ. We (Catholic parish and Catholic school) are eager to walk beside you and your children during this very special time.
Please call OLPH parish office 780-467-5470, send an email to sacraments@olph.ca or visit www.olph.ca/sacraments to get started or learn more.
As you prepare your child for their sacraments may this also be a special time for you - of deepening your own understanding and of growing in faith for the whole family!
Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
A Roman Catholic Christian community.
We come together at our Lord’s invitation to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, and deepen our faith. We strive to be thankful, generous and welcoming, and are sent forth to help advance God’s Kingdom on earth by proclaiming the Gospel and serving others.
Helpful Links
St. Theresa Catholic School
Email: stt@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stt.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 2021 Brentwood Blvd, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-464-4001
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.TheresaCatholicMiddleSchool/