Stoneleigh Family Communication
November 1, 2024
First Marking Period Report Cards - Grades 1-5
It's hard to believe that the first marking period of the 2024- 2025 school year came to an end yesterday. First Marking Period report cards will be posted in the FOCUS portal and distributed to Grade 1-5 students on Thursday, November 14th.
If you need help creating a FOCUS parent account or navigating the FOCUS Portal, please reference the links below.
American Education Week will be the week of November 18, 2024- November 22, 2024. We will follow the schedule below:
Monday, November 18th- Grade K & 5 @ 8:55- 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 20th- Grade 3 & 4 @ 8:55- 11:00 a.m.
Thursday, November 21st- Grade 1 @ 8:55- 11:00 a.m.
Friday, November 22nd- Grade 2 @ 8:55- 11:00 a.m.
Please click on the link below to pre-register for American Education Week. Multiple grades are hosting visitors during the four days, so we are asking families to limit visitors to 2 per student whenever possible. When completing the pre-registration link. please use a separate slot for each family member who will attend.
If you have not already had your license scanned into the RAPTOR system previously, please consider doing so by Friday, November 15th at 3:30 pm in order to avoid long lines on the visitation day. All visitors must have their license scanned in order to be permitted to visit classrooms.
Those visitors who pre-register AND have previously had their license scanned will have a pre-printed RAPTOR badge ready upon arrival.
If you have any questions about American Education Week, please reach out to Ms. Wachob by phone (443-809-3600) or email jwachob@bcps.org
Student Attendance
Here For It! Attending Today to Achieve Tomorrow
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is federal law that replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Maryland is one of 36 states to include chronic absenteeism as an indicator of School Quality/Student Success in their ESSA state plan. Many people recognize this plan as the school star rating system. The average daily attendance of enrolled students target in the ESSA state plan is 96%.
ESSA Absentee Categories include:
- chronic - students absent 10% or more of the school days that have occurred.
- moderate - students absent 7 - 9% of the school days that have occurred.
- low - students absent for 6% or less of the school days that have occurred.
What is the difference between chronic absence and truancy? Chronic absence focuses on the academic impact of the days missed and counts all absences: excused, unexcused, and suspensions. Truancy focuses on compliance with school rules and counts only unexcused absences.
BCPS Policy and Rule 5120 requires schools to develop and implement programs to promote regular school attendance. The BCPS Attendance manual guides the work of school-based attendance teams around student absence. These foundational supports promote positive conditions for learning for all students and families. Schools are required to intervene when appropriate by developing and implementing programs to improve attendance for students not meeting satisfactory attendance standards. Tier 1 includes universal ongoing school-based interventions implemented with all students and families. Tier 2 school-based interventions are early interventions implemented with students whose attendance data is within the moderate absenteeism category. Tier 3 PPW interventions are intensive interventions implemented with students whose data is within the chronic absenteeism category.
Some of Stoneleigh's Tier I interventions include automated monthly attendance emails, a teacher phone call home after 3 absences, and monthly attendance incentives to promote regular student attendance.
Kiss and Go
Students who are transported by parents should not arrive before 8:30 a.m. Teachers are not “on duty” prior to this time. Students should be dropped off at the “Kiss and Go” location within the parking lot using the entrance at the corner of Pemberton and Copeleigh Roads. Drop off can occur between 8:30 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. Students may be dropped off along the sidewalk which starts after the black fencing. Look for the sign indicating “Kiss and Go.” School personnel will be there to receive students and allow you the opportunity to “kiss (your child) and go”. A barrier will be in place across the emergency vehicle entryway to the faculty parking lot from the bus loop to eliminate any traffic in and out of the lot, thus ensuring that students can walk safely across the sidewalk to the school building. Students do not need to wait for a staff member to open the car door to exit the vehicle. Individual vehicles are not permitted in the bus loop from 8:15 -8:45 am. and 3:20 - 4:00pm.
Student Tardiness: After 8:45 a.m., no teacher may admit a child to class without a late slip. All late arrivals must sign in at the office. Late bus arrivals are announced over the PA system letting homeroom teachers know those students are not to be marked late.
Pets on School Grounds
We acknowledge that family pets are an important part of many families, although not all families share the excitement. Several students at Stoneleigh have a fear or allergy to various family pets. Family dogs often accompany students to or from school we ask that they remain on Pemberton or Copeleigh Roads and not come onto school grounds during arrival (8:15 - 8:45 am) and dismissal (3:15 - 3:45 pm). Additionally, we ask that you are mindful about disposing of your pet's waste on school grounds.
Technology Update- BCPS Student-Assigned Chromebooks
Please see the attached update regarding student-assigned BCPS Chromebooks and student accountability from the BCPS Department of Information Technology- IT Operations. In the 2024-2025 school year, each student and that student’s parents/guardians will be financially responsible for damage or loss to any Chromebook or other device assigned to the student. As an instructional tool, there is no initial cost for a student to receive a Chromebook or other device. Families are only financially responsible when there is avoidable damage to the device.
BCPS Volunteer Training and Application
Stoneleigh Elementary teachers, administrators, and staff depend on volunteers and value their contributions to enhance the programs and services provided for students. Volunteers are important members of Team BCPS and help our professional staff sustain effective learning environments, enrich the education and experiences of students and build critical partnerships to increase achievement for all students. Volunteers are essential to the educational process, as they bring knowledge and skills into our schools and strengthen classroom instruction.
All parents are required to be trained prior to volunteering in classrooms or class sponsored activities such as field trips, class parties, class picnics, or cafeteria helper. You can view the online orientation at home at a convenient time, complete the necessary paperwork and send it into school with your student. Remember to print both the training certificate and the volunteer application. Completed documents can be delivered to the school office or emailed to Ms. Wachob at jwachob@bcps.org.
All volunteers must complete the volunteer application and participate in an orientation/training session annually at least 48 hours before the volunteer opportunity. Applications, orientation and training sessions will not be accepted the day of the volunteer opportunity. No parent will be considered for field trip chaperoning unless they are already on the approved volunteer list.
For the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and parents, all volunteers must enter through the front door and report directly to the office. Volunteers must bring their driver’s license when volunteering at the school in order to be signed in through the “Raptor” safety and security program and receive a volunteer badge.
Stoneleigh Elementary
Website: https://stoneleighes.bcps.org/
Location: 900 Pemberton Road, Baltimore, MD, USA
Phone: 443-809-3600