Tonasket School District
Weekly Update ~ 9/21/2018
"Focused on Learning and Linking Learning to Life"
One School
One Team
One Purpose - Student Success
Capital Projects Levy Information: Election Day - 11/6/2018
What is a capital projects levy?
A Capital Projects Levy is a short-term, interest-free, voter-approved measure that provides funding for modernization and/or replacement of school buildings and the purchase of equipment including educational technology. With a Bond, funding comes all at once, like when you get a mortgage for your home, but for a Capital Projects Levy, funding comes in on a yearly basis. The district would have to either borrow against the income stream or space projects over the 6 year term of the levy.
The state does provide some funding for the ongoing maintenance of our facilities. However, it is not enough to tackle the number of projects that need to be addressed in our aging buildings, to build facilities for program needs (vocational), to provide adequate technology, and to provide the equipment and remodeling needed to improve our safety and security.
The district has attempted to pass several Bonds to meet some of our facility needs but they have failed to meet the 60% threshold for passing. A Capital Projects Levy only needs to pass at a 50% threshold.
What are the proposed capital levy projects?
Our top priorities for this Capital Projects Levy:
Energy Efficiency (HVAC System) – approximately $1,500,000
Safety/Security Upgrades – approximately $700,000
Elementary School Roof – approximately $500,000
High School Shop Expansion for Vocational Education Program – approximately $1,000,000
Additional funds raised will be used for general maintenance above what is funded by our state allocation and to support technology infrastructure. Items such as replacing carpet, replacing the HS water softener, replacing the ES hot water heater, etc. are not part of our basic funding allocation. We used to pay for this out of our M&O levy but that was cut by more than half by recent legislative action. We are also applying for several grants to help fund these projects so the final cost could be reduced, allowing for us to include more projects.
Powerful Teaching and Learning
- Did you know that our food service department serves around 167,000 meals (breakfast and lunch) for students and adults each school year!
- The first committee meeting to start developing the district’s emergency operations plan is set for October 16. A number of staff have volunteered to be on the committee as well as the local first responders to help with this work.
Parent and Community Engagement
- The focus for this month is post high school education. Featured guest speaker, Juan Maravilla, from CWU's CAMP program and our own Katie Walker, spoke about preparing for life after high school and some of the support that is out there for migrant students.
- The first Migrant/Bilingual Family Night was held on Wednesday. Tyler Graves reported on the meeting:
Cari and Emily did an amazing job introducing our STEM Challenges for the year and engaged families in a balloon racing icebreaker. We then heard from Juan Maravilla, who spoke eloquently to parents about his experience and some of the supports that CWU's CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) can offer their children. Daniel Licona spoke next about the HEP (High School Equivalency Program) at WSU and had many questions from interested parents. Suzette spoke with parents about her role with GEAR UP this year and some resources available through that program. Kristi and Katie also presented some valuable information for parents to be aware of this school year including many dates and deadlines for college going students.
PAC (Parent Advisory Council) members from last year were recognized with certificates and during dinner we held elections (very excited about our new and returning parent leaders this year!), had a raffle with CWU and WSU swag, and heard from the 21st Century program about some new offerings this year, including an activity calendar for families to engage with at home.
- It’s Homecoming next week, go Tigers!
What Every Employee Needs to Know - Reminders
We all want to be part of an organization that embodies the very best of purpose and values. In public education, the moral purpose of making a difference in the lives of people provides a values framework. Those values include honesty, integrity, and commitment. As part of a professional learning community, values also include interpersonal relationships, communications, sharing and collaborating, advocacy for students, lifelong learning, and an unyielding belief that every student needs the very best that we can offer as teachers and support staff.
- HELP OTHERS SUCCEED: Observing and not acting on behavior by others that is contrary to the values of the organization not only affects our collective ability to achieve the moral purpose, but also denies the individual(s) the opportunity to change. Take ownership: share concerns with a supervisor. It’s not about “telling,” but about facilitating help for someone who needs to change.
- SET THE EXAMPLE: Each of us has a dual obligation. The first is our own professionalism and commitment to the moral purpose and the values of the organization. The second is to create and contribute to sustaining those same values in the greater environment that surrounds us (i.e., the organizational culture).
Link to What Every Employee Must Know on TSD website: